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Lucia, 22

What do you do?
I make coffee and sandwiches at Darwin's, a café.

Has your job gotten you any dates?
Let me think... no, not really.

Not really?
Well, I guess if I hadn't started at Darwin's, I wouldn't have gone out with my boss' friend.

What happened with him?
We just went out once. We slept together and that's all it was good for.

How'd you know?
We fucked in a bathroom. He just wasn't up to my standards. I like someone who can carry a conversation. I don't want to talk to someone stupid.

Where did you fuck in the bathroom?
Actually, it was the bathroom of Zuzu's. At the Darwin's Christmas party.

Do you date men or women or... ?
I just date men.

If you could generalize wildly about the men in Boston, what would you say?
They should loosen up.

Are you from here?
No, I'm from New Hampshire.

Are the dudes different here than there?
Yes. The mentality is different. It's hard to describe. The guys down here party a lot more. They're dirtier here... like, they don't shower.

What do you look for in a guy?
A sense of humor. That's number one. Make me laugh. Be respectful. Have goals. Be proactive. And be a family man. I don't think I could go out with a guy who doesn't get along with his family. That's important to me.

Have you heard the saying that you shouldn't marry a man who doesn't love his mother?
No, but I've heard you can tell how a man will treat you based on how he treats his mother. And I think it's completely true.



Richard, 24

How long have you been living in Boston?
About four months.

Where did you move from?
My nationality is Indonesian, but I went to Singapore when I was twelve, and from there I went to Malaysia, and then from there I went to Boston.

What do you do?
I'm a student at Berklee. I'm majoring in music education.

Have you gotten any dates through school?
No, this is just my fourth month. I don't really know people here. People are very friendly but I have so much work to do that most of the time I just stay in my room! I go out sometimes, though, to visit friends and practice.

What instrument do you play?

Can you look at other musicians and tell what instrument they play?
Sort of.

Are you more or less compatible with certain musicians?
I guess so. I like other guitarists — you get inspiration from them and learn from them. And I like pianists because they can play almost everything.

Have you gone on any dates in Boston?
No, I'm attached to someone from my country — well, she's Indonesian but I know her from Singapore, and currently she's living in Berkeley — as in UC Berkeley — as a transfer student.

How did you get together?
I met her in school — she was my classmate. Once I was in college, I contacted her and she replied and we got together and we did stuff. Then I asked her out and she refused. And I thought, well, I have to try again. That's my personality. I'm like, I have to try until she says yes.

How is it to be an attached person here?
It's very difficult. A lot of temptation. But I can manage — I hope.

Make a wild generalization about the women in Boston.
Good-looking? This is kind of the first time I've lived in a Western country. I'm not really used to the people here, so whoever I look at, I think they're good-looking.

Really? I'd expect it to be the opposite — that you wouldn't be used the way people look and would think they're all ugly.
[laughs] Maybe. But I guess you guys got good genes.

All of us?
Yeah, I guess so.



Meff, 27

What do you do for a living?
I'm in a band. I play mandolin and guitar and I'm also the drag king of the band. It's called Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys.

How did you meet your current lover?
I met her at a show. She was like "Who's that drag king?" We were really compatible and had a lot in common. We hooked up after TraniWreck, this amazing queer event. TraniWreck will get you laid.

How is the queer scene here?
The queer scene here is kinda stuck. The whole gay-marriage thing has people like, "Let's have a little dog and a RAV4." I lived in New York for a while and people were much more just like, "Let's rock out with our cocks out."

Why'd you move back to Boston?
In New York, I lost my job and broke up with my partner, so I moved into a group house here in Boston, full of artists and musicians and programmers. New York was really queer-friendly, and also friendlier to biracial couples. Here I feel like it's so segregated that it's still an issue — people will still stare at a biracial couple. They think they're so liberal and open, but they're not. But Boston is cool because you'll meet someone who's a heavy-metal musician — and a scientist. The cerebral aspect gets in the way sometimes, too, though. Sometimes you just want to think with your gut, your pants, your lower chakras. And I'm a huge bottom, so I want someone to take charge. There are all these girls here who took a gender-studies class and now think they're bi because they think Eva Mendes is hot. I'm like, "That doesn't make you bi. That makes you human."

Have you met a bunch of lovers through your job?
Being a performer, I meet a lot of people. But I don't want to be a performer on dates — I don't want to be with someone who expects me to be always on and funny. I'm a nerd at heart.

