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Miss Information

Are my boyfriend's sexual hangups personal, or cultural?

by Cait Robinson

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Dear Miss Information, 

I've been involved with a man twenty years my junior for almost a year now. It's a hush-hush relationship, which works well for both of us. But a couple of things don't work well for both of us. I've gone down on him dozens of times, but there's been no move on his part to go any further, or to reciprocate. I'm guessing the non-reciprocation is just because he's kind of egotistical, and pleasing someone else just isn't his thing. I'm actually okay with that, because I love giving head more than I love having someone go down on me. But what I really love is fucking, and he shows no interest in taking that next step. I've told him I want to, I've told him I'm prepared with condoms, lube, etc... but nothing. Have you ever heard of a guy who'd rather get a BJ than get laid?

— Blown Off

Dear Blown Off, 

Oh, sure. I know guys who refuse to touch a girl they're into, for fear of escalating the relationship to a level they can't handle. I know girls who stop at first, second, or third base, as a way of keeping a lid on their attachments. I know people who will sleep with someone on the first date, but disappear before they have to talk about themselves. The line between "comfortable hook-up" and "emotional wilderness" can be wildly different for everyone, but it's kind of a red herring. Often, when someone draws a seemingly arbitrary line like this, it's not the physical act they are avoiding, but rather the intimacy it might engender. 

You say you're in a "hush-hush" relationship. Odds are that he's trying to keep the relationship surrounded in ripstop fabric: if he controls the level of physicality, he can stay more detached. Just a guess. The best way to find out what's going on is to ask him what's going on. A year of an unfulfilling relationship is a long time. All this leads me to wonder: what about this relationship is "working well?" Does your love of giving head really outweigh the fact that he will neither reciprocate nor engage in discussions about trying other things? A friend with benefits should either provide benefits or conversations about benefits — if you find you're getting neither, you may want to examine this whole endeavor.

Dear Miss Information,

I'm living abroad, and I have a really wonderful boyfriend who lives here. He's caring and patient and funny, all that good stuff, but lately the sex has been lacking. We've been dating for around eight months, and while I'm aware that all relationships have a time of adjustment and learning that varies from couple to couple, I've been worried that our language barrier and cultural differences are keeping our sex life below the level that it could be.

The sex is plain vanilla. There's nothing wrong with that, except when it seems like there's no hope of anything else. It's hard to work out the kinks without all the right words in whatever language we choose to use. I do my best to communicate what I like and don't like, and what I want, but it doesn't always seem to work. Because of his culture, he also doesn't seem to be interested in being as communicative as I try to be (he's not hostile about it, but I don't want to nag at him to talk to me about sex), so I have a hard time figuring out what he likes or wants.

I've done the talking and the showing, and nothing seems to really get across. I've thought about maybe watching some videos together, but I'm afraid I would have a hard time finding videos of some normal, non-porn-inflected sex. I feel great about our relationship, but sexually, I'm really starting to lose steam. What can I do? Is this a cultural thing, or are we just sexually incompatible? I feel like we haven't even had enough of a real chance for me to write it off as a plain old mismatch.

 Lost in Translation 

Dear Lost in Translation, 

First of all, where are you from and where are you living now? I assume you're American, given your wording, but both of your cultural backgrounds make a huge difference in this question. A reserved Dane is going to be a different ballgame than a reserved Egyptian, so it's hard to work blind on this. Do you think he has religious reservations? Cultural ones? Or do you think it's just a personal thing? Perhaps insecurity or nervousness? As a fun bonus, we American girls (if this is, indeed, a "we") suffer quite a reputation shock abroad, in that we are often considered "easy." He may find this stereotype intimidating, assuming that you dance on any available pole and bang your roommates in hot tubs. (Thanks for your international dominance, MTV!)

It is interesting, though, that you describe him as "funny." Generally, sense of humor is one of the hardest things to comprehend in another language or culture, and if you're fluent enough in his language (or he in yours) to find each other funny, you're likely fluent enough to communicate where the clitoris is located. That might suggest that this is a personal issue, rather than a linguistic one. 

If I had to guess, I'd say this is likely a personal issue (i.e. his shyness, inexperience, etc.) wrapped up in a cultural one (overt discussions of sex put him on edge). The key, then, might be in trying to find culturally-sensitive ways to bring all this up. It would also be helpful to discuss these things in pressure-free, abstract, and fully-clothed contexts, rather than in the middle of sex. He might be more receptive if there's no immediate pressure to perform. 

This would be a great topic to bring to any local female friends you may have, if only to get insight into his cultural frame of reference. If you don't have close enough friends, think about how the country treats sex in general, and use that to inform your approach. For instance, in a particularly conservative country, you may have to change your phrasing to avoid coming across as an Aggressive American Female. (Shoes! Multiple orgasms! USA! USA!) If formal conversations reach a stalemate, put a renewed effort in nonverbal communication. You can often read when someone is into something, or when they're not; he should be able to pick up the same signals about you.

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Commentarium (24 Comments)

Apr 15 12 - 1:58am

Where can I find women like Blown Off?

Apr 15 12 - 4:03am

Blown Off: He's just not that into you. DTMFA.

LiT: He's a jerk. DTMFA.

Apr 15 12 - 1:27pm

Why is LiT's guy a jerk? Sounds like he's just shy and inexperienced to me, maybe boring at worst.

