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Teenage Lust

By Sarah Hepola

i liked the fact that the author presented both male and female perspectives on the movie. if the author's name had been omitted, would you be able to identify the gender?

  • posted by dwpbike on 10/27/2007 4:28:58 PM
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Fast times was in such a spot in my life where I lusted after Phobe but wanted J.J. leigh more. She was so girl next door, where Phoebe was this unbelievable godess

  • posted by buckokuma on 10/25/2007 9:37:05 PM
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Agree that Phobe cates tits are the most spectacular that ever have or prbably ever will be preserved on film. As for the Zep IV comment - EVERYBODY knows it isn't what is playing in the car. Per the gist of the article - clueless kids thinking they know more than they do - everybody always took great pride in pointing out "That's not on Zepplin iV!" Wanna talk about being a geek for this flick - here goes:
Heckerling explains it in the director commentary. Getting any Zepplin song cleared for any movie was damn near impossible at the time. As a special favor to Crowe they were able to get what they got. Director and writer were grateful and actually twisted it to mean that "Rat" tried to follow the advice - but got it wrong. They were WELL aware it was NOT Zepplin iV. Let it bug you no more, embrace the "mistake" as part of the movie.

  • posted by senakle on 10/23/2007 11:49:54 PM

no, those tits are and forever more are perfect. I long to both hug and punch Kevin Kline. I'd buy him a drink -- and beg his and Phoebe's fogiveness -- afterwards.

And yet ... that still photo captures a pretty epic camel toe, too. All of a sudden I'm transported back to 7th grade.

  • posted by juancarloseduard on 10/23/2007 12:56:14 AM

This knowledge comes by way of being a movie and music geek.

1. Nicholas Cage did not appear in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Well, he did, but he wasn't using the last name "Cage" yet. He's listed in the credits as Nicholas Coppola, a name he later changed to avoid being accused of riding the coattails of his famous director uncle, Francis Ford Coppola.

2. Cage actually did have a speaking part in Fast Times. In the scene where Brad and his buddies are standing in the gym awaiting class assignments, Cage says "Hey Brad. Your sister Stacy is a fox!" That scene got cut, but you can still see it in the cable version of the movie.

3. The Led Zeppelin scene always bothered me. Mike Damone gives Mark Ratner the sage advice to play side two of Led Zeppelin IV to "get the girl in the mood." Notice that when Mark and Stacy are driving to the German Restaurant, he plays "Kashmir". Kashmir isn't on Led Zeppelin IV. It's on Physical Graffiti.

Man, I have watched this movie way too many times.

  • posted by britpopfan on 10/22/2007 4:58:37 PM



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