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Hooksexup Dating Confessions

"Listen everyone... if you are dating/screwing someone who treats you badly, doesn't return your calls, cheats on you, neglects you, is more interested in video games/drugs or whatever etc etc etc... I have the solution. MOVE ON or start setting some boundaries. People are only going to treat you as well as you make them treat you. If you give people leeway to fuck around with you, that is what they are going to do. Get some self-respect, some self-esteem, and realize that if people are treating you badly, it is because you are letting them. Ditch the loser you are with, figure your shit out, and then start dating again when you're positive you're not going to let anyone walk all over you. You will feel a million times better and you will find someone who treats you like the beautiful person you are."

  • DIGG