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The Election Is Over... And Now The Truth Comes Out

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


Sarah Palin doesn't know what countries are in North America. She can't name the countries that belong to NAFTA and she thinks Africa is a country, not a continent. Nor could she name most of the countries in North Africa. It's frightening to imagine how close this woman came to being second-in-command of the United States.

Here's a rundown of all the stories the McCain campaign is leaking about Sarah Palin in an effort to a) pin the blame on someone on b) to doom her 2012 chances, because God knows, even GOPers want nothing to do with this person...

1) Palin spent thousands of dollars more on her clothes-spending spree than was reported. She also charged some of the purchases to credit cards owned by staffers, who have not been reimbursed. One scorned aide quipped that it was "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," while another claims the real horrors will emerge once the RNC runs an audit. McCain, meanwhile, was kept in the dark about the real details, staffers claim, since he would surely have been offended by Palin's greed.

2) Steve Schmidt, the man who proposed Palin for VP, was the one who turned down her request to give a concession speech on Election Night. It's amazing to us that this Governor and national figure had no idea Vice Presidential candidates never make concession speeches.

3) Palin refused to prep for the Katie Couric interview, did not know that Africa is a continent, could not name the countries of North America or the ones belonging to NAFTA, and on and on.

4) Palin decided to go after the William Ayers issue without approval from the campaign's top people. McCain reportedly wanted nothing to do with the Ayers, Wright, and other "smear" angles-- so good for him.

5) To top it all off, Palin greeted McCain advisers in only a towel, telling the visitors they should hang out with Todd, whom Newsweek calls "laconic," while she prepared herself.

Meanwhile, the truth about McCain's inner circle emerges as well:

1) McCain's advisers got together prior to the final debate and agreed the election was over but that they shouldn't tell their candidate that.

2) McCain still doesn't understand why one of his heroes, John Lewis, went after him publicly.

And other interesting tidbits, according to Newsweek, about Obama:

1) He considered the debate format a terrible environment in which to personally shine as a candidate, even taking a dig at Brian Williams for his "dumb" global warming question.

2) Obama's team shot down all of his arguments for considering Hillary as VP. Meanwhile, as we already knew, McCain and Clinton talked on the phone earlier in the campaign because they were so chummy, another reason to make the Obama campaign nervous.

3) During the period of unrest at Palin-McCain rallies, the Secret Service warned the Obamas about an uptick in death threats and other eerie warnings. "Why would they try to make people hate us?" Michelle asked. Welcome to Republican campaign tactics, Madame First Lady.

See more expanded versions of these at the Newsweek site.



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Scott said:


November 6, 2008 3:50 PM

T Grant said:

Seriously, I am being sincere when I ask, what is it about Sarah Palin that irks you folks so bad? Why do you feel it necessary to talk so much garbage about her? I just wish someone would explain.

November 6, 2008 4:38 PM

Brian Fairbanks said:

If you haven't figured out the answer to your own question by now, after several months of available information about her that's all over web... all the guffaws, hypocrisy, and stupidity... and a total lack of support for the separation of church and state, it's time to just admit to yourself that you'll never know. And I mean that with all due respect-- you just clearly have not been paying attention, which is fine.

November 6, 2008 4:45 PM

Adam said:

Scott's so eloquent.

November 6, 2008 4:45 PM

totalblamblam said:


November 6, 2008 4:50 PM

Adam said:

She's a really terrible person, politics-wise. There's not a short, simple way to explain that, although it should have been apparent after a few weeks.

I don't like her for a number of other reasons as well, primarily because she retains some kind of transcendent, superhuman ignorance that we all kind of wished was mostly wiped out in people other than the comic relief characters in sitcoms.

Also, because she blatantly used her sex appeal to win voters, and that not only did she think that was okay, she thought it was more worthwhile to devote time to than, say, learning something about the nation she lives in.

