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18-Year-Old Boy Arrested in Most Bizarre Sex Tape Bust Yet

Posted by Brian Fairbanks

A teenage boy, already a defiant smartass to the media that's hounding him outside his home and high school, has been charged with sexual exploitation in a case that's sure to garner national attention.

But it was an individual who wasn't even a participant in the act that has caused the biggest scandal the state of Tennessee has seen in years...

Deandra Woodall is accused of videotaping teenagers, including himself, engaged in a threesome, without the female victim's permission. The female, by the way, is 15-years-old. Woodall allegedly took the camera phone he recorded the menage a trois with to school and began showing it around class, boasting about his work as if it was his own performance on screen. Of course, word immediately traveled to the assistant principal, who tore him a new a-hole... before confiscating the phone.

Here's where it gets all scandalous in a hurry: the assistant principal himself committed a far worse crime than any so far in our story. First, he downloaded the copy to his work computer and deleted the original file. Next, he began showing other random people the hot sex going on in the grainy video, probably yukking it up at the poor kids' expense. And finally, and here's what makes this so incredible, he never notified the police, higher ups, or the parents of any of the children involved. He was only discovered after rumors continued to swirl.

Now Terence Bobo faces charges of tampering with evidence and sexual exploitation of a minor, while the boy is charged with the latter. His reaction to reporters flinging desperate questions about his fate: "I like your hair, just take that down on your notepad."



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DStrope said:

what does the photo of the young lady have to do with it?

May 18, 2009 6:44 PM

DStrope said:

What does the photo of the young lady have to do with the article

May 18, 2009 6:45 PM

Needs an editer said:

"... he recorded the menage a trois with to school and began showing it around class..."

May 18, 2009 8:12 PM

Sparky said:

That photo is Vanessa Hudgens. It's from a nude pic leaked to the internet. ie. "Pic unrelated"

May 19, 2009 1:01 PM

Brian Fairbanks said:

Needs an editer [sic]: Yeah, when you take it out of context like that, it sure does look like I need an "editer."

I'll admit it's not the world's greatest sentence-- but I knew that... it's not like bloggers have the time to really sit around and put two hours of effort into each post. But, since you so obviously have so much time on your hands, perhaps you'd like to become an unpaid proofreader? (Job requires you to be strapped to your computer, without breaks, from 8am EST until 7:30pm EST. Can you handle it?)

May 20, 2009 12:42 AM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
