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Spicy, yet sweet.
so long, farewell..
8/8/2007 3:44:46 PM

Stick a fork in me – I’m done. Or, better yet, cut me a piece of cake, bring the fork with you and feed it to me. I’m done – and I’m tired.

Like anything worth doing, sharing the big moments and tiny minutiae of my life has been challenging, scary, and at times, really fun. I’m sad to go, but really, you deserve some fresh meat.

I’m looking forward to the quiet, and not spending so much time searching for meaning in the everyday moments...just taking life as it comes, not trying to spin the ordinary into something blog worthy or blog-mentionable. Because when you really get down to it, there are lots of days when the most exciting thing that happens is I have a really, really good sandwich.

I’ll leave you now with a link to the phone message that started all of this (

If you ever find yourself in Toronto, wondering where a fudgey piece of cake, a spicy bowl of curry, or a quiet reprieve in a park can be found, look me up on MySpace and I'll give you my official tour of the city, which will leave you a little bloated, but smiling.

Signing off from my balcony on a stormy day – I’m off to play in the windy weather.


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7/26/2007 3:39:35 PM

The past year has been a real learning experience. From the consequences of cheap curry to some real “breakthroughs”, I’ve learned a tonne. And so, I present my top ten lessons:

1. I’m probably too charged for my own good. It’s usually not a bother to me, but at some point, having someone’s hands permanently jammed down your pants might get trying. That, and having someone look at you with glistening twinkle eyes every second of the evening could get tired – like “hello, can you please just let me cut these carrot sticks in peace?”.

2. There is no such thing as cheap Indian food; you end up paying for it sooner or later.

3. Every problem, no matter how large, can be solved (at least temporarily) with the magic combination of a small iced capp and two chocolate timbits. Try it and you’ll see.

4. There is no sweeter word to describe a cooch than “scrumptious”.

5. Modern love staged in an urban centre with a fully formed adult is more about finding common ground and making compromises than it is about finding someone who does exactly what you need them to do at the exact second you need them to do it.

6. That horrible fetid smell coming from my landlord’s apartment is cabbage.

7. Some of the best entertainment in Toronto is performed daily on public transit. Rush hour subway rides are also a great way to get felt up and have your giblets jostled.

8. It takes just under 1 year of dating someone to be comfortable enough to have conversations about the relative health of their digestive system and being able to laugh about the effects of the aforementioned cheap Indian food.

9. Love makes you think weird things. Things like “I wish I could crawl inside the boy’s mouth and camp out there for the night” or “I want to squeeze him so hard that all of his ribs break”. In the moment, they seem like good and viable ideas, after it passes – not so much.

10. Maybe there’s no such thing as “forever”, but it’s much more fun to live like there is, instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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7/25/2007 4:52:14 PM

At the risk of making a statement, only to have the universe conspire against me and render my plan impossible, 4 hours from now, I’ll be standing outside of the boyfriend’s door, index finger extended, mere millimeters away from his doorbell, knees trembling, and sans underwear.

After a long intermission (up yours, mother nature!), my tummy (and everything from my knees to my navel, really) is on fire. And what do you do when you’re on fire?

Stop, drop, and roll.

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two weeks notice
7/17/2007 3:30:08 PM

I almost posted a photo of me on the toilet. It’s a lovely photo, really, even with the sky blue undies around my knees and the foamy toothbrush in my mouth. After over a year (!!) of writing about every possible subject I can think of, I’ve run out of material.

I started writing this blog thinking I’d have lots of dating adventures: some hot and steamy, some tame, and some terrible. Instead, I met someone incredible in record time, and fell quickly, ridiculously, and completely in love. Even from the beginning, dating someone else was totally out of the question. Our fate was sealed from the moment I grabbed the strap on his messenger bag and yanked him towards a Thai restaurant on Bloor Street. With other dates, I would have balked if the kiss was less than stellar, but the clumsy-cute smooch we shared outside of Bay station only made me hungrier.

I still can’t get enough.

Our 1st anniversary was last week, and in true form, he blew me out of the water with his gift: a CD with all of his favourite messages that I left on his answering machine over the past year, including the first message ever, and the one I left after our first date, which was probably the next afternoon, because like I said, he left me hungry.

So, while parts of my life are in constant flux (work, the condo situation, etc), my love life is in a holding pattern. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, but the day-to-day is pretty tame. You deserve front-page news: stories oozing with scandal and dripping with sex. Most days, all I’ve got is a Garfield cartoon.

I’ll be finishing the month with reviews of some of the more interesting positions in the Hooksexup Positions of the Day Playbook and trying not to talk too much about cake or chocolate.

And if the technical pros at Hooksexup can work their magic, I’ll post a few choice phone messages from the aforementioned CD.

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lil glass box in the sky
7/5/2007 3:07:56 PM

I have news. Big news. 500 square feet of news. I bought a place. After struggling with whether or not I should buy in the East End (knowing that someday soon the value will double), or buying a place in the over-priced but way more fun West, I opted for a small 1 bedroom in walking distance to some of my favourite places: Kensington market, and Queen West. I take possession on the 20th, so things are going to happen really fast. Almost too fast, but not quite.

Life is now full of more major purchases: a bed that doesn’t sag in the middle and make violent moaning noises every time I roll over, a couch that isn’t grandma-print floral, and all of the piddly things like dishes and dish towels and regular towels and stuff.

The building is way posher than I’m comfortable with. The luxury of having a washing machine is enough to make me totally excited, let alone all of the fancy schmantz cream my pants amenities like a pool, the rooftop bbq, and a gym of some description. I say “some description” because I haven’t actually seen them yet. So that’ll be a surprise.

Once the lawyer stuff is taken care of, and I move in all of my many, many boxes, it’ll be such a relief. About 85% of my brain has been taken over by the search and the stress. It’ll be nice to think about more important matters like whether Burrito Fresh or Chimichanga has the best Mexican fast food in town, and more time to devote to things like watching movies, taking long, epic baths, and making real dinner for once – not just microwaved, week-old KD. It’ll be nice to have the luxury of being bored, not so stressed out that at any given time, three of my fingernails are torn off and bleeding.

Anyone want to help me pick out paint chips?

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