On top of everything else, these new tidbits we're finding out. Not because I like indulging in juicy post-election gossip or whatever it is these are supposed to be, but because honestly despite all my complaining, I still had a lowest standard for Palin that I assumed would only be crossed in my wildest dreams. She is on track to cross it soon.

Short version: she is a self-parody, a culmination of so many bad stereotypes it's revolting, combined into one person, manifested into reality. And people loved her. I'm so glad she lost.

November 6, 2008 4:54 PM

profrobert said:

How about this, one of the first things we learned about Palin:  She knew she was carrying a special-needs child.  Her water broke at 4:30 a.m. in Texas.  She went to a conference and gave a speech at noon.  Instead of then going to a top-flight hospital in Dallas, she flies more than eight hours to Alaska, and THEN doesn't go to the best hospital in the state in Anchorage, but drives 45 minutes to her local hospital to deliver the baby.  The longer between the breaking of the amniotic sac and birth, the greater the risk of infection (my son was born 20 hours after my wife water was broken, and he spent his first week in the hospital getting IV antibiotics -- and he is not a special-needs child).  I truly believe that at some level (conscious or unconscious I don't know) Palin wanted that child to die.  Her actions were spectacularly irresponsible.  For that reason alone (not that ALL the other reasons show her to be a hypocritical, grasping, abusive, mendacious mediocrity aren't reason enough), I DESPISE this person.  She has no business being an assistant dog catcher, much less governor of a state or, than god it didn't happen, vice president of the United States.

November 6, 2008 5:12 PM

Grace said:

T. Grant, in answer to your question - and I can only speak for myself - she simply was not knowledgeable enough about the world outside Alaska to warrant putting her into that position.  I am not saying she is not an intelligent person, or that she was not "smart enough", but rather that her level of knowledge was not what I expect from a national leader.

Our leaders, especially the President and Vice President, need to be people with a certain curiosity about the world in general, but at the same time recognize that they do not know everything.  A strong leader knows how to accept the fact that they don't know everything, and are willing to consult and listen to people around them that just might know a thing or two.  

It was obvious to me while watching the Couric interview that Mrs. Palin had not adequately prepped for that interview, and her behavior at the debate was a bit off putting ("I'm not going to answer your questions, I am going to talk about what I want to talk about."), which suggested that she was ill prepared not only for the debate, but for her VP run as a whole.

What "irked" me about Mrs. Palin the most was the manner in which she pandered to the lowest and most base qualities of Americans.  She can claim all she likes that it was not her intent, but her words inspired threats, plots to assisinate, and just plain old vulgar (not to mention low class) behavior from certain sectors of our society.  

She showed a certain lack of class herself when she subtly encouraged, rather than discouraged, that vile behavior from her crowds.

People are naturally curious about those things that are kept quiet... not saying that their curiosity is correct.. just saying that's how it is.. otherwise, the National Inquirer would have been out of business long ago.

Contrary to what many might believe, not all the opposition to Mrs. Palin was based on petty reasoning... some of us actually thought about her qualities (and she does have some) and what benefit they might be to the country.  For me, she fell woefully short.

All the best to you and yours,


November 6, 2008 5:16 PM

Pat said:

What a horrible spin an intelligent story from Newsweek. When Scanner "Lifts and Separates" the news do the important facts get left behind.  You did an excellent job of seamlessly splicing the facts of their journalism with your off handed commentary.  Well Done.

November 6, 2008 5:32 PM

welcome said:


United Socialist States of America.. yay.. I hope Obama does an excellent job. and does not do half the things he said he was going to do.. I could care less about McCain and Palin, but if she's such a moron and idiot.. what about Biden? are you people serious? and by the way that picture is photoshopped..

November 6, 2008 5:38 PM

Brian Fairbanks said:

Apparently, this story was picked up by a radical, right-wing website. You'll note that they attack my story without actually calling specific aspects of it into question.

