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Stefany, 21

What do you look for in a guy?
Tolerance. It's about being with someone who can tolerate my interests.

Which are?
Star Wars, N64, stuff like that.

What really turns you off?
I write a lot, so a guy who doesn't read is pointless to me.

How do you let guys know you're interested in them?
Shock value. Once you get someone's attention and catch them off-guard, they're at their most vulnerable.

What's happening in your romantic life right now?
Well, I'm with someone, but we're breaking up.

The guy's no good for you?
No, he's the best guy I've ever met in my life, and I totally support whatever he needs to do. He just doesn't have enough time for a serious relationship.

Are you gonna try to find another guy?
No, I'm not interested in dating.

Where are you from?
I'm from California — Orange County — and I moved across the country two years ago to live here. Philadelphia is right underneath Orange County on Craigslist, so I made a post and someone responded, and I came out here.

That is fearless.
It was kind of scary, but amazing. I'll stay in Philly for another year. Then, I dunno.



Josh, 26

What do you do, Josh?
I'm an AV guy. I work with some pretty geeky people, but they're all very cool.

So I don't gather your job gets you laid.
No, not at all.

Then how do you get laid?
I try confessing my love, but that doesn't always work. Usually I get a "fuck off!" I've tried writing a song, but that definitely doesn't work. Flowers don't work. But foot massages do work. But then I'm always going in for the foot massage, and I get "are you a creep?"

What attracts you to a woman?
I'm attracted to necks. And a certain intensity in the eyes.

What do you do to let a girl know you're into her?



Michelle, 20

What do you do?
I'm a student of multimedia. I'm into motion design and interactivity.

Sex toys?
No! But it's art, so I guess anything is possible.

What do you like in a guy?
Pretty eyes. Blue, nice eyes. I'm really into hands too. They're a really interesting part of the body.

So if you saw your ideal gentleman with fine eyes and nice hands, how would you approach him?
I don't know what I would do...

So you just let him slip away?
Guys just come to me. I'm magnetic in a way. I think it's because I look weird and my hair is too big.

What's the most romantic thing a guy could do for you?
Let's say I mention something, and he remembers it, and does something sweet. Like if I said I really wanted to go see a show in a few months, and the day tickets came on sale he bought us a pair. It shows that he cares.

Guys can be nice like that.
Yes. But sometimes signals get crossed, considering men and women communicate on totally different levels. You have to practice and put the work in. You're always learning something, even after a long time.

Comments ( 26 )

So, Katie is a shallow whore. Good to know... see ya 'round, slut.

I.Luv.Cunt commented on Apr 22 10 at 12:56 am

Katie: Yikes. Please take some time to reevaluate your life. It's not OK to have blackout drunk sex. It is OK to have sex that is pleasurable and fun to you but when you are blacking out.. really, honey.

Dee commented on Apr 22 10 at 1:10 am

For his sake, I hope Jessica (who's kinda hot, BTW, despite her "real man" fantasy nonsense) dumped her boyfriend before this was published. Reading Hooksexup would be a shitty way to find out.

S.F. commented on Apr 22 10 at 2:09 am

Turn down your screen brightness: Jessica totally looks 35.

Also: Philly again?? Last time was "All-Fugly" and this one ain't breaking the pattern :(

PO commented on Apr 22 10 at 5:40 am

Also, Michelle? "Guys just come to me. I'm magnetic in a way." No, it's called having a vagina. It's the single biggest unappreciated difference between men & women, and your gender will never realize how easy you have it.

PO commented on Apr 22 10 at 5:44 am

More designers! Maybe you should change the name of this column to "Talking to Graphic Designers"

moops commented on Apr 22 10 at 9:24 am

I don't think it counts as "tolerance" when what you mean is "the ability to tolerate my quirks."

BenReininga commented on Apr 22 10 at 9:55 am

People should let go of their 16th century Puritanism and let these chicks have drunk sex if they want to. Nobody needs to "reevaluate" their lives.

TwL commented on Apr 22 10 at 10:25 am

If Katie wants to enjoy drunken sex with her friends its her right to do so. Also, I'd wager that most of Hooksexup's readership has probably gotten drunk, fucked their friends, and liked it. There's nothing wrong with that.

