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Este Haim

Los Angeles, CA

A lot of these questions are going to be about dating advice.
It's a good thing, because I feel like I'm the next Patti Stanger. I feel like I could be The Millionaire Matchmaker.

Your sisters are in the band with you. Have you ever set them up?
You know, it's funny. It hasn't really been successful. Everyone that I talk to who likes either of my sisters — which is pretty much all my dude friends — whenever they approach Alana, the first thing they say is, "If I make out with you, are your sisters going to hate me?" They're kind of scared of what we're all going to do if they break our hearts.

Before you were in a relationship, did you meet guys through music?
Oh yeah. But it wasn't like I picked up the bass to get dudes to fuck me. I feel like that's how it is with dudes — they slap on a guitar and they're like, "Every chick is going to want to schtup me!" Dudes come to shows, and they'll ask if they can buy me a drink, but I don't really find the most meaningful relationships through dudes who come to my shows. I've definitely enjoyed their company, but to be honest, all of my full-blown relationships, I've met through friends.

How has your love life influenced your songs? Do you write about any specific boyfriends or ex-boyfriends?
Yeah. Danielle and Alana and I, we all write all of our songs together. The music and the lyrics, everything comes from us. Ninety percent of our songs come from our lives. The other ten percent, a friend will tell us a story, or we'll find inspiration somewhere else. All of the songs on our EP are about specific dudes in our lives who we've dated or broken up with. It's definitely something to draw from. Who doesn't love writing a big "fuck you" breakup song? They're the most fun, and it's the biggest relief. But those actually don't end up making the cut with the live shows. We don't want to be too Alanis Morrissette-y.

How could a fan hit on you at SXSW?
A really funny pickup line — I don't know if he was being serious — it was after a show, and we were playing with this band from Ireland. We hadn't played yet, and I was just kind of sitting at the bar. This Irish guy comes up to me and goes, "You must be Irish, because my penis is doublin'."

Oh my God.
Honestly, there was a huge part of me that was like, "I think I just found my soul mate." I thought it was funny. The key to my heart is being funny and being silly and not really taking yourself too seriously. I guess that at SXSW, the way to my heart is, "Can I buy you a burger?" If you can offer me food, I will probably be down. That's a no-brainer. Word to the wise: if you want to get in the pants of the Haim girls, just buy us food.

I've been dating this girl for a couple of months and I really like her. Does a couple of months mean that we're "dating?" Should I bring up the whole "where is this going" question?
If you're seeing one person exclusively for more than two months, you're dating. To me, that's kind of a big deal. You're definitely dating. I have a three-week rule. If I like hanging out with you for more than three weeks, I can handle hanging out with you for a longer period of time. With my boyfriend now, we didn't even really have the "what are we?" conversation. It was kind of implicit. We went out one night after my show, when we'd been dating for two-and-a-half months, and he introduced himself to someone as my boyfriend. I was like, "Okay, cool. We're dating. I'm not seeing anyone else, he's not seeing anyone else. We are what we are."

I'm a guy who recently broke up with my girlfriend of one year. I subscribe to her Twitter, and she has these passive-aggressive messages that might refer to me. I prefer not to be in contact with her at all, but should I call her out on it?
If this bitch is really posting shit on the Webbernets about her relationship, then she's vapor. She doesn't matter. This guy needs to let it go and let this bitch do what she wants to do.

I've had a crush on a guy at work for a few months now. He's my age, and he's married, but he and his wife recently separated. How do I gracefully swoop in and get with him?
Does she just want to fuck him? That's easy. That's just getting his number and inviting him over. That's kind of an implicit invitation to hang out. And especially if it's late at night, and it's after work, that's an invitation to get down. If she wants to have a relationship with him, I personally don't think that that's a good move. He's recently separated. If anything, I feel like she should wait it out and wait 'til he's at least been separated for a good six months before you really try to get at him with the dating thing. Personally, my game is that I'm a complete bitch to a guy. It's my defense mechanism, but I weed out all the lametards. But for her, give it time.

I recently lost fifty pounds, and now a lot more girls seem interested in me, but I'm not very confident yet. How do I ask out these girls who I'm pretty sure are flirting with me?
First of all, good for him! That's fucking awesome. If a girl is flirting with you, that's 95% of the battle right there. Personally, if I was at a party and I was flirting with a guy and by the end of the night he didn't ask for my number, I'd be a little offended. I remember one specific situation where I was flirting with this guy at a party. This was my first year of college. I was at some stupid UCLA frat party. And this guy was really hot, and we were talking for like two hours. And then he said, "Okay, I'm going to go!" And I was like, "Okay... I'll see you around." And he left! What the fuck was that? He didn't even ask for my number. Honestly, I was offended, but at the same time I thought, "That is so hot." But — clincher! The next day I got a text from him: "Hey, it's so-and-so. I got your number from your friends. I wanted to know if you wanted to get coffee." I was like, "That is so smooth!" He kind of had game. He kind of negged me. Like what's-his-face.

Yeah, Mystery.

So the solution to asking you out is negging you and offering you food.
Exactly. If you treat me like shit, and then you offer me food, that's how you get in my pants. That's actually a surefire way. Panties are already on the floor.

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Commentarium (5 Comments)

Mar 12 12 - 3:56pm

"Mike: I think you can kind of tell when someone is on the prowl."

Yup! You definitely can.

Mar 12 12 - 11:53pm

Ugh, the Haim lady sounded blech.

Mar 15 12 - 12:56pm

LOL - So the solution to asking you out is negging you and offering you food.
Exactly. If you treat me like shit, and then you offer me food, that's how you get in my pants. That's actually a surefire way. Panties are already on the floor.

Mar 18 12 - 10:11am
Thank you!

Thank you, Jinna! I agree. It always ticks me off when women go out of their way to sound so casual about sex, and so unaffected by all that surrounds it. Maybe they think that helps them with their 'Too-Cool-For-School' hipster cred?...Or in this case, judging by their look in the picture..nouveau bohemian hipster cred. ha! LAME. What would make it even funnier would be if she was like, 22 0r 23. In that case, I'd say "uh..yeah. not buying it, hon!" 'yahhh thanks for the burger, dude. Let's bang.'

Mar 21 12 - 1:05pm

Yeah! I know. I'm not trying to judge her or guess where she's coming from, but dude or lady or other, I don't perceive a very thoughtful or articulate vibe from her. Again...blech.

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