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    What Have You Done With Don Draper, New Zealand?

    In order to drum up anticipation for season three of Mad Men, Prime TV sent out this "Don Draper" doll to some media people. In the words of my close personal friend God, this is an abomination.


    There is no way this doll could look less like Jon Hamm unless they used recycled Hawaiian Fun Skippers. I can't decide which part of this is the worst:

    -the Halloween-costume pimp hat?

    -the ill-fitting, ugly-ass suit?

    -the tiny little chicken legs?

    -the elfin, Zac Efron-y face? ("Love the lip gloss, Don! Where did you get it?" — Joan Holloway)

    Obviously they are all the worst. This is not the kind of doll that would solve problems with an aggressive finger banging, trick a hands-y superior into vomiting oysters and vodka on a client's feet, or (SPOILER ALERT FOR 2007) steal another man's identity. Poorly played, Prime TV. (I would kill for the box, though. Less poorly played, Prime TV.)

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Nov 24 09 - 2:20pm
    Maxwell Hammer

    I think it's supposed to be former Alabama football coach Bear Bryant's hat.

    Nov 24 09 - 7:25pm

    That looks very like Boy George in one of his dressing-almost-straight phases.

    Nov 12 10 - 6:15pm
    Roulette Spielen

    Hat jemand eine Idee wie stark dies verallgemeinerbar ist?

    Nov 12 10 - 6:15pm
    roulette spielen

    Wahnsinn dass das tatsächlich funktionieren kann ;-)