SL commented on Apr 22 10 at 10:54 am

wow PO. you are obviously the authority on beauty and sexuality. the mind reels with thoughts of what a catch you, the person who sits and comments obsessively on an interview column, must be .

jj commented on Apr 22 10 at 12:07 pm

I'm the first to comment on how astonishingly beautiful Jessica is? Really?

Kokomjolk commented on Apr 22 10 at 12:28 pm

I swear, Philly has some amazingly beautiful people here! I don't know where Hooksexup is finding these people.

Tracy commented on Apr 22 10 at 1:47 pm

Stefany wants a guy who 'tolerates' her love of Star Wars and N64? And I even read a lot... You're in the wrong continent, girl

Filipe commented on Apr 22 10 at 2:33 pm

stefany's pretty awesome. despite the spelling of her name with a 'y'.

fs commented on Apr 22 10 at 3:56 pm

There is a difference between drunk sex (which is awesome) and BLACKING OUT. Generally when you're being fucked and you have no recollection of the events WHATSOEVER, people would probably say that it was date rape. She's obviously got some serious self esteem issue from the fact that she can't even say hello to a guy across the room.

Blacking out while your drunk, also a problem. It's not puritanical, it's unhealthy any real way you look at it and it does nothing to promote sex positivity in any light.

Dee commented on Apr 22 10 at 4:35 pm

@ Dee. I like your logic: shyness = low self-esteem. Unless you're that loud and confrontational asshole, you're a self-loathing mental case.

And I've had sex that I can't remember. I don't call it date rape and my life does not need to be reevaluated. Thanks though! : )

TwL commented on Apr 22 10 at 4:49 pm

Hey, Stephany stole my patented eyes-closed-armpit-smell-good-while-smiling dance move!

Stos commented on Apr 22 10 at 5:00 pm

Can we talk about Stefany's love of Star Wars and N64? Sounds too perfect. IT'S A TRAP!!!

kurp commented on Apr 22 10 at 5:35 pm

@TwL Well neither of us know what she's really like, how does NOT being shy automatically equate to loud and confrontational and asshole-ish, anyways? Drawing that conclusion is a little odd. She mentions herself she has confidence and trust issues. When you black out, you're opening yourself up to a lot of things that could potentially go wrong, aside from date rape. Can you trust the person NOT to have an STD, to use a condom, to not do other weird stuff you wouldn't consent to if in your right mind? Therein lies the issue. Anyone who has issues with trust due to an intimate relationship probably shouldn't just throw caution to the wind and sleep with their friends when they are not truly aware of what's going on. It just seems like a recipe for disaster.

And good for you. I'm not trying to shame anyone in this equation, it's just concerning to me. If you're OK with the way you live your life, have no concerns with trust issues and blacking out whilst drunk, all the power to you. Just watch yourself, is all, not everyone in this world is trustworthy.

Dee commented on Apr 22 10 at 6:07 pm

So when the same story is told from the guy's perspective ("I fucked this chick last night, she was totally passed out and had no idea what I did to her") he's a scumbag asshole rapist. Which is true. But when told from this dizzy girl's perspective it's ok 'cause she's just having fun... Um, right... You all need a healthy dose of common fucking sense.

Real reality commented on Apr 22 10 at 11:03 pm

Michelle is so cute

yo commented on Apr 23 10 at 12:07 am

@jj, this is me obsessively thanking you :)

PO commented on Apr 23 10 at 2:45 am

good stuff. philly people seem so much nicer...and... less crazy. compared to nyc people. I love those big, thick, crazy haired ladies like Michelle...mmmm!

MD commented on Apr 23 10 at 10:16 am

the very concept of "date rape" is ridiculous

shj commented on Apr 23 10 at 7:03 pm

Josh is adorable. I think Jessica is pretty cute too. I don't know why everyone is criticizing Katie. I'm sure most people that party have had sex that was fun at the time, but only half remembered in the morning. It's more fun when you can remember it and relive it in your head the next day but shit happens. One shot turns to

girl commented on Apr 23 10 at 8:55 pm

What do you think?

Name commented on Apr 27 10 at 5:35 pm

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