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    Commentarium (10 Comments)

    Jan 15 10 - 1:52pm

    The one with the three dogs is AMAZING. Is this why I'm a cat person? Do dog people just chill nude with their pets?

    Jan 15 10 - 5:19pm

    Lurid Digs -- same concept (though NSFW), but way way funnier.

    Jan 15 10 - 9:32pm

    I think these guys are pretty smart because they know they have to say a lot with this picture. So the guy on the guy on the top right put his toy cars in the background to show a girl he may be a mechanic, and the guy with the dogs shows people he is an animal person, and of course lonely.

    Jan 15 10 - 11:15pm

    Yes that other site is similar - because they ripped off Obscene Interiors which did it first.

    Jan 17 10 - 9:46am

    I was hoping for one with a silhouetted penis. And lo, there it was. w00t.

    Jan 22 10 - 6:58am

    Dude flexing next to the beanie babies is priceless!

    Apr 09 10 - 12:02am

    this is much much funnier on the original website with commentary

    Nov 21 11 - 1:04am

    Too many compliments too litlte space, thanks!