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Sex Advice From Young Republicans

By Sarah T. Schwab

Scott, 25

What’s the best reason to date a young Republican? 
She won’t change the station while I’m getting my Rush Limbaugh on. 
Are young Republicans better in bed then young Democrats? 
Yes. Well, at least the men are. In my experience, conservative women  seem to be just that in the bedroom. 
I consider myself extremely right-wing. But this girl I have a crush on is a huge leftist. I want to go for it, but am afraid that personal politics will eventually lead to bedroom politics. What do you think? 
Why not get into that political argument? Settle your differences in bed. Punish that liberal pussy. 
Should there be age limits when it comes to dating? 
Yes and no. It’s different for men than it is for women. Women can date older men and get away with it, men who are a lot older. Think John and Cindy McCain; she’s like twenty years younger than him. But for women, it’s a little different. I guess Demi Moore rocks it, but that’s because she’s hot and looks young still. 
I’m totally broke, and my lease is up in three weeks. My boyfriend of four months, who’s got plenty of money, suggested that I move in with him. Would it be wrong to accept his offer?
If you were using him for the convenience, then yes, it would be wrong. But if you’d live with him regardless of his money then I think it’s fine. If he doesn’t know either way, I think you’re golden. 
Does the number of one’s sexual partners matter? 
Again, I think it’s different for men than it is for women. For men, the more the merrier. For women, you better keep your number low or make sure your sexual partners aren’t going to talk. I’m not saying that it’s right, but that’s just how it is. 
What’s worse: physically or emotionally cheating? 
Physically. It’s better to get emotionally attached to someone else and then realize you were wrong, than it is to do something regrettable that can never be reversed. 

For the first few months of I was with my boyfriend, we had sex around the clock. Six months in, I’m lucky if we have sex once a week. We don’t fight or anything, but we’re never in the mood anymore. Is the relationship on the rocks? 
I would say your love life is in serious need of a resurrection. Use the slump as a reason to try new things in the bedroom – use your imagination. If that doesn’t work, get married. Then you two are stuck together. 

Comments ( 52 )

