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Tuesday, April 19

8 p.m. — When do you give up on a show? I guess the obvious answer is when the cons outweigh the pros, and I'm moving ever towards that point with Glee (Fox). I put up with it because I'm a theater queer at heart, and I find many of the performances winning — I wouldn't be the first to point out that the show managed to turn the host of Guts into a remarkably affecting dramatic actor. But how much ridiculous dialogue and flat-out stupidity can I take?

At least enough to make it through next week's “Born This Way” episode.

Wednesday, April 20

8 p.m. — ABC is dominating the Wednesday-night comedy market, so much so that I think it rivals — and complements — NBC's Thursday night block. With NBC you get a bit more edge — sitcoms that poke at the conventions of the form (like Community) or get weird with it (like 30 Rock). But the simpler pleasures of Modern Family, Cougar Town, and Happy Endings are the homemade mac-'n'-cheese of my TV life: they may not be startling revelations, but damn if they don't always make me feel good.

That being said, I'm worried about how the station's handling its shows. (It really is like NBC!) Keeping Cougar Town off the air in favor of the non-starter that was Mr. Sunshine is pretty bad, and the decision to show two episodes of Happy Endings each week is convincing no one that the studio actually believes in the show. But they should! Maybe I'm just easy, but I laugh my way through both episodes of the show this week. ABC's comedians have an abundant supply of charm; I'd hate to see it wasted because of mismanaging.

Also of note: Elisha Cuthbert is wearing a truly insane shirt in this episode of Happy Endings. It looks like Labyrinth had a bastard child with Jean Cocteau.

Thursday, April 21

8 p.m. — I wonder how much communication shows on the same network have with one another, especially when the shows are filmed in L.A. (like Community) and NYC (like 30 Rock), because both shows have inspired takes on the flashback trope this week. Do you think they knew what they were doing?

If I must choose, I say Community does a better job of it — not only are they having flashbacks to events we never witnessed (but oh how I wish we had!), but they addressed meta concerns, like Pierce's villainy and Jeff and Annie's sexual tension, in a way that didn't seem petty or superior. So often when shows “address the viewers' concerns,” they actually “tell the viewers they're stupid.” I'm glad this series has more respect for its audience.

And 30 Rock was 30 Rock, a reliable zinger machine, if a bit overlong at sixty minutes. (Or is it twenty?) But I did appreciate the loopiness of the gas leak. It was definitely more upside cow spider Prince Albert mhgrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Commentarium (18 Comments)

Apr 22 11 - 3:17pm

Oh GOD. "She better." You know, people die that way.

Apr 22 11 - 3:32pm

Now I can't stop imagining Audrina in the station kitties' uniform. Audrina and the kitty conductor melded into one is really messing with my brain in the funnest way possible. I'm still laughing over here.

Apr 22 11 - 3:32pm

I would really prefer to see Modern Family lauded as the great gay-friendly tv show in place of Glee, which is frankly, shrill and irritating beyond belief and does a lot more to reinforce stereotypes (GAY PEOPLE LOVE MUSICALS I GET IT).
I do not understand the appeal of that show beyond Jane Lynch, and I'm with Dave Grohl's opinion of Ryan Murphy: "Fuck that guy."

Apr 22 11 - 9:08pm


Apr 23 11 - 9:14am

Hm. This is a question I often wonder about. I understand the thought that Glee isn't a good representation of LGBT people on TV, and it's possible I'm more forgiving because I do love musicals. But in the end, I think it handles any gay storyline with more heart and wit than all of the other "serious" plots. And the show has five LGBT characters, four of whom are regulars. That's pretty impressive.

Apr 22 11 - 3:49pm

watching that many episodes of SVU in a row makes me feel dirty. not that it stops me or anything. and AGREED. united states of tara is a disturbing premise. but toni collette! i love her!

Apr 22 11 - 3:55pm
gyp the blood

at least it's not multiple episodes of NCIS.

Apr 22 11 - 8:34pm

Holy shit -- you guys are still watching regular broadcast TV? Wow. My grandmother used to do that. Until she died.

Apr 23 11 - 3:14am

If she was still alive I bet she'd be giving you a lecture on the glory of 30 Rock and Community.

Apr 23 11 - 4:26am

She probably killed herself when she realized that her grandkids are retarded.

Apr 28 11 - 1:27pm

Broadcast TV has been having a mini-renaissance and is nothing of which to be ashamed - assuming you don't actually watch it on a television set hooked up to a traditional cable service with commercials and stuff.

Apr 22 11 - 8:54pm

I've watched maybe five episodes of Glee this season, all before the new year, and they all made me want to go to bed early or read a book. Mike O'Malley has been routinely great in it, but he gave a similarly solid performance on ABC's Parenthood last season. I absolutely LOVED the first half of season one, but it's been steadily downhill ever since. Cannot stand it. Dead to me.

From the title, I thought this column was going to be about how NBC's Thursday is beginning to truly suck outside of Community (even 30 Rock is waining. Still good, not great.)

Apr 22 11 - 9:09pm

I think i'm the only one in america who likes parks and recreation waaaaaay more than community

Apr 22 11 - 10:16pm

I think parks & rec is funnier than community too!

Apr 23 11 - 3:14am

I want to like Parks and Rec, I really do. But it's so very dry. I can watch an episode here or there but it wears on me pretty quickly.

Apr 23 11 - 12:19am

Glee has been hit-or-miss this season, but I thought this week's episode was one of the best in a while. It was so crazypants -- one awesome moment after another, without being tied down to things like consitant character arcs, or logic, or the basics of being a good teacher. In general, the more divorced from reality and a logical plotline, the better the show is. It's the episodes when you feel like they're trying to play by real-world rules, and the audience starts to try to apply logic to the procedings, that the show starts to fall apart.

Apr 23 11 - 2:34pm

Community is at it's best when it can both tell it's story and is deconstructing the sitcom form. It was there Thursday night.

If each episode had a Facebook page, I'd Like the shit out of this one. I'd Like it until it was breathless and sweaty - and just when it was about to pass out from so much intense Liking - I'd finish by Liking all over it's wall.

Apr 23 11 - 10:33pm

To answer your original point, that is, why ABC's comedy block is starting to rival NBC.

It's actually funny.

That's not simplistic as much as the truth. What else is there to say?

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