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Anne Hathaway and James Frano hosting the Oscars

James Franco is finally speaking out about his disastrous Oscar-hosting gig. He blames the writers and producers of the show, not an illicit substance, for his lackluster performance. According to an interview in Playboy, Franco claims:

“It’s hard to talk about because it’s like assigning blame — not a fun thing to do. For three or four weeks we shot the promos and the little film that played in the opening. In the last week, when we really started focusing on the script for the live show and did a run-through, I said to the producer, ‘I don’t know why you hired me, because you haven’t given me anything. I just don’t think this stuff’s going to be good.' I just didn’t want to fight anymore, even when they said, ‘You’ll come out as Marilyn Monroe. It’ll be funny.’ Me in drag is not funny."

Franco probably should have used that doctoral-student brain of his to decline participating in that whole debacle. You don't have to say "yes" to every offer, you know! Stick to soap-opera acting, creating invisible art, making freaky music videos, and all other eighty-seven things you do best.

More About James FrancoThe Oscars

Comments ( 8 )

Jul 11 11 at 5:12 pm

To paraphrase a cliche I have heard runs around in these thespian circles, "There are no small roles, only small actors." And an afterthought: It could have worked if he'd gone for the over the top, cheesy/bubbly thing and she'd gone for the dry, understated approach. Oh well.

Jul 11 11 at 5:32 pm

I find it somewhat astonishing that of all organizations in the world, the Academy cannot put on a good show. But, perhaps that makes perfect sense. Bruce Vallanch is simply not funny. He should be fired. Year after year, he bombs. I don't know how he has remained.

Jul 11 11 at 6:11 pm

He blackmails people by threatening to sleep with them.

Jul 16 11 at 10:29 pm
Blame Bruce

Villanch is the culprit. Dude is simply not funny. I heard him on CBC before the awards, and knew the poor hosts were going to bomb because he can't write funny.

Jul 11 11 at 6:52 pm
Vinegar Bend

He's at least partly correct. The writing on that show is awful. Every year, we read some justification for why the Oscar show is always terrible. But it's always terrible.

Jul 11 11 at 10:12 pm

didn't help that he was visibly stoned

Jul 11 11 at 10:37 pm

that's what i was going to say!

Jul 12 11 at 12:01 am

Who else is there to blame? Actors can only do so much with shoddy material. I thought the two of them did okay, considering.

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