Republicans are all about abstinence, so how do any of these people know anything about sex?
CE commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:15 am
love it. Hooksexup interviewed a closet case (Scott, seriously. that dude's bracelet is at least bi-curious and his answer that male GOP are good sex and women are eh is full gay), someone who divorces over a towel rack (Jaimee, though I'm ok with her), and a butch lesbian communist virgin (Jason).
88 commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:19 am
Number 1 is creeperiffic and Number 3 is totally whipped. If these are the only flavors republican men come in (and in my experience, they are) I'll gladly dtick to my lovely dems and independants
knobby commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:24 am
dtick meaning stick with their dick of course. Silly typos
knobby commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:25 am
Right wingers (in whatever country) just creep me out. i've got goosebumps, and not the good kind.
Mishlynn commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:43 am
This was ... yawn.. boring. I like getting it on with conservative women- it's my way of sticking it to the man.
k.wig commented on Sep 03 10 at 5:17 am
"punish that liberal pussy" keep it classy, brohim
Anon commented on Sep 03 10 at 7:02 am
Hooksexup, what were you thinking?
Nope commented on Sep 03 10 at 8:40 am
I'm far from being a young republican, but I think Jason had some good insight - especially the last question about trying to have sex at different times of the day. It's true, sometimes people really are just too tired to bam chicka bam bam
MissHayden commented on Sep 03 10 at 9:03 am
88, that "bracelet" is for entry into a show.. I love it tho keep up the trash talk
Scott commented on Sep 03 10 at 9:12 am
Awesome. "Throw a wrench in the cogs?" Awesome.
Jacquie commented on Sep 03 10 at 9:57 am
"You will be dating a man (or woman) with upstanding moral fiber. " — Just like Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Mark Sanford, and Alan Berlin. Yup, conservatives certainly are full of moral much fiber it cleans all the morality out of their system.
Moops commented on Sep 03 10 at 10:43 am
No longer to wonder why the most righteously moral conservative Republicans get have the most embarrassing sex scandals. These people seem boring and repressed, and belong to a party that supports abstinence -- a good recipe for having to sneak around for sex. Yikes!
Ed H commented on Sep 03 10 at 11:03 am
I read this article. Now i feel like i have a hangover.
Caterwaul commented on Sep 03 10 at 11:35 am
All of the people on here saying these people are losers or making fun would be saying the complete opposite if the title said "Yound Democrats" instead of Republican. Get a life and stop letting an inconsequental label determine your opinion of somebody.
Ryan commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:07 pm
"Then you two are stuck together." Um, it's called DIVORCE?
Anon. commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:18 pm
#1. The reason this article is about young Republicans and not young Democrats is that is the best way to get a rise out Hooksexup's readers. #2. The major difference in how a young Democrat would have answered the question is that the Democrat would not have acknowledged that there is still a double standard for men and women 3. Young Democrats would have also been less likely to treat the opposite sex like a piece of meat to use.
Glen commented on Sep 03 10 at 12:26 pm
Gross people.
Bruce commented on Sep 03 10 at 1:06 pm
For moral fiber, just turn to the best examples of "family values" in practice. Hint: they live in the White House.
Stan commented on Sep 03 10 at 1:07 pm
This is such an uninspired pile of nonsense
Jake A commented on Sep 03 10 at 1:23 pm
@Ryan: I agree, people are too quick to judge. I think Hooksexup should put this same article up in a year and label it Sex Advice From Young Democrats and compare the responses. I bet they'll be a lot nicer.
Corabelle commented on Sep 03 10 at 2:20 pm
Scott spoke his mind. Gotta respect him for that. He's joking about pounding the liberal pussy and marriage meaning your stuck together. Obviously. Get a sense of humor.
Martin commented on Sep 03 10 at 2:44 pm
I seriously want to stab Scott is his smug little face. Republicans are shit.
Republicans Suck commented on Sep 03 10 at 3:53 pm
I seriously want to stab Scott is his smug little face. Republicans are shit.
Republicans Suck commented on Sep 03 10 at 3:53 pm
Jason is mentally retarded. ---- What’s the best reason to date a young Republican? You will be dating a man (or woman) with upstanding moral fiber. People of conservative backgrounds tend to be a bit more chivalrous, as well. ---- If cheating on your wife while she's dying of cancer...or say, homosexually cheating on your wife with a dude you met in the bathroom....or hiring male prostitutes and smoking meth with them is what you consider "upstanding moral fiber" then yes...I guess Jason is right.
WTF commented on Sep 03 10 at 4:00 pm
