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New Orleans, LA

Talking to Strangers

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we just met.


Talking to Strangers - Jeremy 

Jeremy, 24

What's your profession?
I'm currently teaching a summer program.

Could that get you any dates?
I hope not.

Where's the craziest place you've ever gotten laid?
Coffee shops.

Coffee shops, plural?
In the bathroom of the former Pacino's on Magazine St., and at C.C.'s. I've just dated people who've worked at coffee shops, so when it was slow or something... Both times, the place was open but relatively close to closing. I will say that those were probably the quickest sessions I've had in my life.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Absolutely not.

Has someone you were in love with ever broken up with you?
No, but I broke up with someone while I was in love with her. We were living together. It was a slowly dissolving situation, and it cultivated a sense of dependency. I don't think you should be with somebody until you've become an entirely self-sufficient person on your own — until you've learned that another person only enhances your happiness. They can't create it. You can live without that person. In this one instance we both got to the point where we both felt like we needed each other, and especially on her part it created this level of control, as well as jealousy towards every female friend I had. It was very unhealthy, and it was very hard to end.

So jealousy is like a dealbreaker for you?
Absolutely, I hate jealousy. It's just your own self-esteem shit. This particular girl was just rampantly jealous all the time and made me feel uncomfortable with my life outside hers.

What are your turn-ons?
I think feet are very cute, but I wouldn't call it a foot fetish, because it's just something that I find charming or endearing. It's not something that I get sexual gratification from. There are some feet that I don't find appealing, with really substantial arches, like dancers' feet. Sometimes they just look like they serve an orthopedic purpose, which doesn't really excite me.

Has anyone ever offended you in the bedroom?
Well, I really hate being handcuffed. She was being really overtly sexual with me when she did it, and she kind of surprised me with it, but if I can't touch you, if I can't do something back, then it's just boring.


Talking to Strangers - Katie 

Katie, 22

Where do you work?
A very temporary desk job at a university.

Do you get any dates from your job?
I could if I weren't already dating someone. I work at a front desk where there's a lot of one-on-one communication. Lots of opportunities there, I feel.

What kinds of guys come in?
All types of guys, many around my age, looking to enroll. It's not so much the guys that come in, though. If I weren't dating someone, I think there could be a very good chance of seeing a few of my coworkers.

What do you look for in a guy?
Primarily, a sense of humor. There should obviously be a connection. You know, I want to be able to laugh with him. I also need to see that he has equal respect for women and men. That applies to my friends as well.

If you could change one thing about men what would it be?
I probably wouldn't change anything about men. I love men. But I would change the way most males are raised in society. I think it's important that men and women grow up knowing that they can be whatever they want to be, regardless of the roles that society has set for them. I hate that some women grow up believing they are inferior to men and feeling that they need to get married and have kids for security.

Do you think there's one person for everybody?
No, I think out of the six billion people on this earth, you can make a deep and lasting connection with several of them. I mean I've met people in my life whom I feel I'm compatible enough with to have a lasting relationship. I just haven't met anyone that I like more than my current boyfriend.

What's the craziest place you've ever had sex?
In a very open area in a park during the afternoon. It was raining so hard that we felt no one could really see us. I'm certain they could, now that I look back. I love daytime rain.

Do you have any turn-offs?
Lots of them. Most importantly... don't call me "sweetheart."


Talking to Strangers - Ted 

Ted, 25

What is your profession?
I am a census enumerator.

Have you ever hooked up on the job?
No, no job ever.

Do you have any crazy exes?
I have multiple crazy exes. I have the craziest-exes-of-all-time exes.

Are there any specific things that have happened?
One ex told me that she spoke Swedish, and I thought it was awesome. Later I found out that she did not speak Swedish. When she was pretending to speak Swedish, she would do this muppet thing where she kind of made up crazy noises, and it was like Swedish, but it was just gibberish.

What's something you wish you could change about the opposite sex?
A lot of girls don't know anything about cars. I don't know anything about cars at all, but my girlfriend knows everything about cars and that's good. That's flipping a 180 on the whole thing.

