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    Harry Potter star Emma Watson, the 19-year-old Brit who plays Hermoine Grainger in the film series, says the camaraderie she has with her male co-stars is a detriment to her dating life.

    "There are no boyfriend-girlfriend relationships at all because we all work so hard," Watson told UK's Daily Express about her costars love lives. Watson says the kissing scenes in the film makes it impossible for her to ever think of her costars as more than friends. Not because they're not attractive, but for the impersonality of the kissing. She says "They're awful. For a start, you're in front of a room full of people and second, it's all so premeditated and technical." She adds, "There's not an opportunity to date. And Daniel Radcliffe [Harry Potter] and Rupert Grint [Ron Weasley] to me are like a pair of brothers." [Examiner]


    Commentarium (13 Comments)

    Sep 11 09 - 11:29am

    emma watson is super-hot. i bet radcliffe and grint aren't nearly so blase about making out with HER.

    Sep 11 09 - 11:30am

    but they certainly will sell tickets to all the pervs who were dying for her to turn 18!

    Sep 11 09 - 11:31am

    I love her - she seems so much more together and self-possessed than the other starlets around these days!

    Sep 11 09 - 11:46am

    She's gorgeous. I can't wait to see where she goes in her career. Seems so down-to-earth.

    Sep 11 09 - 12:09pm
    Max Fleischer

    Sounds like the beloved Ms. Watson needs to consult Propecia, the love/crack guru....

    Sep 11 09 - 3:16pm

    I confess I didn't follow the link, but the excerpt makes it sound like she's saying there's no dating her co-stars, not that she's not dating in general. I don't see where she says her celebrity is hurting her dating life overall.

    Sep 11 09 - 3:50pm
    Emily Farris

    But she said she's also working so hard there's no time for dating. That's what I interpreted it as anyway.

    Sep 11 09 - 4:14pm

    OK, this time I did follow the link, and the article does say, "She admits that working on the movies certainly hasn't helped her dating life." It just wasn't clear to me from the context of the excerpt.

    Sep 11 09 - 4:19pm
    Emily Farris

    Well, thanks for always keeping on my toes, Prof. I'll try to be clearer next time. And follow some damn links, would ya?

    Sep 11 09 - 7:32pm

    MOMMMMMMM! Scanner Emily is making click on things again!

    Sep 14 09 - 4:06pm
    Emma is hot

    She is amazingly cute, sweet, and totally adorable. Just as sexy as any other hot young babe in hollywood. I cant imagine why anyone would ask her if she specifically considered her dating life to be concentrated around her costars. Sheesh, theres pry a few million guys that would love to date her on just her fan pages.

    Oct 26 10 - 9:09pm

    I'd totally bust a nut load on that

    Jan 21 11 - 7:17am

    she is lonli girl

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