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This Week in Sex: The British Edition

Birth control for high-school students and a television show called The Joy of Teen Sex.

Belgian wives call for a political sex strike until government resumes

Remember Lysistrata? Of course you do: it's that ancient Greek comedy about a bunch of women who decide to withhold sex from their husbands until they cut out all their stupid wars. Well, some Belgian ladies — wives of Parliamentarians — are doing the same thing. Small western European countries: at once so ancient and yet so modern, so enviably level-headed and yet so fucking weird.

Comments ( 3 )

Feb 11 11 at 3:49 am

On the last point, every secondary school in the UK has a school nurse or health visitor that you can ask for free contraception and has done for several years, certainly since I left school 6 years ago. I believe the only case in which they won't give out contraception is if a girl under 16 needs a morning after pill, then they have to inform the parents first.

Feb 11 11 at 11:48 am

Uh yeah and Skins as you may know is a British you can be doubly mad at the UK...who would have thought, teenagers take drugs and have sex!

Feb 11 11 at 4:43 pm

When I was nearly 16 my mother brought up birth control as a good way of dealing with my horrific periods, but we both know that she was really just trying to protect me and my soon-to-be sexually active self. I don't think that her allowing me to take oral contraceptives encouraged me to have sex, but it did make me feel more comfortable talking to her.
This was a year ago, and I'm still a virgin.

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