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It's President's Day and just like every year, lists ranking the efficacy, intelligence, and popularity of the forty-three U.S. Presidents abound. Here at Hooksexup, we put together our own list, celebrating the most important presidential characteristic: sex appeal.

43.) Richard Nixon

Certainly the least sexy person connected in any way to Deep Throat, Richard Nixon is irredeemable. The receding brow, the virulent racism, the opposition to everything sexy about the '60s. This man gives the lie to the idea that power is always sexy.

42.) William Howard Taft

There's not much to say about Taft, except that out of all the presidents, he definitely bore the strongest resemblance to Garfield the cat. He ended the Progressive Era and later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, but we're guessing the only thing you know about him is that he once got stuck in the White House bathtub.

41.) Warren G. Harding


He had a face like putty and a dour look only a banker could love. Also, his name was Warren. Unsexy.

40.) Benjamin Harrison


He was chubby, old, and undistinguished. Very few have ever fantasized about Benjamin Harrison, possibly because most people have forgotten he existed.

39.) Grover Cleveland


Cleveland was the only man to serve two non-consecutive terms, thereby screwing up the numbering system — thanks for that, buddy. He was also very ugly.

38.) John Quincy Adams


Quincy Adams looks like an angrier, skinner, balder version of his father (no prize himself).

37.) John Adams


He gave us most of the legal principles we value dearly, but he did not do New England proud in the looks department, with a face that wouldn't be out of place at a Belushi family reunion. (And actually, there's a reason Paul Giamatti got cast in his biopic.)

36.) William Henry Harrison


He had a big nose, a bad comb-over, and luckily for him, the Darwin Awards were still over a century away from their inception: after refusing to wear an overcoat while giving his Inaugural Address, he caught pneumonia, and died a month into his term. FAIL.

35.) Herbert Hoover


The puckered old-man face is a turn-off, but causing the Great Depression is worse.

34.) Millard Fillmore


He's ugly, he knows it, and he doesn't care. (Which, actually, is kind of sexy... but still.)

33.) James Buchanan


A giant, white-haired baby.

32.) Rutherford B. Hayes


Rutherford B. Hayes botched Reconstruction, to the lasting detriment of African-Americans. He also had a stupid beard.

31.) James Madison


Sure, he's the father of the Constitution, but he was only five-foot-four.

30.) Calvin Coolidge

The strong, silent type... in an off-putting, "please don't make my skin into a lampshade" kind of way.

29.) William McKinley


McKinley's huge forehead and stern demeanor remind us of a high-school principal, and while some people out there harbor leftover teacher-student fantasies, we're not among them.

28.) Chester A. Arthur


Arthur was not a very attractive man, but he rocked some outrageous muttonchops. (Here, let's take a closer look.) Confidence is sexy, and it definitely takes confidence to look like that.


Comments ( 163 )

