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Being on the Pill affects women’s sexual preferences

Now, I’m no doctor (at least, not one recognized by any court of law), but I do know that introducing a boatload of hormones into one’s body generally results in some... odd side effects. Men grow breasts, women grow facial hair, cats and dogs live together and accessorize at Ikea. In short, things get weird.

Which is why it should come as no surprise that women on the Pill have been shown to experience a change in sexual preference, as well as mood and libido. Studies have shown that generally, when ovulating, women are attracted to men with more typically “masculine” characteristics, such as a deeper voice, a more muscular physique, dominant behavior, and a symmetrical facial structure (all of which, curiously, can also be found at a drag bar). But hormonal contraceptives upend this standard, leading one scientist to conclude that "it is certainly possible that if women don't experience that little uptick in [desiring] masculinity that they end up choosing less masculine partners.” In other words, women on the Pill choose more feminine men.

The amount of women using the Pill as their primary form of contraception has waned, but generally hovers at just below a third. So that’s a third of the contraceptive-using population, which is a little over half of the total female population... if my numbers are correct, that exactly accounts for the number of beautiful women draped over the arms of eyeliner-slathered, skinny-jeans wearing men that I see. Now, while I wouldn’t exactly want to tell women that I respect or disrespect this choice more than the uber-macho lumberjack archetype as mate, but there has to be some kind of scientific explanation for the rise in androgynous men scoring girls way out of their league.

Comments ( 21 )

May 13 11 at 3:59 am

What's all that crap about the British being repressed? we're not in the fucking Victorian era sitting giggling at each others ankles.
And that 9% might mean something if it was given some context, where the hell this statistic came from and how high it is in other countries. On it's own it's just trivial.

Jun 24 11 at 12:10 am

I though the same, on both counts (I'm not British). I think it's unfair to compare 1970s Britain with modern Britain. My mother's credit card was cancelled in the 70s when she was married because now that she had a husband "she didn't need it anymore" according the credit card company. Not to say a cancelled credit card is anywhere near as abominable as administering a virginity test, but the point is those were different times. Yes, it's shocking considering it wasn't that long ago, though still absurd to make the comparison. I would also be surprised to find out that the majority of the actual British population both knew and supported this "testing", so again unfair to attack them with stereotypes. As for the 9%, I would love to see how that compares to the rest of Europe (or the rest of the world for that matter). I'm going to guess it's on the low end of the [questionable] statistics ladder. Personally I'm appalled at the name-calling in this article.

Jun 24 11 at 12:11 am

PS - The thought of sitting around giggling at one another's ankles made me giggle.

May 13 11 at 4:51 am

"I highly doubt that a majority of students on any college campus, even a highly conservative one, disapprove of casual or pre-marital sex."

Definitely false. Students at BYU would disapprove of casual or pre-marital sex by an overwhelming margin.

May 13 11 at 10:12 am

Mormons! HA. I think he meant a normal college campus.

May 13 11 at 1:03 pm

I graduated from Texas A&M University. That kid needs to get out more because there is as much sex going on all around him as any other university. The conservative nutcases are very vocal on that campus, but hardly speak for the student body in general. I dated an RA whose job description included giving out condoms in emergencies. His supply was always running out.

Jul 17 11 at 4:48 am

I am inspired to explore the idea of "condom emergencies"...

May 13 11 at 1:07 pm

BTW, here here on ER's comment. The British are not the stereotypes we see in movies. In my experience British men are the opposite of sexually repressed.

May 13 11 at 9:39 pm

who wrote this? sounds like it was written by someone barely literate in english.

May 13 11 at 11:47 pm

I really cannot stand the constant heavy-handed labelling going on throughout this piece. Xenophobic/ Christian nut-case/ repressed and hypocritical Brits... It's oh-so depressing to hear such a negative, judgemental tone. Some maturity, please.

May 15 11 at 10:21 am

Like a couple of other comments on here I just wanted to say that it's not the first time I've read an article calling the British repressed and it's as far from true as you can get. Everyone here (expect some religious types) is having sex, and they are all open about it.

May 15 11 at 5:47 pm

Perhaps they worked the other way. That is they were checking to see that married immigrants were not virgins. This isn't any nicer but it is more logical. I can imagine our own INS getting ideas from these disclosures.

May 16 11 at 3:36 pm

To me, it seems more likely that this came out of some fear/hysteria that the women were contriving stories about arranged marriages to circumvent British immigration policy. If women coming in to get married were "supposed" to be virgins and NOT pregnant, you can see some asshole gov't official deciding that a vaginal exam might be a good way to catch those who are lying about the whole arranged marriage bit. I seriously doubt the test was ever conceived as a way of keeping out "immoral ladies" as the writer suggests was surely the case. Just to be clear, I agree that this is reprehensible, I just don't think Hooksexup touches on any relevant points.

May 16 11 at 9:45 pm

I don't the history of Asian immigrants to Britain, but in the US at least, Asian women immigrants were mostly sex slaves and prostitutes at first and among the yellow fear was the fear of "immoral ladies".

May 29 11 at 5:44 pm

Yeah, total misunderstanding of the virginity test story.
It was nothing to do with morality. It was to check if they were already married are therfore breaching immigration rules. A quick google will show you.
Still totally appalling, mind!

May 29 11 at 5:46 pm

Oh, and I think it also stumbles on the different meaning Britain and the US attach to the word "Asian".
When we say it we mean "from the Indian subcontinent".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't our colonial cousins in the States understand it to mean "from South East Asia or China"?

Jun 11 11 at 4:28 am

Superior thinking deonmstrtead above. Thanks!

Jun 11 11 at 5:29 am

Very true! Makes a chgnae to see someone spell it out like that. :)

Jun 11 11 at 10:03 am

That's way the beetsst answer so far!

Jun 12 11 at 10:23 am

What a joy to find somoene else who thinks this way.

Jun 12 11 at 10:30 am

That saves me. Thanks for being so seinsble!

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