What's the craziest place you've had sex?
In my lover's bedroom while the commuter rail was driving by and there were people just outside her window standing on the platform. Still, it was easier to get crazy in New York — it's bigger, there are more places to have sex accessible by public transportation, and New Yorkers see so many people every day that they just don't give a shit.

Photography and interviews by Lissy Romanow.

Comments ( 31 )

I'm not entirely clear if Meff is a guy or a girl. Just sayin'
Pop Culture Blows commented on Aug 26 10 at 12:21 am
Well, Meff self-identifies as a drag king. That should help you out there.
SL commented on Aug 26 10 at 12:33 am
Well these folks have more class than Buffalo, that's for sure.
La La La commented on Aug 26 10 at 12:34 am
Perhaps more class, but less attractive.
MrShallow commented on Aug 26 10 at 1:02 am
"What do you mean culture? --Like random, new-agey, weird shit." I lol'ed on this one.
ggg commented on Aug 26 10 at 1:47 am
"There are all these girls here who took a gender-studies class and now think they're bi because they think Eva Mendes is hot." LOVE it.
ecj commented on Aug 26 10 at 3:08 am
This week was absolutely horrible...more normal ppl please!
Hans commented on Aug 26 10 at 4:58 am
These *are* normal people! And I agree, way more class than Buffalo. Better questions too.
huh commented on Aug 26 10 at 5:55 am
Victoria and Richard are this week's winners.
marco polo commented on Aug 26 10 at 7:48 am
Ugliest group by far
ES commented on Aug 26 10 at 1:36 pm
Pretty boring
Ronchuck commented on Aug 26 10 at 2:26 pm
I live in Boston and yes...we really are A LOT better looking...seriously! and Meff You suck!
Erhen commented on Aug 26 10 at 2:27 pm
@Sky... Silly, the entire South End (in the city) is gay. Also,try taking a day trip to Provincetown! You're just not looking in the right places. ;)
TSC commented on Aug 26 10 at 2:31 pm
Boston on the map, finally. Questions are much better also, maybe Hooksexup should branch out more often. Walt Sickert blows, though.
JK commented on Aug 26 10 at 3:55 pm
Wow, pleasantly surprised to see Bahston represented.
ms commented on Aug 26 10 at 8:39 pm
I'm from Boston, and this 'represents' in all the wrong ways..........
John S. commented on Aug 26 10 at 9:49 pm
I would cross-dress with Meff anyday.
KS commented on Aug 26 10 at 9:50 pm
shut up, hans.
hkc commented on Aug 26 10 at 11:16 pm
come to cleveland!!!
lc commented on Aug 26 10 at 11:22 pm
Boston is awful
gullible commented on Aug 26 10 at 11:33 pm
As a lifelong Bostonian, I think this group represents the intellectual and cultural diversity that the city offers during most of the school year(also probably the Hooksexup reader demographic). At the same time, I agree that this doesn't represent the entire city...but that is understandable considering the author approaches FIVE randos on the street. Also what Meff said in response to "why you moved back to Boston" was pretty spot-on.
Greg commented on Aug 27 10 at 1:51 am
Hans, you're a dumbass.
brina commented on Aug 27 10 at 2:45 am
Meff called it right
AD commented on Aug 27 10 at 12:47 pm
Sky is standing next to Toscanini's in Central Square! Cambridge represent! Meff is typical and so is Sky actually. I love this town.
liz commented on Aug 27 10 at 4:38 pm
i think meff really got it right. ive lived in boston my whole life and we are the most liberal state government-wise but honestly, the people here are the most prejudiced against different races or sexual orientations, we accept the laws in theory but we are uncomfortable when we see it in daily life right in front of us
kay commented on Aug 27 10 at 6:54 pm
Meff wins.
kiki commented on Aug 27 10 at 10:30 pm
I used to live in Boston yet somehow managed never to meet anyone remotely like these people.
hma commented on Aug 28 10 at 3:51 am
"I'm not entirely clear if Meff is a guy or a girl. Just sayin' " — I'd wager that Meff would take that as a compliment.
Moops commented on Aug 30 10 at 9:19 am
What awful, awful looking people. My god, they were ugly. I can understand one or two bogmonsters but this group was downright hideous. That is all.
Leon Trotsky commented on Aug 31 10 at 8:02 pm
I might stick it in Victoria's ass but all the others....jeebus no
Tempe commented on Aug 31 10 at 8:03 pm
This column is more fun when the interviewees are hot
Joe commented on Sep 01 10 at 12:44 am

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