Obama should be #1 and Chester A. Arthur # 2. Most WOMEN would agree with the pick for #1 except for the racist ass holes. Men aren't qualified to vote. That includes gay men, most of whom refer to each other as, "She" thereby negating their judgment and credibility.
H H commented on Feb 14 10 at 12:19 pm
"W" doesn't look anything like his father. He's acually looks EXACTLY like his mother. Line up pics of Babs, "W" and Jenna, and it looks like a very successful triple cloning.
DD commented on Feb 14 10 at 12:45 pm
Obama is the sexiest and should be #1.
sjk commented on Feb 14 10 at 12:47 pm
Re Franklin Pierce, my mother is also a Pierce, but tracing her ancestry I found that Franklin had no descendants who lived into adolescence. How come Barbara is so cool? Has anyone asked her? ptf
ptf commented on Feb 14 10 at 12:53 pm
If I were a women notrhing would urge me to turn my head except when BC is arround.... From the GripeVibew.... & Donag..//
Dona commented on Feb 15 10 at 1:01 am
#17 is pretty high for LBJ....he doesn't belong in the top 30
pjg commented on Feb 15 10 at 1:17 am
you have let your own personal opinions dictate you choices I disagree with most of them. for obama being third you are way off his mouth is to big and his ears make him look like dumbo getting ready to fly and his face is too skinny and I don't want to see him without his shirt.
jj commented on Feb 15 10 at 1:40 am
Who put this list together? Was there a group of people? TR #1? Please. He was short, stout, and asthmatic. Richard Nixon at #43 is silly. GWB is not as attractive as his father was. Jerry Ford is behind a whole bunch of uglies. It really is a lousy list and as a woman, I can tell you that it is just plain wrong.
MB commented on Feb 14 10 at 2:34 pm
Gerald Ford was a Male Model and was on the cover of COSMO!! Calvin Coolidge was considered an extremely attractive man while he was in office. What the hell is the criteria? At first i thought it was just looking at their presidential portrait and nothing else, then all these things about their achievements come into the comments but unfortunately the comments reveal this author doesn't know crap about real American history. They seem to know even less about the presidents who aren't 20th century or later. Franklin Pierce gets that high on the list as an ALCOHOLIC who drank himself out of the oval office? Yet Nixon gets all of his foibles held against him. It seems the author didn't even bother to learn about the presidents.
wert commented on Feb 14 10 at 3:06 pm
Gerald Ford was a Male Model and was on the cover of COSMO!! Calvin Coolidge was considered an extremely attractive man while he was in office. What the hell is the criteria? At first i thought it was just looking at their presidential portrait and nothing else, then all these things about their achievements come into the comments but unfortunately the comments reveal this author doesn't know crap about real American history. They seem to know even less about the presidents who aren't 20th century or later. Franklin Pierce gets that high on the list as an ALCOHOLIC who drank himself out of the oval office? Yet Nixon gets all of his foibles held against him. It seems the author didn't even bother to learn about the presidents.
wert commented on Feb 14 10 at 3:17 pm
Gerald Ford was a Male Model and was on the cover of COSMO!! Calvin Coolidge was considered an extremely attractive man while he was in office. What the hell is the criteria? At first i thought it was just looking at their presidential portrait and nothing else, then all these things about their achievements come into the comments but unfortunately the comments reveal this author doesn't know crap about real American history. They seem to know even less about the presidents who aren't 20th century or later. Franklin Pierce gets that high on the list as an ALCOHOLIC who drank himself out of the oval office? Yet Nixon gets all of his foibles held against him. It seems the author didn't even bother to learn about the presidents.
wert commented on Feb 14 10 at 3:49 pm
Two of your bottom five fathered illegitimate children. So they couldn't have been all that unsexy.
msh commented on Feb 14 10 at 3:51 pm
Nobody got more a$$ than Warren G. Harding. His sex life made Bill Clinton look like a choirboy. Obviously a few women found him attractive.
RG commented on Feb 14 10 at 4:03 pm
Are some of these comments for real? lighten up...its all in fun. You are reading it off a website for "love, sex, culture". Being sexy is more than just looks anyway. Besides everyone has different opinions on what is attractive. And yes, Obama is sexy, ears and all!
ace commented on Feb 14 10 at 4:26 pm
Obama looks like a black Alfred E. Newman. What me worry.
pls commented on Feb 14 10 at 4:43 pm
Blll Clinton, always my #1
akr commented on Feb 14 10 at 6:42 pm
I thought I'd see Obama and Kennedy as numbers 1 and 2. I saved that picture of him with his shirt off. And I still have it! ;)
dmg commented on Feb 14 10 at 6:59 pm
To h, 8th down from top - Anyone born in Massachusettes has been in some way a decendent of John and John Quincy Adams. And Sam Adams! ;)
dmg commented on Feb 14 10 at 7:06 pm
Move Grant up. Not a drunk (common misperception), the guy Kicked Robert E. Lee's ass and saved the Union...gotta count for something!!!
KJD commented on Feb 14 10 at 7:26 pm
The Mr. Cool Obama photo with the sunglasses and the black suit.....sigh.
KCH commented on Feb 14 10 at 8:56 pm
JFK should have been number one
cs commented on Feb 14 10 at 9:39 pm
Right on with TR, he was one our great Renaissance Men, a fighter, peacemaker, author, outdoorsman, conservationist, a great speaker and inspiration for modern men. Yeah, he had his flaws, but he pretty much created the national parks and was once shot on the way to a speech... and went on to give the speech and finish out the event, before finally going to the hospital hours later.
MD commented on Feb 14 10 at 10:43 pm
Aw...cmon, it's just contrariarism not to put JFK in number one. He makes me feel a little gay.
