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Comments ( 35 )

Just when I thought I was starting to understand men...

JB commented on Oct 14 10 at 12:49 am

Is this what happens to all the bullies out there?

Lisa commented on Oct 14 10 at 1:28 am

Why don't they know they're gay?

hma commented on Oct 14 10 at 3:26 am

For the same reason your dog doesn't know he's not a person.

Richard commented on Oct 14 10 at 6:28 am

is this some sort of extreme bromance?

wyz commented on Oct 14 10 at 6:40 am

You had me at "bedazzler."

Rose commented on Oct 14 10 at 10:50 am

Blows my mind to think how much pressure these guys have gotten to be "totally not gay"

Holly commented on Oct 14 10 at 11:19 am

I like how usage of the word "bro" automatically denotes "not gay." These guys are so very sad.

ms commented on Oct 14 10 at 1:26 pm

Is this written by Mac from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia???

frank commented on Oct 14 10 at 3:53 pm

The Michael Jackson one HAS to be a joke...right?

jes commented on Oct 14 10 at 4:51 pm

I want to J/o with a dude and maybe J/o you and you j?o me...maybe we will fuck later too...btw I'm totally not gay. a straight are slightly left of those "genuine have no interest in J/O with guys" straight boys

emkay...whatever you need to look in the mirror!

jaw commented on Oct 14 10 at 8:40 pm

Straight men don't masturbate in front of each other. Period.

Fla commented on Oct 15 10 at 4:58 am

I don't necessarily agree that people are either gay or straight...perhaps this bloke likes the ladies 90% of the time but supplements with straight dude wanks.
That said, anything posted on the internet is practically guaranteed to get ridiculed.

askdansavage commented on Oct 15 10 at 9:27 am

It gets worse.

yoda commented on Oct 15 10 at 10:31 am

It should be no surprise that many men's sexuality would be ambiguous, contradictory and express struggle with erotic urges competing repressive urges. Welcome to human sexuality. If the dudes insist they are straight but with a fascination for cocks, I think the liberated thing to do is accept them at their word, rather than try to force them in a box. BTW i am totally not gay, dudes.

Geofff commented on Oct 15 10 at 4:08 pm

While these posts are funny, it's a bit more complicated. A lot of guys (if not most guys) first sexual experiences as teens involve jacking off w/, you guessed it, other young guys. It's just not uncommon for the experience to take on erotic importance in adulthood. As a result, you have otherwise "straight" dudes who enjoy jacking with other guys, essentially reliving that early erotic experience. Doesn't make em gay, just human.

Of course, you also have men who are gay or bisexual into similar behavior and have not come to terms with it. Either way, understand that sexuality is not a simple matter, and labels don't help anyone get their head around their own, or any other persons sexual desires.

Seatown commented on Oct 16 10 at 4:46 am

I call shenanigans. The jo-bro posts are an official internet meme/trolling maneuver now.

deaddrift commented on Oct 16 10 at 2:40 pm

I know. The ads are FULL of 'straight' guys wanting to hook up with some other 'straight' guys to do stuff that only 'straight' guys do to each gay kinda stuff but not 'gay' gay. That would be gross and disgusting and wrong. And they aren't that way. They're straight, dammit.

JT commented on Oct 16 10 at 4:36 pm

I saw one the other day where a self proclaimed macho dude likes to have his straight buddy jack him off while other guys stand around and cum on him. Oh, and of course they're all straight. Who do they think they're kidding? I guess they think all gay guys are swishy queens and can't be masculine in any way?

Joe commented on Oct 16 10 at 4:43 pm

Seatown, I don't know where you grew up, but I don't know ANY GUY whose first sexual experience was jacking off with another guy. Maybe you had different neighbors than I did. Were they "cool", let you smoke bud in their garage and bought beer for you? Yeah, see, those dudes are PEDOPHILES and more than likely a member of NAMBLA. Most of the teen-age buddies of mine were far and away too self conscious to be playing with their johnson around their pals.

ricochet commented on Oct 16 10 at 9:35 pm

There is no such thing as gay or straight. These are artificial terms designed by societies that like to be able to compartment identities, the better to discriminate and figure out who to hate, who to judge, who to mock, who to arrest etc.

Fact is, humans are sexual beings. And whether it's with someone from the opposite or same sex, it's just sex folks. Sad so many can't get over that.

WalterCronkite commented on Oct 17 10 at 2:20 pm

I'm pretty sure you probably did know guys whose first sexual experience was jacking off with another guy, they just never told you about it. That's why all these people are seeking out random anyonymous dudes on the internet; bigoted attitudes like yours make them feel like they should be embarassed to talk about it, even to their supposed friends.

jj commented on Oct 17 10 at 2:36 pm

"Tom, you're so deep in the closet you're finding Christmas presents!"

Shannon commented on Oct 20 10 at 12:14 am

These guys are having some difficulty dealing with what's what. Obviously they believe a lot of gay stereotypes and can't just accept that homosexuality is just 2 people of the same sex having sex.

Eddie Bryan commented on Oct 21 10 at 12:31 am

I don't think this guy knows what straight means. He seems to think it has something to do with only having sex with age appropriate men.

Confused commented on Oct 21 10 at 11:04 am

It's self-loathing. They could not bear to think of themselves as gay. It's sad that they were told it was so wrong, that they had to construct a wall in their minds keeping them straight, but then find a small window to satisfy their natural instinct. Hopefully one of these encounters will turn into an epiphany.

Ctjalsma commented on Oct 21 10 at 11:21 am

Boy's boarding schools, they did a lot of this stuff there, men who spend lots of time together and are bored will play like this.

mg commented on Oct 22 10 at 2:58 am

it's a fantasy-booster! the dude pretends he is straight for the hotness of it, the taboo. duh.

hot commented on Oct 22 10 at 2:14 pm

There are scenes of male mutual masturbation in the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn novel "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". You could think of the Gulags as a type of cruel and deadly boarding school. Just sayin'.

wordsmith commented on Oct 23 10 at 12:53 pm

It makes total sense to me that masterbation among people of the same sex would be great. I'm a woman and I know how to make myself come, I also know how to make another woman come. And being with other women with different techniques opens all sorts of doors. I'm straight, though, of course ;)

eso commented on Oct 24 10 at 2:32 pm

Why not just search for a female if they are so straight?

Joe the bro commented on Oct 25 10 at 8:13 pm

Geofff honey,
the dude IS GAY
and he is just having a joke
and maybe he will get lucky because a gay guy might be attracted to the fact he is 25 and want to get it on.

Australian commented on Oct 26 10 at 5:15 am

Not too many bright sparks here.

Australian commented on Oct 26 10 at 5:16 am

I'm so confused!
Straight guy, but can we get naked and jackoff together? OR are they gay and PRETENDING to be straight for the sexy-fantasy of it??

LambChop commented on Oct 26 10 at 12:31 pm

this is obviously a fantasy/role play ad

blipyop commented on Oct 27 10 at 4:15 am

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