Ryan, you state: All of the people on here saying these people are losers or making fun would be saying the complete opposite if the title said "Yound Democrats" instead of Republican. You are correct. Because if they were young democrats, they wouldn't be asshole, boring Republicans.
WTF commented on Sep 03 10 at 4:04 pm
@WTF Ummm... The cancer and cheating crack could be leveled at John Edwards, too. I don't think you can use "upstanding moral fiber" to sort out who's a Democrat and who's a Republican. There's hypocrites on both sides of the aisle.
CAM commented on Sep 03 10 at 4:38 pm
@Martin - Right on brother. The rest of you - I love you anyway :)
Scott commented on Sep 03 10 at 4:56 pm
"I’m not saying that it’s right, but that’s just how it is," said the beer-faced mongerer of double standards. Ugh, everything I hate about conservatism in a nutshell. (And how does he know his male contemporaries are better in bed?)
ms commented on Sep 03 10 at 5:54 pm
the phrase "getting my Rush Limbaugh on" instantly made bile rise to my mouth. getting through the rest of this article was impossible - but the comments are very entertaining!
tdc commented on Sep 03 10 at 6:11 pm
@tdc ... hah, I felt the exact same way. It's a joke to call yourself a republican anymore.
meh commented on Sep 03 10 at 9:45 pm
@tdc ... hah, I felt the exact same way. It's a joke to call yourself a republican anymore.
meh commented on Sep 03 10 at 9:45 pm
Jason needs to stop trying to show off his vocabulary, it makes him look like a pompous prick.
Sydney commented on Sep 03 10 at 10:46 pm
You're a "pompous prick" if you know the English language? lol
Corabelle commented on Sep 04 10 at 12:14 am
meh, they sound more like single 20-somethings than Republicans or Democrats, except for occasional overt references to either party. More tempest in a teapot.
just mike commented on Sep 04 10 at 5:39 am
i am a nice girl looking for a nice man
favorlove commented on Sep 04 10 at 7:52 am
Their answers are pretty meh, but these republicans are hottt!
ArborRain commented on Sep 04 10 at 10:15 am
@favorlove: WFT?
ArborRain commented on Sep 04 10 at 10:16 am
Scott was trying too hard to sound like the asshole frat boy that people stereotype Republicans as. It might have been a clever performance piece, but I wouldn't want to sit next to him at that rock show, just in case. Jason seemed kind of adorable in a squishy little intellectual way.
mpb commented on Sep 04 10 at 11:14 am
Renee commented on Sep 04 10 at 3:21 pm
I love seeing when confronted with reality, all the liberal freaks of the GLBTQQ crowd get their inverted panties in a bunch. Maybe it's your fake package rubbing you the wrong way! LOL. Dumocrats are self-centered narcissists focused on "finding themselves" and could give a crap about their partner, unless their partner is an illegal, queer, islamic, disabled midget of color on their sixth year of soaking up public assistance.
LOL@Dumocrats commented on Sep 04 10 at 6:53 pm
@LOL@Dumocrats Please for the love of god run for public office! You're a fine example or your party sir.
>.< commented on Sep 04 10 at 11:45 pm
Side note: Neither of the last two actually addressed the fundamental issue in the broke-move-in-with-bf question. Honestly, the only party-prompted assertions were those of chivalry/moral fiber, who's better in bed, and the wishy-washy jab--all of which cannot be accounted for in a blanket statement based on political positioning. Y'all are upset over nothing and you know 3 young democrats would've made the same dumb mistakes. Scott wins for implicating himself in male-male sexual endeavors while simultaneously throwing gendered double standards left and right.
ddc commented on Sep 05 10 at 4:17 am
most of you writing here are so closed-minded. open your eyes and your minds. people are people. not every republican is an asshole, just like not every democrat is a kind person. all of them said that having different political opinions is no deal-breaker when it comes to forming a relationship; why are most of you so closed off to having differing opinions with your partner? personal politics does not a man or woman make...
clara commented on Sep 05 10 at 9:15 am
Repubs like sex as much as anybody, especially the young ones. What you guys are thinking of are neo-conservatives, those who would use the powers of gov't to control everyone into obeying their idea of morality.
not a neocon commented on Sep 05 10 at 1:03 pm
I like how both the guys are blatantly sexist. Personally, I prefer universal politeness to the condescending chivalry that is born out of a sense of gender superiority.
Aly commented on Sep 05 10 at 4:03 pm
More like sex advice from 3 unattractive, moronic, douchebaggy muldoons.
Max commented on Sep 05 10 at 6:11 pm
So I'm a republican. Big whoop wanna fight about it?
Scott commented on Sep 06 10 at 9:12 am
Lmao. Scott, where is YOUR moral fiber?
Derek commented on Sep 06 10 at 8:04 pm
"All of the people on here saying these people are losers or making fun would be saying the complete opposite if the title said "Yound Democrats" instead of Republican" — no, we'd be making fun of them for being wishy-washy pussies.
Moops commented on Sep 07 10 at 11:12 am

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