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Reader Feedback on "A Dram of Poison"
looooooove this story! It's like a poem. The convenience story scene is pitch-perfect. The ending is so tender. God bless you and your wife.
creepy the whole thing is creepy and the end is a total let down
I love it. Beautifully done. You unmarried people may not be able to relate, but there is an Updike-like poignancy to this.
wow that rules! not.
I have to agree with ZXZ. I thought the final page was missing.
Typical Hooksexup offering. A promising beginning, an interesting middle, and a total letdown at the end. Try again please.
I like the tone of this procedural, and the casual mention of the reality of regular-folks' (folks like me and mine)long-term committed relationships. The actual Love shines through the dry commonplace of homekeeping and child-raising - that love we much of the time don't, -or can't actually see under the layers of mundane priorities that dictate daily living, through the fantasy's plotting and execution. Hubby's reflection on those most attracting qualities of the Mrs. also lend realism to this piece while subtly . Actually, I could probably toss in another couple hundred words on this piece, but I've suddenly remembered certain off-hand mannerisms and scents about my own honey that have me thinking that maybe I should touch bases with her just now and, well... Nice writing.
Should be fixed now. - Ed.
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