Which parts of my summary of the longer Newsweek story are incorrect? Note that not all of the above points are from the Newsweek story ("Here's a rundown of all the stories the McCain campaign is leaking about Sarah Palin.") I honestly welcome any corrections, although, of course, the general point will stand.

November 6, 2008 6:22 PM

Anonymous said:


Did you determine this through the pixels? Or perhaps through your experience, having seen many photoshops in your day?

November 6, 2008 6:36 PM

Anonymous said:

Sarah Palin is a twat.

However, there's something fishy about the picture. I think it's photoshopped. ^^

November 6, 2008 7:08 PM

danrimage said:

The photoshopped picture was fisrt featured in Hooksexup months ago as one of the best examples of fake Palin photos out there. It's use is kind of an in-joke.

Anyone who can't understand why people have such negative feelings toward Palin genuinely frighten me. It's not a case of class snobbery or left or right wing bias: I know some very conservative people (whose number would seem to include Colin Powell and Dennis Hopper) who think she's a walking embarrassment whose antics delivered the fatal stroke to McCain's campaign. You could see it in McCain's face during his final speech: as he was being impressively digified, courteous and respectful to  his opponent, the crowd booed like toddlers at a pantomime. As McCain (not a politician I ever had a problem with until his dirty, slanderous campaign) pleaded for quiet and some goddamn respect for the President-Elect, you could see his eyes just burning with regret about the negativity that torpedoed his chance at the White House: negativity that Palin was largely responsible for cultivating. I'm glad Obama won, not because I think McCain would have been a bad president, but because I didn't want that spiteful bumpkin anywhere NEAR the Oval Office.

November 6, 2008 7:41 PM

Lisa said:

Her own state found that she broke ethics laws and abused her power as governor.  I can't believe our nation has come to a point where a person who is already found guilty of serious ethical violations can be seriously considered for candidacy.

November 7, 2008 2:44 PM

pete said:

wait till you see the violation obama did in campaign financing?  

so you must not of liked hilary either? or maybe you did because she was uglier in so many ways?

you talk about a common man making it to the presidency, but not a common woman?

did you ever ask biden the same questions or even obama?

you probably did but they're lack of answering the question just baffled you.

November 7, 2008 6:59 PM

Brendan said:


You may not be saying she is unintelligent, but I certainly will.  While it is true that she simply may be "not knowledgeable enough" for the VP position, her inability to name a SINGLE newspaper she reads, her pro-book banning stances, and a sweeping dismissal of the work of the scientific community (evolution, global warming, offhanded comments about wasting money on genetic fruit-fly research) shows a willful and forceful ignorance that astounds me.  Not only does she not have that necessary knowledge to serve in such a high level office, she doesn't want it. And more importantly doesn't seem to want anyone else to have it either.

This alone "irks me" enough to be scared... no horrified, for a country with Palin anywhere near a Presidential position. Not to mention all the church/state boundaries that would be broken, and subsequent enforcement of christian law if she had her way.


The comparison to Biden is just ridiculous.  While Biden may say some stupid things here and there, his remarks are not (usually) unintelligent. They are mostly just politically damaging or ill phrased, giving him the "Gaff King" title.  Last I checked he wasn't confused as to whether Africa was a country or a continent.

November 7, 2008 7:35 PM

Utena said:

Dear Lord, she is a fucking idiot. If people still don't know why she is disliked so much, they live in caves. Thank God, Obama won.

November 8, 2008 9:06 PM

John said:

Sarah is hot, and she does know where Africa is and she's not halve as dumb as most of us. She is the governor of Alaska after all.

She would have made just as good a vice president as anyone else that has ever served that post.

You think Joe Biden knows where the 700 billion dollars went too, I bet he doesn't except for his share. I wish I was a governor    

November 27, 2008 10:28 AM

Brian Fairbanks said:

"Halve as dumb." Yeah, we'll just leave it at that.

November 30, 2008 7:35 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