Apr 16 12 - 11:23am
This is why

He'll receive dozens of blowjobs but not reciprocate or even have p-in-v, even though she's told him flat out that she wants to. That's not boring, it's selfish. If he's shy and inexperienced and that's really all, then he should be honest about that instead of making her feel like all she's good for is blowing him and keeping it "hush-hush."

Apr 16 12 - 6:55pm

Wrong letter, This is why.

Apr 16 12 - 10:52pm

LiT has made an effort at communicating and showing and the boyfriend is having none of it. I think after EIGHT MONTHS that makes him a jerk. But shy or vanila, either way, DTMFA.

Apr 15 12 - 9:19am

Shoes! Multiple orgasms! USA! USA!

Apr 16 12 - 7:21am
True Patriot

I expect to hear this chanted all throughout the upcoming Olympics. Ladies, your country is counting on you.

Apr 16 12 - 4:59pm

This is my mantra

Apr 15 12 - 9:31am

For Lost in Translation, if you really want to try the video route (it may be easier than talking), I'd look at one of the Comstock films. They're real couples who talk about their sex life and then have actual sex on camera. I've seen a few, and they're intimate and sweet - the opposite of most porn.

Apr 19 12 - 2:21pm

Thanks for this, M!

Apr 15 12 - 9:59am

LW1: Are you sure this is a relationship? It's "hush-hush", meaning the people in his life don't know about you, and/or you don't appear in public together. You've never had sex, he's never gone down on you, and you've blown him 12 times. Usually, a relationship has a public component (people recognize you as a couple) as well as a private component (shared intimacy, both emotional and physical). Seems you have neither with this dude. Is it possible that he would describe this, not as a "relationship," but as a casual hookup thing that has happened randomly a few times over the past year? If so, that could explain his behavior - maybe he has sex with someone else, but he sees you as the person who's happy to come over and give him blowjobs. If that description doesn't work for you, stop doing it.

LW2: They don't say "sex is the universal language" for nothing...Kinkiness is one of the easiest things to communicate through a language barrier, so I would tend to believe the problem is personal, not cultural, but...if there's something specific you want to try out, just initiate it and see if he is into it, same as you would with an english-speaking partner. But if his sensuality style just isn't doing it for you, then it's probably a compatibility problem that has nothing to do with language.

Apr 15 12 - 11:47pm

She says she has gone down on hin *dozens* of times, not just one dozen. I guess that just serves to further the point that she has been used badly for entirely too long.

Apr 15 12 - 10:38am

To "blown off" look up the term "Being used" and if there's a picture you recognize, it's you. What does he have to do but drop his pants and you do the rest, there's one thing about "giving" that is great, I know, I prefer to give as well, but he should want to reciprocate out of consideration, he doesn't when you ask, stop being used

Apr 15 12 - 1:23pm

Do we know that Blown Off is a woman? What if the writer is a man in a hush hush relationship with a gent in the closet and/or uncomfortable going whole hog on his sexuality? That would change the dynamic of the question/answers significantly

Apr 15 12 - 2:44pm

Yes, but I understand that there's a population of men in the gay community that focus mostly on oral sex, and don't really enjoy anal. So I think if you are a gay man 20 years older than your partner, that you might have heard this rumor. If it's a woman, it makes more sense.

Apr 15 12 - 3:13pm

I really don't see how it matters. It's a very low-investment fuckbuddy relationship, and the LW is not getting their fuckbuddy needs met. So DTMFA.

Apr 17 12 - 10:32pm

Generally, I would say using the phrase 'going down' would hint at Blown Off being a woman. Of course, not always, but when you have refer to your 'boyfriend' as 'giving him head', I would say it is a MF relationship.

That said, no, doesn't matter. He is selfish asshole.

Apr 15 12 - 8:59pm

I'm guessing here that Blown Off's "hush hush" relationship means that one or both of them is cheating on someone else. In which case, might it make sense to assume that the dude who won't go beyond BJs has drawn this line so that he can feel he's being honest when he tells his wife / partner / girlfriend that he isn't "having sex" with someone else?

Apr 15 12 - 11:24pm

LW1: What? You (who may be male or female) have been blowing a guy for a year now and he neither reciprocates nor fucks you? Uh why? What's in it for you? Ask him to reciprocate first. Everytime. Then at least you'll get some. Or bounce. Why should he change if he doesnt have to.

LW2: You don't want to nag him to talk to you about sex???? It's sex! Who doesn't like talking about sex? Not like it's taxes. Maybe the motherfucker is just vanilla. Or has never seen kinky porn and it never occurred to him. Buy some handcuffs, pull em out! All he can do is say no.

Apr 16 12 - 11:12am

Definitely the guy who just wants the blow jobs is definitely not that into you... I've done it myself... sex is that line you don't cross if you're afraid it's going to escalate the relationship to the next level...

Apr 16 12 - 3:13pm
Bond...Covalent Bond

Disappointed Cait didn't work a 'cunning linguist' pun into the LW2 response. Any takers?

Apr 19 12 - 2:14pm

Ahaha. Now I'm a little disappointed, too. In my defense, the first time my first exposure to that term was via the musical "Cabaret" during a really awkward acne-and-high-school time period, so it kind of seemed "done" to me. ( Though I am not proud of my history with musical theater, I am proud of my teen taste in celebrity crushes. Thanks, Bond..., for getting me to search this and subsequently losing about 20 minutes of my day.

Apr 17 12 - 7:04am

Lost in Translation is an idiot. Where the fuck are you from, and where the fuck is your boyfriend from? That is vital information. Don't make the columnist guess.

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