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Dating Advice from Political T-Shirt Makers

October 9, 2008

Aaron, 26, Deborah, 27, Rick, 27

I'm obsessed with political coverage and my girlfriend could care less. Is our relationship doomed?
No Ñ she doesn't have to be obsessed like you, but she must vote. And she must vote for things that don't violate everything you know to be true and good.

My boyfriend always wants to hang out at home. How do I get him to actually want to go out?
Tell him you're going out for "a long night of drinking" with "some guys from work." Or instead, if he'd like, you could meet up with him at a bar instead.

How is wearing a political tee a turn-on?
Good politics and good sex are both derived from the same thing Ñ passion. So wearing a hot political tee on your chest shows you've got passion inside, and maybe downstairs, too.

What's the best way to pick up a political activist?
Go extreme. Go to a political rally, get arrested and put the whole thing on YouTube.

I just found out that my ex got engaged. We don't speak anymore, but we were together for three years. Would it be weird to send him a "good luck!" present?
Yes, unless it's a Barack Obama t-shirt. That would be entirely appropriate.

After way too many one-night stands, I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't have sex unless it got really serious. I've just started dating someone, and it's going great — and I'm even more sure I want to wait to have sex with him. I'm running out of excuses — what should I say?
Tell him there's too much Dick and Bush in the world right now, but maybe after November.

I just found out my boyfriend isn't registered to vote. I've lost a lot of respect for him, but I do like him and don't want to turn this into a dealbreaker. Any advice?
Dump him. It's fucking 2008. There are no excuses.

Micheal, 38

I'm obsessed with political coverage and my girlfriend could care less. Is our relationship doomed?
Opposites do attract. My wife is a Democrat and I'm a Republican, which is actually worse than one person caring less. And we are perfectly happy. If we all cared about the same thing, life would be pretty boring.

My boyfriend always wants to hang out at home. How do I get him to actually want to go out?
Just tell him that while you love spending time at home with him, that you want to help support the economy and that the front door exists for a reason. To leave. Alternately, you can say, "I'd love to take you home to bed after a night of dancing or a night at the movies, hint, hint."

How is wearing a political tee a turn-on?
I don't think any political design would ever be a turn-on. But if you were wearing just a political tee and a smile for your significant other, it could be.

What's the best way to pick up a political activist?
It depends on the activist. Be sensitive to their beliefs. If they're for a greener environment, pulling up in a SUV is probably a bad idea.

How can being politically active make you more attractive?
Being politically active shows that you care and are intelligent enough to examine the issues. And they say smart is sexy. Unfortunately, for some people there is no hope.

My boyfriend lasts a really, really long time in bed. How do I let him know that longer isn't necessarily better without bashing his ego?
You can tell him sex is like the Olympics. Some races are marathons, other are just sprints. Tonight is a sprinting event. He might enjoy a sprint sometime.

Chris, 31

My girlfriend always gives me t-shirts with slogans on them. I prefer to stay neutral. Should I just wear the shirt and make her happy?
She sounds obnoxious and you sound like a wuss. I'd venture a guess that your mom still dresses you, so what's the big deal if your girlfriend does? Wuss.

My boyfriend lasts a really, really long time in bed. How do I let him know that longer isn't necessarily better without bashing his ego?
He's most likely trying to prove something to you, so just tell him. You'll both be, um, relieved.

My apartment lease is up in six months, and I really think it'd be best — both financially and for our relationship — if my boyfriend and I moved in together. How do I bring it up without sounding like I'm moving things too quickly?
Listen to yourself! You want to move in with him because your lease is up and it'll save a few hundred bucks a month on rent? Moving in together is a very important step. It can't be dictated by an artificial timeline given to you by your landlord! Think about whether you want to spend every day and night with this person, and do it when the time is right. Otherwise you're sure to come off like you're trying to use outside factors to rationalize your clingyness.

I went on a blind date where the girl mispronounced my name. Now, we're going on a second date — how do I let her know the correct pronunciation without embarrassing her?
So you're telling me that you let her mispronounce your name throughout the course of the entire first date, and you didn't correct her? That tells me that you are completely spineless, so you should just go by whatever name she calls you, and then have your name legally changed to that name. Wouldn't want to ruffle any feathers on your second date, now would we?

Carl, 30

I'm obsessed with political coverage and my girlfriend could care less. Is our relationship doomed?
It all depends. Does it really bother you that she's not into politics? If it does, then you might have a problem. If not, you'll be fine. Surely you don't share all of her interests?

My boyfriend always wants to hang out at home. How do I get him to actually want to go out?
Just go out with your friends and have fun. When he hears what a good time you had, he just might want to join you the next time. Feel free to exaggerate.

How is wearing a political tee a turn-on?
If you're into politics, you always want to break the oldest rule in the book — not to talk about politics or religion with people you don't know. If you see someone wearing a political t-shirt, 50-100% of that rule goes out the window. Also you won't waste your time chasing someone who you'll end up hating when you find out he/she is a crazy conservative freak/whining liberal pussy.

How can being politically active make you more attractive?
It doesn't really. You're just going to be more attractive to a different group of people, the politics junkies. But be careful: this group includes men like Bill Clinton, Larry Craig, Mark Foley and Ann Coulter. And women like Sarah Palin. Walk carefully and you might find that special someone.  

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