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just put me out of my misery already

Sep 28 2004 10:56AM

Dammit - There's no fun in quitting. Why do we even bother to vote if everyone just decides to leave?

Having said that, I'd like to thank you for the effort you put in these past months. I loved your blog and want to wish you luck with everything.

  • posted by imprimis7 on 10/16/2004 9:28:54 PM

Alleged_Hubris: Wow. I totally dated that (same type of) asshole. I bet more than a few of us have. I'm glad you figured it out sooner rather than later.

Better luck next time, babe.

Cinethesia: You were my favorite blogger. I'll miss you. Good luck with the boy.

  • posted by mzlez on 10/16/2004 4:30:02 PM

In case anyone cares for an update, I did end it - on the phone. I was going to go over there but then decided he didn't deserve that much courtsey. The instigation was actually a bit of dirty trick on my part (but my gut was telling me he was no good - sometimes you need to know for sure, ya know?) when I sent him a fake response on this (it had bothered me for a while he still had a profile up when we were seeing each other all the time for about 4 months). He responded with alacrity to the imaginary girl saying he'd met a girl (describing me) he'd gone on a couple of dates with and there'd been no chemistry. Ouch. A couple of dates = 4 months?? And then after I got this message he called me to "hang out". So I dumped the douchebag on the phone without telling him what I knew. This was a couple of days ago - I cried once but now am ready to meet cute new delts-and-dimples owners.

Thanks for listening, y'all.

  • posted by alleged_hubris on 10/15/2004 4:40:33 PM

oops - just saw your goodbye. well, hail & farewell & all that sort of thing... almost said "hair & farewell" - that would be better, right? good luck...

  • posted by dotcom_dude2 on 10/9/2004 10:28:16 PM

Hadn't you ought to get blogging? Your pith and vinegar are missed.

  • posted by dotcom_dude2 on 10/9/2004 10:25:36 PM

kiki | karina,

it's not often that i stumble across dorothy parker reincarnated. deft, bereft, bitter, hopeful, sloppy, gorgeous, ferocious, eloquent.

you're the imminent threat of a proverbial 5-car pileup. and, of course, i mean that in the best way.

you veer dangerously far over the bridge and then say it was just for the view. you are generous with your friends, giving yourself a pretty ridiculous shortshrift when you've really got it, and got it in spades.

there were times when i was tempted to jump into the fray here in comments land, especially when folks missed the joke or couldn't tell a sly friend from a detractor. but really the only thing that got me to log in and actually post was to say goodbye.

thanks + good luck,

  • posted by ru_quixotic on 10/8/2004 7:28:51 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: lula_mae

Lots of feedback for a relatively brief entry.
You look neither slutty nor ugly, although you do seem to be as mad as a sack of badgers, as we say here.

Oh, sorry, did you mean "slutty" in a pejorative or complimentary sense ?

See ya !

Steve, London, UK

  • posted by frazernash on 10/7/2004 1:16:15 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: patient1003617

Thank you for your art, Karina. . I've loved it stupid big. . You don't have to smile for anybody. . I read your stuff and I think about author Mary Karr and all the shit she's been through. . East Texas. . drug abuse. . crazy alcoholic and abusive mom. . lots and lots of heavy stuff. . and I think about her now, staring out over a soccer field, in her early forties, on a bitterly cold day in March, in Syracuse, where she teaches writing, watching her son play a match with the other kids. She's not smiling, but she made it. . she fuckin' made it out.

  • posted by rangitoto on 10/7/2004 12:08:30 PM

Hey everyone,

I'm not going to be able to write a final blog, but I just wanted to say thank to everyone for reading these past few months. I can't do this anymore for a lot of reasons, but I do appreciate everyone's feedback and attention (positive and negative). I've learned a lot, and that is invaluable.

kisses to all the readers, and bloggers past, present and future,


  • posted by mybacklash on 10/5/2004 11:41:05 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: cinethesia

eeehhhh! Just as I thought...weird ass east coasters! I'd rather concentrate on one activity at a time, whether I'm giving the oral or receiving!

  • posted by stagebuilder on 10/4/2004 4:23:01 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: stagebuilder

A "blumpkin" is the term for when a girl gives a guy a blowjob while he's taking a shit. It's very intimate.

