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Talking to Strangers
Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we just met.

Liam, 22

What do you do for a living?
I'm a travel agent.

What kind of girls does that get you?
Uh... usually foreign ones. Believe it or not.

Favorite nationality?
U.S. girls and Canadian girls.

You're on holiday right now?
We got here on Wednesday, from Australia.

So you're starting in New York, and then what?
Boston tomorrow, and then down south to New Orleans and then across to Austin, Las Vegas, San Diego, and L.A.

So are you looking to hook up with women while you're traveling?

Being Australian will probably help.
I hope so. I've been to the States before and it helped last time. I didn't actually close the deal, but it definitely helped. I was traveling with a guy who was a lot older than me and was married, so it was a little bit harder. Usually the girls I was talking to would have a friend and he'd be like, "I'm married."

So if you're interested in a girl, how do you make it happen?
[Paul: "He doesn't, really."] Ha ha, I don't, yeah. No, it's true. I'm not big on taking the initial action. Usually a lot of alcohol helps. An Australian accent generally helps.

Has a woman ever told you that it's specifically because you're Australian that her underwear's off?
No. That hasn't happened specifically, no. Oh wait — yeah, actually, that has happened once. A girl, a customer at work, a Canadian girl.

She said it was because you were Australian?
Yeah. Which is funny, because we were in Australia, so you'd think she could have had her pick of most anyone.

Paul, 21

What do you do, Paul?
I'm a paramedic.

That's kind of an exciting, dangerous job, right?
It is. Not so dangerous, but it is exciting.

Do you find women are impressed by your paramedic work?
More so than being a travel agent.

Have you ever gotten a woman because of the paramedic work?
Girls from work, yeah. It's usually after-work drinks.

That's usually how it happens. What sort of ladies do you like?
The initial physical attraction is one thing, but then once you get talking to someone, you want someone who can hold a conversation. In Australia, we're big on a sense of humor, so someone who can take a joke.

What are paramedic girls like?
They're outgoing, generally. It comes with the line of work. They're more vocal.

Are there any stereotypes about Australian guys?
From mates who have traveled here before, I've heard it's pretty easy with the ladies.

Ladies like accents.
I'm hoping that that works in my favor.

Yeah. Are you single while you're here?
Yeah, I am. Sort of.

Wait, what does that mean? You said, "Sort of."
I've got a girl back home, but we've just hooked up a couple of times. We're not really going out. So, I'm single, yeah.

Do you have a game plan?
Definitely play up the Australian side of things. Definitely milk it for all it's worth. I say "dingo."

Erika, 21

What do you do?
I go to school.

What kind of guys do you like?
I like athletes, personally.

Any particular sport?

Bowling? I like. Big bowlers, I love 'em.

If you like a guy, how do you let him know?
Normally I don't go out of my way to tell them.

So they go out of their way to talk to you?
Oh, God, well, that sounds bad, but yeah.

Are you from around here?
I'm from upstate.

Are guys in the city different from guys upstate?
Yeah, I'd say they're more cultured.

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
Oh yeah, yes!

What happened? That was a very strong yes.
He's texting me right now.

He's texting you right now?
He's somewhat of a stalker. He likes to know what I'm up to, and he always wants to come over.

How long ago did you stop dating?
Two or three years ago. I had a boyfriend for two and a half years after him, so I think he should have gotten the hint, but I guess he never did.

Comments ( 21 )

Erika is a snooze-fest, but a hot one at that.

LP commented on Feb 26 10 at 1:01 am

where's the age diversity. these young'uns haven't lived. one liner answers are boring. what bars are u hanging out at. seriously.

aa commented on Feb 26 10 at 1:43 am

not to mention that white hipster Hooksexup employees fllock to white twenty something boring crackers. hey editor-take note. get yr white hipster workers to gets some freakin diversity in here.

aa commented on Feb 26 10 at 1:46 am

@AA Dude, really? Have you seen the black woman on the second page of this feature? Have you seen ANY of the previous features? The majority of them have plenty of non-white, and even older people. Know what you're talking about before you post.

FM commented on Feb 26 10 at 1:55 am

another boring week. what's going on here, Hooksexup?

lj commented on Feb 25 10 at 3:46 pm

Who says "I like athletes." Why not just say "I'm mentally retarded and shallow."

HM commented on Feb 25 10 at 6:35 pm

dullsville. but the australian boys are hotties.

mw commented on Feb 25 10 at 6:41 pm

boring. and they're all children. what gives?

sh commented on Feb 25 10 at 8:55 pm

FM, STFU, and go look at the last 10 of these. The MAJORITY of the profiles are under 30 white folks. If the editors at Hooksexup can't find more diversity in NYC than that, then they should just rename the feature "Talking with Young White People". I used to enjoy this feature, now I just wonder if said editors are afraid of people of color and anyone over 30. It's like a semi-racist "Logan"s Run".....

JT commented on Feb 26 10 at 12:24 am

Hooksexup needs to go to bars with a more diverse clientele. Surely they exist in Hooksexupville!

h commented on Feb 26 10 at 4:12 am

They should do this at a retirement home in spanish harlem

jmh commented on Feb 26 10 at 4:44 am

Just don't go back to Philly. *shudder*

PO commented on Feb 26 10 at 6:42 am

The majority of PEOPLE in the U.S. are white folks. That's obviously not a value judgment.

@JT commented on Feb 26 10 at 11:32 am

Everyone's human- so we can learn from all these people, I guess, but I have to agree that these are for the most part extremely shallow and boring comments. There's more interesting white and black people out there of any age. On the whole, TTS seems to focus on ABSOLUTE CHILDREN. Jeezus, get out of your comfort zone and talk to some people in their thirties who have thought a little about their lives. If you're going to focus on youth, at least choose those who have youthful qualities, like vitality...

AJR commented on Feb 26 10 at 2:51 pm

I have been reading this feature and after my demographical survey conclude that most people on here are white-20 something. the few times that they actually interview older, ethnically diverse folks, it's been interesting. if Hooksexup is all about sex and culture. what they give us here are a bunch of white, 20 something people who haven't lived and can articulate words in twitter limited soundbytes. oh wait but soundbytes are supposed to be interesting. this is not!

AA commented on Feb 26 10 at 6:49 pm

this is actually my favorite feature on Hooksexup. so the request is find interesting people. eh?

AA commented on Feb 26 10 at 6:53 pm

Erika is the kind of girl I want to punch in the face. Maybe if I convince her my fist is an athlete that wants to pursue her she will let me.

JJ commented on Feb 26 10 at 8:02 pm

I bet Erika pays for everything in her life with daddy's credit card. And she still calls him "daddy" too.

RM commented on Feb 27 10 at 9:53 am

Erika and paul are related, they just don't know it. This round of talking to strangers just proved how boring early twenty somethings can be....

gm commented on Feb 27 10 at 8:57 pm

You guys are brutal.

TwL commented on Mar 01 10 at 3:04 pm


hell commented on Mar 12 10 at 3:57 pm

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