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Ever since we told you about those two creepy dudes, Arjuna Ardagh and Gay Hendricks, and their New Age-y "Manifesto for Conscious Men" and "Dear Woman" YouTube video apologizing for women's victimhood through the ages, caused by unconscious male forces or something, I've been waiting for the parody video to inject some humor into this well-intentioned, but ultimately culty and ridiculous, neutered groveling.

That day has finally arrived, and who better to give us the deadpan satire we so richly deserve than Will Ferrell, along with Will Forte and his cheesy British accent, as well as many other comedians. I'm not convinced that the gender-neutral construction, "we-sterectomy" is going to be adopted into the language anytime soon, but I appreciate the thought.

Dear Woman from Will Ferrell


More About Will Ferrell

Comments ( 18 )

Jun 22 11 at 7:59 pm

This is brilliant.

Jun 23 11 at 12:05 am

Tim of Tim and Eric! Fuck yeah.

Jun 23 11 at 1:12 am

The original video may have warranted a spoof, but I see nothing clever about the spoof video. It manages to compare female pubic hair to a swamp, and to imply that the idea historian's left out prominent women is ridiculous (b/c the founding fathers were dudes). Also, the video states that all the men who oppressed and abused women are dead -that is patently false.

A spoof wouldn't need to resort to agreeing with the cultural trends that the original video was chastising -a better spoof would make fun of the guys without vaguely endorsing traditional bullshit.

Jun 23 11 at 8:15 am

Hahaha. You didn't get it.

Jun 23 11 at 12:47 pm

nn, you might want to have you sense of humour checked.

Jun 23 11 at 2:35 pm

@nn is right. RIPE for parody... but a swing and a miss. Just wasn't all that funny. However, I wanted to remark that I could barely recognize Will Forte! Nice job on him.

Jun 23 11 at 3:17 pm

Both the original video and the "spoof" give me the heebie-jeebies! Holy Creeps.

Jun 23 11 at 3:32 pm

It wasn't agreeing with the cultural trends that the original was chastising, it was making fun of the fact that the original, while well meaning, contained a bunch of implicitly misogynist forms of thinking itself.

They exaggerated the much more subtly problematic features of the original to the point of being ridiculous in order to call intention to it. The thing you have an issue with is the whole point of the joke.

Of course, explaining a joke always kills the joke. You know what else kills jokes? People who are so busy looking for things to get angry at that they can't see the humor in anything.

Jun 23 11 at 5:55 pm

Except no one with half a neuron thought the original was "subtle" and it looks like it was a difficult task to successfully exaggerate it further without using some more misogynistic crap. It's not funny, when you make fun of something misogynistic, to use even more misogyny, giddit?

Jun 23 11 at 9:21 pm

Misogynists are definitely alive and well. That is why you are seeing a smear campaign on Michelle Bachmann. She won't be swept under the carpet like the others though. Women in this country are fed up.

Jun 23 11 at 10:33 pm

Interesting game you're playing, but you're starting to sound a little like a robot.

Jun 23 11 at 11:29 pm

That's exactly how people are put down for having an agenda to put women in power. Sorry not this time!

Jun 24 11 at 12:28 am

Except, you're not putting anyone down, you're just acting like a creepy stalker.

Jun 24 11 at 10:54 am

Yes. Stop stalking me. You're creeping me out. This is exactly why the polls need to be private.

Jun 23 11 at 10:58 am

this (the original) is positive and helpful and true

Jun 23 11 at 3:18 pm

Now THAT's funny.

Jun 27 11 at 1:11 am

Okay - at first I thought their hearts were in the right place. That cult one. But why do women have a "deep connection to the earth" and "profound capacity for feeling"?? that is an old stereotype, and that whole "men devalue feeling and intuition in favor of data and logic" thing is basically saying that women are not logical, that we are all emotional nurturers. Give me a break! The power of an apology is very strong - when it is properly directed and with purpose. They welcome me to work with them?? I don't give a sh!t about them, I don't know them. I feel like they just want to get laid.

In the Will Ferrel version 1:07 - that kid's 'do! I burst out laughing b/c that kid's helmet hair originally caught me off guard in the first one. The video is funny.

Moment of interest in the cult vid: scroll to 6:13 on the video - there is a sketched, framed kitty picture! haha I want that!

Jul 11 11 at 1:22 am

I listened to a 45 minute interview with the creators of the original video and I can assure you they are not part of a cult. The word cult is flippantly tossed around by people who are closed off to belief systems beyond their own. Cult implies these guys created this video for sinister reasons. As a number of individuals have stated above, I can assure you after listening to their interview, that the video was created with incredibly pure and heartfelt intentions. I admit that visually, the cast of characters in the video and how it was aesthetically put together make the video slightly humorous, but audibly, the content is nothing to make fun of. It's serious and necessary stuff. Someone would have to be delusional and upsettingly short-sighted to perceive the men in this video to be misogynists. The creators of the video mentioned in the interview that their youtube video has received thousands of comments calling the guys 'faggots' and thousands of others containing awful comments about women. It's sad people are so easily threatened and insecure. The truth is and this can be sited by any spiritual movement and also through scientific study, that each human being has masculine and feminine qualities and energy. So with this in mind, in response to someone like CLW above, they aren't claiming women to be illogical because each woman contains masculine and feminine qualities. Evolutionarily speaking, these aren't old stereotypes, they are proven. Men and women originally evolved to serve different roles. As a result, throughout time and obviously in modern day, women and men are physiologically different. It's not one is better or worse, but they are different. Our minds work differently. Some men have more feminine qualities than others and some women have more masculine qualities than others. So, they aren't saying that all women are illogical and that all men lack intuition. And in general, saying a woman is lacks logic isn't a bad thing. It might sound bad, but what it means is that their intuition trumps the need for logic. A woman only needs to rely on logic if they are not tapping into their intuition. The same is for men, who also since they have feminine qualities, can be intuitive. If you'd be willing to open yourself up to a new line of dialogue, the recording can be found on this website: You have to scroll down and click the word 'discussion' in the second paragraph to download the recording. It's really worthwhile. Once you hear them, you'll likely understand there's no reason to feel threatened, offended, turned off by them.....and you'll likely trust that they aren't misogynists or manhaters and that they surely aren't doing the video to get laid. As a soon to be married 32 year old guy with a baby on the way, I'm very comfortable in my role as a man. I realize that the world has been dominated by male energy and expression and that it's the male ego that's created countless problem after problem. Until men (and woman) drop their ego, insecurity will be the creative force for more and more problems. This is what that video was apologizing for. If their video made you feel an instant negative reaction, whether your male or female, maybe you should begin to dig to unearth why something so simple and pure as a video apologizing to women for thousands of years of male domination would stir such discomfort in you. It's time for a shift people. Step outside your comfort zone and stop judging people for living from their hearts.

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