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"Is that a mirror in your pocket?? Because I can see myself in your pants." Sun Kist

"Do you know what would look better on you? me

"That shirt would look better on my floor."

"Those pants are ugly. You should take them off."

"Nice boots. Wanna fuck?" (This should only be attempted on goths, it's sort of an in-joke)

"Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?" (This should only be attempted on any girl, it's sort of an in-joke)

"That shirt is very becoming on you — and if I was on you, I'd be coming too."

"That dress looks great on a matter of fact, so would I."

"You have some nice jewelry. It would look great on my nightstand."

"Hey, I see you are wearing clothes. I'm wearing clothes! Did you know we have something in common? We should get together and do something sometime."

"You look like my type: Nice hair, beautiful eyes, amazing body, but there is still just one problem: your clothing. (What's wrong with my clothing?) It's still on you."

(Wets finger and touches girl's clothing) "Damn, let me get you out of those wet clothes" Ap