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Michelle, 22, dancer

What kind of dance do you do?
Modern. I went to NYU's dance program.

Is there a rivalry between types of dancers?
Yes. I mean, I can't speak for every modern dancer, but it's between modern and ballet. But we kind of think we're better. We're usually college-educated.

What's your gym style?
I love Lululemon. It's girly and flirty and you can even wear it out at night. I've worn this out; it just looks cool. And I'm a dancer, so I live in workout clothes.

Is there bad gym style?
I hate to see baggy sweats and pit stains. That creeps me out.

Well, what's a turn-on?
I like when a guy isn't trying too hard, but you can tell he cares about how he looks. And he's not trying to bench-press 300 pounds; he's just confident. A guy you could drink five beers with.

Five! That's a commitment. Has anyone ever asked you out in the gym?
No, I smell terrible, so I don't think anyone ever wants to ask me out.

Have you ever put the moves on someone in dance class?
I don't think my boyfriend would like that too much!

He wears those gross baggy sweats. I try to buy him nice workout clothes, but he won't let me. I bought him a pair of Lululemon pants, but he never actually wears them to work out .

Lululemon is fairly pricey. What do you think about spending a lot of money on clothes you're just going to sweat in?
I don't mind spending money on Lululemon because their stuff lasts forever. And like I said, I go from the gym to dance to class to wherever. I need to look good in all those situations, and I don't have the space or the time to change into different things. Why buy five shirts when you can wear one really great one?

shirt: Pins and Needles, bra: Lululemon, shorts: Lululemon, sneakers: Adidas, bag: Deux Lux, sunglasses: Topshop

Comments ( 20 )

Jul 12 11 at 11:54 am

"Sometimes I get cat-called by creeps on the street. But it's so hot! You’ve got to flaunt it if you've got it."

Yeah, you go, girl! Show of your body but get offended if anyone notices!

Jul 12 11 at 11:37 pm

She's wearing Nike underwear... doesn't take a genius to work out that if you don't want that kind of attention, should maybe wear shorts that are 2" longer.

Jul 13 11 at 12:40 am
- - -

Just because she likes to wear clothing that shows off her body doesn't mean that she wants to be harassed on the street. I think a lot of women find catcalls and attention like that threatening, not flattering. And the solution to that is not in restricting how women can dress.

Jul 13 11 at 11:18 am

It's only harassment if the catcalls come from ugly people. If they are from hot studs then it's empowerment.

Jul 14 11 at 2:10 pm

if she wants to dress "risque," learn to expect it. It's basically asking for it, why else would you dress like that.

Jul 16 11 at 12:04 pm
Mr dogsighs

Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole

Jul 12 11 at 5:06 pm

Jill's knees are terrifying

Jul 12 11 at 5:51 pm

Jill needs to eat a few donuts... she looks anorexic as hell.

Jul 16 11 at 10:47 pm

I want to give her a sandwich.

Jul 12 11 at 5:56 pm

The adidas comment about Boston is so so true

Jul 12 11 at 10:59 pm

Wow, Michelle does not live in the real world. Most people buy five shirts instead of one because different parts of their life dictate drastically different types of shifts. The vast majority of the population cannot wear workout clothes to work or class.

Jul 13 11 at 12:57 am

She's talking about what works for her, not 'most people,' which is the point of the series.

Jul 13 11 at 9:02 am

Michelle is talking about what works for a condescending and arrogant way. If she didn't want to run the risk of being called that, she shouldn't have given consent for the interview.

Jul 15 11 at 7:34 pm

Gym to dance to class. Same shirt. Be sure to bump into her in gym and not in class when the fermentation starts.

Jul 13 11 at 4:50 pm

If you think you smell bad at the gym, then it doesn't really make sense to wear the same clothes to class afterward, does it?

Jul 14 11 at 2:50 pm

Can someone please put Jill on an IV drip of lard and liquid burgers?

Jul 15 11 at 2:00 am

Come on, people, why are you so interested in feeding Jill junk food? Why are people always so ready to weigh in when it comes to a woman's weight?

Jul 15 11 at 7:42 pm

Only when they are in need of medical help.

Jul 15 11 at 4:27 am
You'll thank me

Michelle - that Jennifer Love Hewitt pose is probably not your best angle.

Jul 18 11 at 12:26 am

That Insanity Workout sounds crazy - 63 days straight? Talk about motivation.

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