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Reader Feedback on "Heart of Glass"
Oh, my god, am I the only one who melts for Robin Young, from "Here and Now?" The little tiny, throaty "mmm" that is her favorite response to some insightful, poignant, or puzzling utterance by one of her guests. Rrrrowrr.
I myself am totally obsessed with Kai Risdall... is that even how you spell his name? He gives me Money Market figures and economic forecasts and all I want to do is invest.
Ah, Ira...a thousand hearts are breaking. We could have been so good.
I agree with someone above: Scott Simon does it for me every time. Something so knowing and casual about his voice. Kinda Harrison Ford. I don't want to see a picture, either. You know, of course, about the theory about women being audio-triggered and men being image-triggered? In my experience it's so true. All I want online is guys who can write me lusty, intelligent, witty, engaged prose, and all guys want are pictures, pictures, pictures.
Sarah, I enjoyed your essay immensely. I met Terry Gross during her book tour. She played a recording of the interview with Gene Simmons, with a few choice ad-libs of her own. My favorite is hearing the deep timbre of Sylvia Poggioli sign off from Rome on NPR. That is raw radio sex.
you left out the most crush-worthy of them all: scott simon.
Another NPR junkie. I love the way you write...
This entire article is so right and true! I love Ira Glass and Peter Sagal! I've been avoiding their pictures, too. Great story!
I totally get what you're talking about -- although I find the photos of the real Ira Glass very appealing. But perhaps I am older than you. I think you mean "Neil Conan," however, although I may be spelling it wrong, too.
Heh.. My first thought when I heard Ira mention his wife was, "What? He's straight?" Also, I'd like to nominate StarDate's Sandy Wood for bringing more sex appeal to background gamma radiation than any human being should be capable of.
I love Ira. Also: Starlee Kine.
I shreik a little happy noise when I hear Roy Blount Jr. and P.J. O'Rourke's names called as panalists on Wait Wait! Man NPR gets my motor running.
Renee Montagne is pretty good but Melissa Block really does it for me. :)
Hepola tapped into my skull and managed to enunciate what was only a vague idea before. Wonderful.
who is this woman that wrote this? i love her writing.
I thought I was the only one derailed by Ira's mention of his WIFE! Why did I think Terry came out in a Mother Jones interview????
great piece! voice is really the most underrated sexual element.
You managed to invoke the sexiness of Michele Norris, Terry Gross, and Amanda Palmer (just mentioning her name invokes her sexiness, in my mind) all in one Hooksexup article. Hooksexup + NPR was enough to get me to read the piece. Hooksexup + NPR + the Dresden Dolls made my fucking week. Thank you. PS: This totally makes up for Scanner dropping the ball on Nathan Fillion.
I LOVE this. I've had a crush on Terry Gross for years.
So it's not just me! All this time I thought it a little weird that my secret celebrity crush was on Weekend Edition's Scott Simon.
I wholeheartedly identify with your sentiment. Great articulation of it! I am so enamoured of TAL that my personals handle has been ThisAmericanLife and my headline "Sarah Vowell seeks Ira Glass" since 2001.
good to keep you company and maintain the allusion. yes we can pronounce those far-away names and places, work the voice, collect the sounds and induce people to spill their vices and wants. all to carry you to a place and bring you back home. after deadline and when we're off air, alas, your real thrill rather than meeting us in person, perhaps would be playing with our battered re-50 ball mike or sleak sennheiser. having woken many from a dream. ~ an on-air veteran.
Fantastic, and creepily true.

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