I know two girls who know a lot about cars.
Cool, that's what we call the future.

How do you impress girls?
I impress girls in a lot of ways, mostly like in the way that I comb my hair really cool in the morning. I pay really really close attention to proportion and balance, the way it all falls on my head.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
When my current girlfriend and I saw each other we hated each other for like a month, but underneath all the hate was a little bit of love, and that's why we love each other today.

Comments ( 26 )

ted seems like a sexy person.
sylvia commented on Jul 22 10 at 1:07 am
and julianne is adorable! all the people this week are cute and somewhat interesting. good job
sylvia commented on Jul 22 10 at 1:09 am
love lasts two years. true statement.
lebowskination commented on Jul 22 10 at 1:11 am
I will gladly give her two years of my life.
John Darc commented on Jul 22 10 at 2:18 am
brilliant picture of john... made me smile
Mishlynn commented on Jul 22 10 at 3:30 am
I somehow don't think I would feel very secure about falling asleep in a tree.
JCF commented on Jul 22 10 at 8:45 am
Jeremy has really great advice about living with someone. I completely agree: you need to be a fully self-sufficient person before you can ever imagine living with someone.
MissHayden commented on Jul 22 10 at 9:40 am
Love Maureen's paper hat.
Bealzebub commented on Jul 22 10 at 9:50 am
Hooksexup: "what kinds of guys come in?" carrie: "guys looking to enroll." will you marry me, carrie?
barryo commented on Jul 22 10 at 10:16 am
and by carrie i mean katie...not a good first impression : (
barryo commented on Jul 22 10 at 10:16 am
This has to be the most boring "Talking with Strangers" but with the most attractive people.
Lost_Island commented on Jul 22 10 at 10:18 am
Wow. Ted is a shallow tard with even more shallow grooming habits.
Pop Culture Blows commented on Jul 22 10 at 10:43 am
Oh, I'm kinda disappointed with this one. Waaay too much hipsterdom for a New Orleans TTS. I wanted more jazz.
Me commented on Jul 22 10 at 12:22 pm
I'm impressed with this, solely based on the fact that its the first "talking to strangers" where nobody is a douchebag.
TS commented on Jul 22 10 at 1:46 pm
Jeremy is not going to be an entirely self-sufficient person until he comes out to himself about his blatantly obvious foot fetish.
GeeBee commented on Jul 22 10 at 2:02 pm
"I don't think you should be with somebody until you've become an entirely self-sufficient person on your own — until you've learned that another person only enhances your happiness. They can't create it. You can live without that person. " ABSOLUTELY AGREE.
ms commented on Jul 22 10 at 3:04 pm
Jeremy, you have the worst haircut ever.
mer commented on Jul 22 10 at 3:15 pm
I need to relocate to Belfast
G Unit commented on Jul 22 10 at 3:36 pm
Maureen, you're 24. Stop calling them boys.
kas commented on Jul 22 10 at 3:41 pm
Jeremy looks like a hipster version of Andy Dick.
md commented on Jul 22 10 at 5:31 pm
@GeeBee: ROFLOL Ted has a great sense of humor - whoever didn't pick that up is missing out. Agreed with general consensus (so far) that this group is good people - I'd actually hang out with these people.
YELLO commented on Jul 22 10 at 7:16 pm
Hah, I'm 40 and I still call them boys. Cute boys!
KS commented on Jul 22 10 at 7:43 pm
Jeremy was a surprise—bad hair but excellent outlook.
CLG commented on Jul 22 10 at 8:51 pm
Least Ted-looking Ted ever! Jeremy: knew he was a sociopath from the pic, confirmed in the txt.
PO commented on Jul 23 10 at 4:43 am
Jeremy is icky
AD commented on Jul 23 10 at 2:42 pm
Maureen said, "I think I'm a crazy ex." At least she knows! I knew as soon as she used "boys" the fifth time. She doesn't see men as peers. Ten dollars says her father wasn't in the picture when she grew up.
ZW commented on Jul 24 10 at 10:07 am

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