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After Fran Drescher told a reporter that she believes she and her ex-husband were abducted by aliens who implanted chips in their hands, it seemed that there was no other female Jewish comic actor of the 1990s who could top Drescher's specific brand of cray-cray. However, Roseanne Barr is nothing if not a woman who loves a challenge, and she attempted to surpass Fran Drescher's level of wackiness by announcing that she has filed the required papers to run for the Green Party presidential nomination.

The comedian, who is best known for the ABC sitcom Roseanne,* says that she's a longtime supporter of the party, and she's submitted all the necessary paperwork to be considered as a candidate. "The Democrats and Republicans have proven that they are servants, bought and paid for by the 1 percent, who are not doing what's in the best interest of the American people," Roseanne said of her candidacy, noting in a candidate questionnaire that she will "barnstorm American living rooms." The nominee will be chosen by the Green Party in July at a convention in Baltimore.

So I guess... congratulations, Roseanne? I thought you were doing a reality show with the Lifetime network about your 46-acre Hawaiian macadamia nut farm or something, but running for President is cool too. If you make it to the White House, we can at least be assured that 2004's Home on the Range will be aired non-stop on premium cable television for years to come.

* which apparently featured a very young and very hirsute George Clooney in a recurring role. WHAT. MIND=BLOWN.

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Feb 03 12 - 11:13am

Yes, let's be very condescending, Hooksexup. Roseanne is just plum carazay with her politics. Not to mention she was a groundbreaking comic that had to fight for everything on her show and that she's been a strong advocate for working-class people her entire career.

Feb 03 12 - 12:43pm

You forgot unmitigated publicity whore.

Feb 03 12 - 12:39pm
atedubl Rainham

If you're not an extreme leftist liberal, you are a wackadoodle in Hooksexup's eyes. They see no validity in anything other than their own narrow view of how things should be.

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