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Mike, 24

Where do you work?
I work at a coffeeshop.

Have you ever gotten any dates from working there?
I have not, though I am in love with one customer who comes in.

Tell me about her.
She's like a sexy librarian, I'll tell you that much. She's very soft-spoken and she's really nervous and she's probably the most beautiful woman in the world. She gets a large iced coffee with skim milk, and an oat-bran muffin.

Have you tried asking her out?
No, because I'm a terrified little boy.

Do you have any crazy exes?
I have many crazy exes. The craziest one I ever had was an art major. She often would tell me that she wanted to be by herself, and she would spend time in the dark listening to Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds really loudly.

What would you guys do when you hung out?
One time we had a Cure dance party by ourselves.

Do you have any crazy hookup stories?
There was this crazy older woman I was hanging out with for a little while. I met her at a house party with a bunch of theater students, and she asked my friend for my number, so we started talking after that. She would only call me when she was really drunk. And she would invite me to her really dirty apartment, and I didn't know what the hell she wanted to do, because every time I would go over there, she was so drunk that she really wasn't very articulate. She worked at a bar. She would bring alcohol from her job, and she would be like, "Here, drink this." She was weird. She obviously wanted to get down, but I was so awkward and young that I didn't really know what to do.

Did you have sex?
No, we made out a couple of times and that was it. And then I wrote her really awkward notes on cigarette packs. I don't know why I did that.



Sara, 23

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
Oh yeah, I do. We dated before I left for college, and then we broke up and I left. He would mail me CDs of him talking, giving updates on his life. I never really saw him again, so that's good.

How do you feel about monogamy and marriage?
I understand non-monogamous relationships, but I wouldn't be in one. It's too confusing.

What would you change about the opposite sex if you could?
See, that's hard, because I'm just thinking about my boyfriend. I would give men periods if I could change anything, just so that they get it. You've got to understand it. It would be fair!

What's the craziest place you've had sex.
In the fitting room of a thrift store in San Francisco.

Did you buy anything from the thrift store?
No, but I was wearing something from the thrift store in the fitting room, and then we didn't buy it. I just hung it back up. It was a really nice vintage dress, and we decided that the adventure of the dress had been had and we would leave it on the shelf.

Has anyone ever offended you in the bedroom? Any boyfriends with weird fetishes?
I don't know what weird is, that's my problem. So I guess I'm probably the offensive one.



Sonni, 37

So, where do you work?
I tow cars.

Do you get a lot of dates through that?
Dates? Oh, hell no. My job is not sexually friendly.

Where do you meet people?
Bars. Grocery store. People talk to me wherever I go. They always approach me. It's very rare that I approach someone.

What do you look for in a girl?
I look for bullshit, try to pick out all the bullshit, because a lot of people don't say the real thing.

How do you impress a girl? Do you have any pickup lines?
I don't do lines. I'm just me. I just hang out, whatever. Don't try too hard. Just be yourself, because people will respect that. People can tell a million miles away when you're trying, especially a woman. Don't think you can bullshit a lady —  you fuckin' can't. You be yourself and you fuckin' own that shit. Even if you have a fault, you own it. You act timid and weak about anything and women are totally turned off. They don't like that shit. Women like confidence. They like a man to fuckin' look you in the eyes.

Do you have any good hookup stories?
Last weekend I hooked up in the woods with a random chick with a glass eye. I lost my phone — my phone fell out and I couldn't remember what part of the woods we were in. I got... you see these mosquito bites? I have mosquito bites on my ass from being in the woods. It was this brutal vicious attack. You had this moment of pleasure and then this vicious attack coming at you. The mosquitoes were so bad that we went into the street.

So was the sex good?
It was great. Totally worth it. Never did find my phone, but I got another one.

Where's the craziest place you've had sex?
Right around the corner up there, in a side stoop. Actually, with an ex-wife. We had been separated. Just kinda rekindling in the middle of the street. It's priceless, you know, true love is priceless.

So she's your true love?
She was, yeah. She passed about three months ago. Suicide. Terrible, I know. I have a daughter with that same woman. She's nine. I've been raising my daughter six years by myself. I went from living on the street, squatting, being a drunken fuckup, to raising a two-year old by myself for six years with a mother who committed suicide three months ago. My life is like... I don't know... I always seem to persevere. It's been harsh. And my daughter, get this, she got the award for most polite student in the school. Are you kidding me?

Interviews and photography by Chris Givens.

Comments ( 37 )

Sonni is amazing.

Camile commented on Jun 24 10 at 1:07 am

I like Josh. Can I take him home with me? Finally, someone who doesn't fuck people they don't respect.

