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Guy: Hi, do you like ice cream? Girl: Yes Guy: Would you like to go get some when you get off of work? After a lot of persuading I decided he was persistent enough at least for an ice cream run.

I once lived with a woman for five years to see if it would work out. It did once but I worked it back in.


"I must be a pirate cuz I'm loving your booty." ADD YOURS HERE!

"If you were a fly, I'd land on you, 'cuz you're the SHIT."

"Did you grow up on a chicken farm? 'Cause you sure can raise some cock."

Nice shoes... fancy a fuck?

"What winks and screws like a tiger?" pause... ;) wink.

" You must be a parking ticket... Cuz, you have FINE written all over you"

"If you were a sliding door I'd slam you all night long."

"Did you just fart? 'Cause you blew me away."

"Excuse me, does this smell like chloroform to you?"

"You are the most interesting piece of ass I've talked to all evening."

"Walking down the street in Paris: "Hello, would you like to see my Eiffel Tower?"

"Let's be like Nike, and just do it!"

From the cult classic Shark Attack 3: Megalodon. It worked in the movie, so...

"I'm really wired. What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?"

"Are you from Jamaica? Cause Jamaican me crazy!"

"Are you wearing Jalepeno undies, 'cause your ass is hot."

"If you were a boogar, I'd pick you first."

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together!" - Crum

"If you were a McDonald's Value meal they would call you McBeautiful."

"Hersheys makes thousands of kisses a day, all I'm asking for is just one."

"If I call your left leg Thanksgiving and your right leg Christmas, can I visit between the holidays?"

"Would you like to go out with me?"

"Our love is like diarreha, i just cant hold it in"

"Did you shower in Windex? Because I can see myself in you."

"Hi, stranger, do you have any candy? Can I ride in your car?" (Said to me by an acquaintance whom I hadn't seen in a while.)