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The Westboro Baptist Church — best known for its "God hates fags" slogan and for picketing military funerals — is at it again, this time with plans to protest the funerals of victims in this weekend's shooting in Arizona that left six people dead and fourteen injured. See the above video of Westboro's leader Fred Phelps, sitting against a backdrop with a "God sent the shooter" poster, calling critically injured congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords "an avid supporter of sin and baby-killing" who was "punished for that mischief," and declaring that "God avenged himself today by a marvelous work in Tucson." Because really, the world was just waiting for someone to step up and make this entire story that much more depressing.

Comments ( 14 )

Jan 10 11 at 6:17 pm
Farm Queen

Pratice what you preach, God will judge each and everyone of us. You sir will meet him as well. I will pray for you and your followers. May God help you soul.

Jan 10 11 at 6:34 pm

Easy for you to say. For the rest of us non-believers, I say, fuck him. I mean, really, just look at the old bastard and marvel that he should live so long.

Jan 10 11 at 11:35 pm

Tuscan? Does he not know the difference between Arizona and Italy?

Jan 11 11 at 7:05 am

Ha! Tuscan...

Jan 11 11 at 8:54 am
Vinegar Bend

Yeah, Fred, I'm sure God wanted Jared to kill a 9-year-old girl.
This "Church" has about 11 people.

Jan 11 11 at 9:21 am

I hate that this one man can color other people's opinion of all christians. Most would see this terrible shooting for what it is-a tragedy.

Jan 11 11 at 9:39 am

Like Vinegar Bend said, Westboro Baptist Church is a handful of nutters, and they're all related. In the documentary "Fall From Grace," you get a peek at how pathetic this inbred clan really is. I suggest a two-pronged attack: Non-believers, don't give them attention. Believers, publicly disavow them. It's always the fringe element that will get the most attention; if they don't represent you, it's your duty to show what does.

Jan 11 11 at 9:41 am

Could we call for a general ban on reporting what the WBBC is up to? The only reason anyone follows what they do is because they are incredible at garnering publicity by pulling insane stunts like this. Do you really think that they would continue driving around the country and picketing these events if no one covered it at all? The only real megaphone they have are the news groups and websites willing to cover them.

Jan 11 11 at 10:05 am

Christian fringe groups like this are as worrying as any hardline islamic extremist group. Slightly more so, as they seem to hold an amount of influence in a country with significant political clout and arguably the most powerful military in the world.

Jan 11 11 at 11:01 am

Actually, Chip, I think they would. They are deeply disturbed. I think they really believe what they are saying. But I also agree that I'd like to see a WBC blackout.

Jan 11 11 at 11:24 am

So if you think it's right for a innocent child to die? All children are innocent, they are the lambs of God.

Jan 11 11 at 11:29 am

Who are you talking to? And, in fact, what are you talking about?

Jan 12 11 at 12:17 am

i understand what you're saying, Lurch, but the WBC doesn't actually kill anybody, they just make people mutter and shake their heads. Not quite the same tier as people who have killed over three thousand Americans.

Jan 12 11 at 12:32 pm
goober k

watched it... now i need to shower and scrub with brillo to make it go away

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