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"Belinda, I just don't understand how something so small can be so impressive," remarks a male news anchor named Mark, referring to a tiny urn held by an English athlete. Belinda, it turns out, had her own thoughts on the matter — or more specifically, on Mark's matter.

The person on BuzzFeed who uploaded the video guesses that the two might have some sort of sexual history, which makes sense — just take a look at Mark's reaction to Belinda's jab. That's not nothing.

Comments ( 10 )

Feb 15 11 at 4:42 pm

She said it so quickly and deliberately! I wonder if she'll get called into the bosses office or if they'll just think it was amusing.

Feb 15 11 at 4:58 pm
G Unti


Feb 15 11 at 5:37 pm

This just made my day

Feb 15 11 at 5:58 pm
Jeff @ DeadTreeMedia

He, um, didn't react at all...

Also, why are you going right to the penis? That anchor is actually pretty small in stature (i.e. he's short), and she wouldn't have had to date him to know that information.

Feb 15 11 at 8:35 pm
Mel Gibson

Hahaha, that was the funniest thing I've watched in a long time. His reaction was amazing. Just frozen in shock!

Feb 15 11 at 10:07 pm

This was disappointing. Looked staged.

Feb 16 11 at 3:09 am

What a bitch! Did she think that was funny? Firing time, I think...Unless he gets to make comments about her boob implants...

Feb 16 11 at 8:45 am

I only wish I had a chance to dothat to my miami ex lenny on natl tv...what a tool

Feb 17 11 at 5:23 pm

when '80's yuppie rom-coms happen to good people.

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