ac commented on Feb 14 10 at 10:48 pm
I guess tastes change. My American text book in high school referred to Warren G. Harding as "one of the handsomest men of his generation." His playboy good looks seem to be the one of the only positive things to say about his regrettable term in office. On the other hand, maybe some people's looks actually IMPROVE with in the light of history. In his own lifetime, Abraham Lincoln was considered a singularly ugly man. Every few years modern scientist and medical researchers publish some new theory to explain this face only a mother could love. Based largely on analysis of surviving photographs, his facial features have been used as evidence for a whole catalog of medical disorders, from Marfans to cranial facial microsomia.
GBS commented on Feb 14 10 at 10:49 pm
Barack Obama is so hot! Total babe with personality and intelligence. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are the sweetest couple around.
js commented on Feb 14 10 at 10:58 pm
Why did you guys use such a goofy photo of President Obama?
js commented on Feb 14 10 at 11:01 pm
Um... Where's James Monroe?
SA commented on Feb 14 10 at 11:06 pm
why this photo of Obama? You want to make him as if he is not a President.
ar commented on Feb 14 10 at 11:19 pm
what are you friggin smokin, this list in this order is a look back at LSD...!
dm commented on Feb 14 10 at 11:47 pm
Andrew Jackson was responsible for sending the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears. If not 43rd, that should land him at 42nd.
EM commented on Feb 15 10 at 12:08 am
James Monroe is #15
TMI commented on Feb 15 10 at 12:21 am
You clearly don't know about the "Warren Harding Error"
ww commented on Feb 15 10 at 12:28 am
OBAMA is not a valid prez!
cpc commented on Feb 15 10 at 2:13 am
Obama is soooooo sexy, he is definately the hottest we've had. But poor choice in photos.
Xx commented on Feb 15 10 at 3:17 am
Obama is def #1. Presidents have been uncute except Obana and JFK. Dubya was cute before he was prez and aged.
Cc commented on Feb 15 10 at 3:31 am
just talked w/ a colleague who met johnson in the 60's and found him to be very sexy. also, there's something about william henry harrison that should bring him up to the top ten...
dw commented on Feb 15 10 at 5:32 am
What on earth do you consider sexy. Looks, personality, intelligence, power, wealth. I need to be able to look at the man during and after for sexy to be considered. So Bush II is out. The man is just stupid in the way he thinks and acts. Bush I is a nerd - so he is out too. JFK definitely has the looks, the personality, the intelligence, the power and the wealth. So I would put him 1st. Obama can go second - maybe not the power and the wealth, but definitely the next best looking and one of the smartest up there - and a smile to die for.
MON commented on Feb 15 10 at 8:31 am
Good thing this isn't "sexiest person on currency" cuz Andrew Jackson begins and ends that list. Crazysexycool, and a sawbuck to boot. Awwwwww, yeeeeaaahhhhhh, muthufucka.
PO commented on Feb 15 10 at 8:59 am
Typical liberal BS got nothing better to do. Had to be created by ether a woman or gay man that needs to get laid. Really Now get a life!
sp commented on Feb 15 10 at 9:23 am
The reason Obama's picture looks different than the rest is not a secret move to devalue him in our eyes. I'm pretty sure it's just because he hasn't been president long enough to have his official portrait painted. Although, there likely is a sexier photo of the man out there....
FM commented on Feb 15 10 at 10:04 am
Teddy Roosevelt was a sickly asthmatic who created all the macho stuff as an image. He was a marketer. Read a little history.
see commented on Feb 15 10 at 10:49 am
I'm excitedly waiting for the hottest first ladies list! Eddie from Austin
EE commented on Feb 15 10 at 11:09 am
Teddy well deserves the top spot! The man killed a grizzly bear and who knows about that "big stick" he's so famous for carrying!
mr commented on Feb 15 10 at 11:25 am
I'm as liberal as the day is long, but I totally wouldn't kick W out of bed for eating crackers. Especially young W. And when Robin Williams played TR is that museum movie, that kind of ruined any sexiness Roosevelt might have exuded. Fun list though! Made me laugh.
RAE commented on Feb 15 10 at 11:45 am
A young Thomas Jefferson. He purportedly had a really big library
sat commented on Feb 15 10 at 11:59 am
George W Bush is by far the Sexiest, Bravest, Sexiest, Bravest, Sexiest, Bravest(sorry my computer is stuck) Sexiest, Bravest, Sexiest, Bravest President in History and going forward. Especially NOW. Obama is not even sexy.He's a wanna be. Obama is so jealous of Bush.
dfy commented on Feb 15 10 at 12:22 pm
My favorite part of this list is the comments. THIS IS SATIRE: What's funny about it is that they're judging presidents by something completely unrelated to their performance in office, but isn't this an important factor in how we elect them anyway? I especially love the people who know WAY too much about presidents who are so outraged. Finally, TR was no racist. He could have done more, sure, but he was far more liberal than most people of his day on the matter and was the first president to entertain a black man, was in favor of a desegregated army and school system (as governor of New York he desegregated the schools) and was a proponent, it simply wasn't the core of his platform. If Howard Zinn says otherwise, then he is wrong.
DJFA commented on Feb 15 10 at 12:27 pm
George Bush Jr should of been pushed up a little more Barack is one ugly mother fucker he should be next be like 31
MF commented on Feb 16 10 at 1:31 am
Fuck Clint Eastwood: Andrew Jackson was the 50 Cent of the Oval Office. Remember that next time you're rolling with a roll of Jacksons.
kb commented on Feb 15 10 at 2:26 pm
Time to lay off the pipe! If you think Obama is a "certifiable genius"....then you're a "certifiable crackhead"!
SW commented on Feb 15 10 at 2:38 pm

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