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Garden State of Mind by Ondine Galsworth
A Hoboken stripper's regret: they don't make 'em like Sinatra anymore. *the erogenous zones issue*
Players' Club by Various
Strip backgammon, and other innovations of our latest photo contest.
Take Me Out by Mara Hvistendahl
Clubbing in Reynosa, a Mexican migrant town that's an unexpected LGBT mecca. *the erogenous zones issue*
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Penis trees, womb dolls and Ukrainian intrigue.
Horoscopes by the Hooksexup staff
Your week in sex.
Swinging in Tango City by Daniel Maurer
In Buenos Aires, there's pleasure in numbers. *the erogenous zones issue*
Urban Pinups by Merlin Bronques
A nightlife photographer recruits his models from the sidewalk, not the runway.
Film Reviews by Logan Hill, Andy Horwitz, Nic Sheff, Noy Thrupkaew
House of Flying Daggers is hyper-romantic; even Parker Posey can't save Blade 3; Kevin Spacey's egomania shines through in Beyond the Sea. Plus, how to use Infernal Affairs to wrangle a sleepover.
Darkroom Light by Andy Horwitz
The directors of Born Into Brothels on what happens when cameras come into a slum.
Goodbye, Columbus by Lisa Carver
Drinking and dreaming in Ohio. *the erogenous zones issue*
Sex Advice From . . . Roller Derby Girls by the Hooksexup staff
Q: Do you have a preference about your partner's pubic grooming?
A: Yes and no. I mean, I'm not going to turn anyone away.
(Young) Adult Entertainment by Sasha Watson
David Levithan on what's new in teen fiction: the gay kid no longer gets run over by a bus.
Bad Education by Stephen Elliott
Everything I needed to know about tough love, I learned in a San Francisco ladies' room. *the erogenous zones issue*

Reader Feedback on "BBC America's The Office: Share your craziest office escapades with us!"
During the blackout day, it was impossible to go for a smoke downstairs and then have to climb back up all the 30 floors... therefore a couple of us had to find a spot!, on a mission, we found a remote room where nobody had ever been, its walls were unfinished and you could see the asbestos all around the ceiling. Within minutes the voice went around and we were about 6, in the little room, with a flashlight and a lot of smoke... we sprayed on the way out of course! it felt like camping.

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