  • posted by hail_to_the_beef on 10/4/2004 11:25:48 AM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: hail_to_the_beef

What the heck is a "blumpkin" and how do I get a woman to do it to me? Is this some strange "east coast" thingy?
"slutty and / or ugly?"
Girl, I think you're one very cute looker, even if you don't smile in your pics. I try to smile for photos and they look sinister!

  • posted by stagebuilder on 10/3/2004 9:10:35 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: stagebuilder

Ooops. My bad. I meant to direct that last comment to Alleged_Hubris. You must forgive me, as it seems I'm not a very careful reader.

  • posted by mzlez on 10/3/2004 2:47:43 PM

Yeah Carpy, you should end it. Life is too short to waste one more second of it with a douchebag who can't commit. Even if the sex is fulfilling, think about how frustrated you are the rest of the time.

  • posted by mzlez on 10/3/2004 2:45:30 PM

"I just generally wanted to complain that you have a boyfriend after 1 month and the guy I see 4-5x/week for the last 3 months and I are "casually hanging out" or have an arrangement."

I actually totally feel your pain. But you have to dump him. It's the only way - that way when he calls you in 6-10 months "just to say hi", and you're then with someone who actually cares about you, you will win.

and how'd you know about hawaii, carpathian? i think someone is double-blog-dipping!

um, and thanks for the votes.

  • posted by mybacklash on 9/30/2004 2:09:00 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: cinethesia

So did you give him that Blumpkin yet?

  • posted by hail_to_the_beef on 9/30/2004 11:57:57 AM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: hail_to_the_beef

scrabble and hot sex? i hate you so much....


i changed my vote from a 10 to a 1. call me a flip-flopper if you must.

  • posted by pubscrub on 9/29/2004 1:17:24 PM

Let me get this straight - you have a hot boyfriend who appears to be smitten with you, good sex with said boyfriend, a winter trip to Hawaii coming up (which will also advance your academic career), the eye of major national media upon you, etc. Don't you know that the real point of this feature on Hooksexup is to make the rest of us feel better about OUR crummy lives? Sorry, but I'm voting to give you a "ten."

  • posted by thecarpathian on 9/29/2004 7:18:40 AM

I didn't change a score. I just generally wanted to complain that you have a boyfriend after 1 month and the guy I see 4-5x/week for the last 3 months and I are "casually hanging out" or have an arrangement. Maybe I just go for the dickheads... doh! But the sex is too good to get out.

  • posted by alleged_hubris on 9/28/2004 11:34:07 PM

Mind you, these bloggers are being paid to blog... and if they're not blogging, let some other poor sod earn some cash!

And it's not bullying just because an opinion is strongly worded.

At the bottom of each post, it says "Leave Comments." It doesn't say, "Leave compliments and encouragement and sycophantic b.s."

  • posted by rocket_queen on 9/28/2004 6:43:23 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: p

With a single tear rolling down my cheek I gave you a score of 1.

  • posted by geosex on 9/28/2004 6:08:23 PM

i don't know if it was the blowjob, you cumming twice or the scrabble score, but that entry gave me a hard-on.

  • posted by ninostarr on 9/28/2004 5:49:56 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: whipsnade

i don't know if it was the blowjob, you cumming twice or the scrabble score, but that entry gave me a hard-on.

  • posted by ninostarr on 9/28/2004 5:49:25 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: ok

If you don't want to look slutty in pics., smile. . you've a round face. . you'll look like a cherub. . you'd have to try pretty hard to look ugly, though. .

on another note, Karina goes not just if we low-ball her, but rescue our mal-contented everyman blackolive from the beefy-blogger-bullies. (dudes, don't be bullies)

  • posted by rangitoto on 9/28/2004 3:50:34 PM

i gave you a perfect 10 after reading "withnail's" comment. that should fix the screwiness...

  • posted by roamund on 9/28/2004 1:08:41 PM

Follow Strumpet's lead. She got herself off somehow w/o having to wait for us to plunge her into the depths of below 6 in the ratings.

  • posted by kaytey on 9/28/2004 12:52:01 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: kayseven

Next time give him a blumpkin! He'll fucking love it!

  • posted by hail_to_the_beef on 9/28/2004 12:47:06 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: hail_to_the_beef

Ok, to aid you in your quest to get booted off here, I gave you a 2, just now. And your rating went UP. Something's screwy around here....

  • posted by withnail_and_i on 9/28/2004 12:15:24 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: Mmmmmfashnik