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Will Ferrell is trying his hand at comedy-drama a second time (after the generally well received but not gigantically successful Stranger Than Fiction) with Everything Must Go, a film about an alcoholic who loses his job and his wife on the same day. (To divorce, that is. Not to death or the white slave trade.) Kicked out of his house, he takes up residence on his lawn with all his stuff, and the only way to not get in trouble for that is to call it a yard sale. There's also some romantic jazz going on with his cute neighbor.

That's all well and good, but the most interesting thing about this trailer is that it prominently features Christopher Jordan Wallace, who is Biggie Smalls' kid! He looks so much like his father, it's a bit unnerving:

So similar! (In fact, Wallace's only other role was as the young version of his father in Notorious.) Everything Must Go will be released in May, and stars a bunch of people besides Wallace, none of whom are famous rappers' children, so I'm not as interested.

Commentarium (17 Comments)

Apr 01 11 - 3:14pm

This looks great. Love the last line.

Apr 01 11 - 3:19pm

Trailers are commercials. You are too funny to just post trailers.

Apr 01 11 - 5:11pm

Well, we could just post whole movies, but A) you'd never watch the whole thing on here and B) it would be illegal. We could also put up posts about upcoming films we find interesting while making it a point not to include existing trailers, but that would be stupid.

You are right about one thing, though: sometimes I am just too, too funny.

Apr 02 11 - 9:18am
Pizza Pasta Pesto

Was enjoying this until the feel-good "I wanna learn to play baseball" part. Ugh.