El commented on Jun 24 10 at 1:24 am

Fucking-A Sonni

loco commented on Jun 24 10 at 5:12 am

I sort of wish I were Sara's crazy ex. I should start sending my exes mp3 updates on my life.

robert paulsen commented on Jun 24 10 at 5:17 am

We need more guys like Josh in the world!

Kel commented on Jun 24 10 at 7:06 am

"They can't say what they're feeling. If they're pissed off, they'll just start acting pissed off and angry, and you can't quite figure out what's wrong, and they can't like specify what's going on." — Well, men may do this, but when a woman is pissed off she does the same thing, but she knows she is pissed of and is upset that the man can't read her mind.

Moops commented on Jun 24 10 at 8:56 am

Wow, what a great bunch of interviews! I wish Sonni and his daughter the very best.

hotpinkskirt commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:01 am

Incredible interviews. Sonni is honest, hilarious, unfiltered and touching. Well done Hooksexup.

Landon commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:15 am

"I don't know what weird is, that's my problem. So I guess I'm probably the offensive one." love it

:) commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:44 am

Sonni forever.

eso commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:59 am

Sonni = why I shouldn't judge people based on looks. Really, if I were to see a guy with all those face tattoos, my immediate reaction would be "brain-dead junkie who will probably steal my wallet for his meth habit".

Solomon Grundy commented on Jun 24 10 at 11:15 am

I guess it's better to lose the phone than the glass eye...

Pop Culture Blows commented on Jun 24 10 at 11:27 am

Can we get an all-Sonni column? Seriously. Or, better yet: can we give him and Miss Information the same questions and compare answers? Glass eyes, towing cars, tragic family--he's like a Denis Johnson novel come to life.

Please commented on Jun 24 10 at 11:36 am

"I guess it's better to lose the phone than the glass eye..." I know, right? As soon as I saw "glass eye" I thought I knew where the story was going....

Moops commented on Jun 24 10 at 11:44 am

Props to Bourbon Street stoop sex

MissHayden commented on Jun 24 10 at 11:46 am

Sonni is a good man

AD commented on Jun 24 10 at 1:05 pm

I agree; give Sonni his own column!

LT commented on Jun 24 10 at 1:49 pm

Way to handle your business Sonni. That dude is so rad.

JH commented on Jun 24 10 at 2:06 pm

I dunno... I kind of got the feeling that Sonni was full of it. Just look at the numbers - "raise a two year old for six years"? Maybe it's just me.

BC commented on Jun 24 10 at 2:28 pm

I sort of feel bad for Mike. I kind of want to take him out to a bar, buy him a few drinks, and talk an obliging woman into going home with him.

Also, Chelsea is beautiful.

SL commented on Jun 24 10 at 2:36 pm

Another vote for giving Sonni his own Hooksexup column. He's amazing.

JL commented on Jun 24 10 at 3:07 pm

Another vote for Sonni! Seriously, Hooksexup NEEDS a weekly shot of Sonni!

FLPJN12 commented on Jun 24 10 at 3:17 pm

Chelsea FTW

d5 commented on Jun 24 10 at 7:28 pm

YAY! More New Orleans interviews, please! (Try getting out of the Quarter...)

ad commented on Jun 24 10 at 7:31 pm

Sonni: cannot tell book by cover. A+

lew commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:12 pm

Hire Sonni to write for this site and groom him to be an editor.

Tits commented on Jun 25 10 at 5:22 pm

Sonni is tits. That's real life, no B/S.

JP commented on Jun 25 10 at 8:57 pm

BC, the math works. He got custody when his daughter was two. Prob not on her birthday, which means she was two and a few months. Has been raising her for six years and prob a couple months. Now she's nine.

MK commented on Jun 26 10 at 1:42 pm

Another vote for sunni having a column!

HDF commented on Jun 26 10 at 1:50 pm

i vote sonni as well
it seems like he has alot of crazy stories to share

SK commented on Jun 26 10 at 6:31 pm

Sonni should have a book written about him...

Caterwaul commented on Jun 27 10 at 6:44 am

Dear Sonni,
Please come to Hooksexup. And props to you for being a single dad.

Diff commented on Jun 27 10 at 10:32 pm

whats the cut off age?

Omegaman commented on Jun 28 10 at 4:30 pm

Another vote for a Sonni column @ Hooksexup! I love his bullshit free approach...

CJ commented on Jun 28 10 at 5:23 pm

Mad props to Sonni for being a real dad!!! Well done!!!

Camille commented on Jun 28 10 at 5:27 pm

chelsea is an ugly slut.

newyork commented on Jun 30 10 at 12:03 am

sonni is the reason i still have faith in people

jobo commented on Jun 30 10 at 2:25 am

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