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Views & Reviews: Say It Isn't So by Louis Bayard  3.28.2001
Cow fisting, feline fellatio, pubic-hair beards must be another Farrelly flick. 

Views & Reviews: Peaches, The Teaches of Peaches by Albert Lee  3.21.2001
Electronica gets its own Lil' Kim in Peaches' The Teaches of Peaches. 

Views & Reviews: Recent History by Anthony Giardina by Louis Bayard  3.14.2001
A dark secret threatens a marriage in Anthony Giardina's novel, Recent History. 

Views & Reviews: Amy Ray, Stag by Rachel Mattson  3.7.2001
The Indigo Girls' Amy Ray hosts an all-girls stag party. 

Views & Reviews: Girls' Night Out by Emily Nussbaum  2.28.2001
On Buffy and ER, wallflowers slowly bloom into lesbianism. 

Views & Reviews: The Body Artist by Don DeLillo by Louis Bayard  2.21.2001
Don DeLillo gets metaphysical in The Body Artist. 

Views & Reviews: Hannibal by Louis Bayard  2.14.2001
Dinner and a movie with Hannibal Lecter. 

Views & Reviews: The Beatles 1 by David Samuels  2.7.2001
Newly smitten, a Lennon man seeks the McCartney within. 

Views & Reviews: In the Mood for Love by Rachel Mattson  1.31.2001
Watching Wong Kar-Wai's latest, our reviewer gets In the Mood for Love. 

Views & Reviews: The Pure and the Impure by Colette by Jennifer Howard  1.24.2001
Artists, aesthetes, inverts oh my! Colette's erotic memoir of the Paris demimonde makes its way back into print. 


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