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Awesome Advice, Way to Go! by Erin Bradley
This week, a compassionate plea for prisoners to just shut up and suffer already. /advice/
Pop Torture: Valentine's Day by James Brady Ryan
One writer sees the movie Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day. Alone. /entertainment/
Talking to Strangers by Alex Rudinski
Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we just met.
Savage Love by Dan Savage
I have to do something very specific and weird to get off. How can I have sex like a normal person? /advice/
Five Albums You Should Be Listening To Right Now by Dan Harris
This week's curator: Dan Harris, host of ABC's Amplified. /entertainment/
My First Time by You
"I was born and raised into a Hasidic community..."
True Stories: Alcoholics Amorous by Jenny Tucker
Getting laid at AA can take more than twelve steps.
Six Hilarious YouTube "Olympics" That Should Be Added to the Real Olympics by Chris Mathias
If we don't see the reverse cowgirl in Vancouver, we'll be disappointed. /entertainment/