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Josephine, 21

Is this a real fur?

Do people ever get angry at you for wearing it?
Never with this one, but I have one from an old aunt made from a protected animal and I was wearing it once and I got some really aggressive comments. I would never wear it again. It's a fairly rare fur — you can't even sell it. But it's very old, maybe 100 years old, and it's been in my family a long time. It's a great piece.

Is this one vintage?
Yes. I don't think I'd ever buy a real fur.

Why not?
I don't really like the idea of killing animals to buy fur. It sounds a bit hypocritical but if the fur is already in the system — if it can be reused in different ways, I think that's great. I think it's silly to throw it away or not use it.

Do you get a different feeling when you're wearing fur?
Not really. Warmer, maybe.

Are there anything you would never wear with a fur?
I wouldn't wear double down on the fur. Like I wouldn't wear a black fur hat with this. 

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Mar 16 12 - 10:54pm

Even the mannequins in London are outrageous...In Camden Market, they were all sneering like Billy Idol.

Mar 17 12 - 11:12am

Helloooo Arielle and Sacha...<3

Mar 17 12 - 11:55am

the hypocrisy what I say...not what I do

Mar 17 12 - 5:49pm

1.The hypocrites here admitted to being hypocrites 2. Just because one person may be hypocritical within the realm of his/her own actions, that doesn't mean that he or she is telling anyone else not "do what they do". For example, Arielle and Sasha are vegetarians who wear fur. While there may be a moral disconnect between those two things, that doesn't mean that they would criticize someone for eating meat. It doesn't mean that they use their eating habits to achieve a sense of moral superiority, does it?

Mar 19 12 - 6:37am
I Can't

Admission of hypocrisy doesn't somehow make OK. And not only did they admit hypocrisy but then tried to rationalize ("Because to me, if you’re going to wear a pair of leather boots, what’s the difference between a cow’s life and a rabbit’s?"). Like, at least be consistent. If you have the cajones to wear the fur, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.

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