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Dating Advice from Hunters

April 17, 2009

Stacy, 35

What's the best way to hit on a hunter?
I usually like to flirt with a guy about his truck, his dog and/or his firearm. It also doesn't hurt to let them know how sexy they look in their hunting gear.

What's a fun first-date idea?
I would prefer pheasant hunting, hiking, to a hockey game or even kayaking any day compared to a movie, concert or romantic dinner. You learn so much more about a potential mate's character when you're out in a different element.

How soon is too soon to say I love you?
You know, I always tell my friends that I love them, even my close male friends. When it comes to that man in your life, one needs to get to know them just as you would a friend. When that time is right, you will know it.


What's your favorite date idea after you've been hunting all day?
This is when the romantic dinner enters the scene. There's nothing better after a day out in the field with the man you love than cooking your upland game birds together and reminiscing about the day, complemented by your favorite glass of wine.

What's the worst way to get dumped?
The sudden break-up followed by "really it's not you, it's me." Or for that matter, someone who feels that you have them up on a pedestal and that they will never be deserving enough of you, even though they are. Bottom line, communication is a key ingredient in any relationship.

What has hunting taught you about love?
It's taught me to be very patient in any relationship. It's taught me to love deeper and not to be afraid to pursue what I want.

Chris, 35

What's the easiest way into a hunter's heart?
Hunters love to be outside, so outdoor activities are the easiest way into a hunter's heart.

My boyfriend is really into the great outdoors. I'm not. How do I get him to stop trying to take me camping without coming across as rude and prissy?
Go on the hunting or fishing trip, but just tell him that you'll stay in a motel.

I love my girlfriend, but I'm just not ready to commit. She wants to get married. What should I do?
Find a new girlfriend.

What's the worst way to get dumped?
In front of your peers.

Nicole, 25

What is a fun first date idea?
I have a wonderful boyfriend and I haven't had a first date in a while, but my idea of a "perfect" date would be anything to do with being in the outdoors, especially hunting. Going hunting together, coming back to the lodge and having a romantic candlelit dinner, relaxing and talking, is my idea of a perfect date, period.

Do hunters tolerate dating vegetarians?
To tell you the truth, I have no earthly idea! I have never dated one and I don't ever plan on it. I'm not sure how that would work out, considering we eat everything we shoot, so if you are a vegetarian, I'd say you're in for a ride.

What has hunting taught you about relationships?
I was born and raised in the woods with my dad and two older brothers. Growing up spending time with my family in the outdoors, we grew very strong bonds. I believe experiences in the great outdoors can make any relationship stronger.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get more into hunting?
Find someone you know who wouldn't mind you tagging along with them to learn more about the sport.

What's a fun thing to do after you've been hunting all day?
I love coming home after a long day's hunt, cooking dinner with my boyfriend, and relaxing on the couch for the night. Because we know the next morning we get to do it all over again while shooting our television show, "Driven TV with Pat and Nicole," which is going to be airing on the Outdoor Channel beginning in July.

Rolf, 25

My boyfriend is really into the great outdoors. I'm not. How do I get him to stop trying to take me camping without coming across as rude and prissy?
Say you want to let him have fun with the boys.

I think my boyfriend's parents don't like me. What should I do?
Figure out why they don't like you.

I love my girlfriend, but I'm just not ready to commit. She wants to get married. What should I do?
Tell her.

Threesome — when can it work?
When you want to have fun.

What's the worst way to get dumped?

Interviews by Kathryn Savage. Dating Advice From... appears on Fridays. Have questions for the general public? Send them to .