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Girl Scouts breed "pro-abortion" lesbians, says Republican

Hans Zeiger says that Girl Scouts are a breeding ground for pro-abortion, lesbian feminists.

Sometimes you can actually hear Republicans think to themselves, "Fuck it, I'm going to go for it." That's what Hans Zeiger, a Republican who hopes to join Washington State's House of Representatives, must have been thinking when he claimed that the Girl Scouts are godless, baby-murdering lesbians.

You're right, it's not fair of me to twist his words. Here, watch him twist them himself:

The Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps. If the Girl Scouts of America can't get back to teaching real character, perhaps it will be time to look for our cookies elsewhere.

Those green vests are pretty gay, but something just doesn't add up here. I mean, if all Girl Scouts went on to become either homosexual women or straight baby killers, then there would be no more girls, and thus no more Girl Scouts. And if there are no Girl Scouts, there are no Girl Scout cookies. And if there are no Girl Scout cookies, then... then there is no God, oh shit, Hans Zeiger is right! Noooooo!

Comments ( 64 )

We Europeans have the feeling: Many Americans seem to be "loonies". Or plain stupid. Yes, I mean the right wing people. the Republicans. Someone should tell them loud and clear: we're not in the Middles Ages anymore.

Jeeves commented on Sep 11 10 at 4:15 am

When I was a leader, I went out of my way to teach a pro-abortion, Lesbian agenda. Or was that canoeing? I always get those two confused.

Lapsed Girlscout commented on Sep 11 10 at 7:54 am

Hmmm.... What a hoot... what will the Republicans think of next... Well, lets see, I am a lesbian, I am a breeder, I do believe in a Higher Power but I am NOT a baby killer (and yes I believe you are a baby immediately after conception). Well, 3/4 ain't bad!
It is amazing that more people do not see the desperation of statements. The "divide and conquer" and the "Hate-mongering" really need to stop. It has made the USA the laughing stock of the world. This is exactly how the extremist start in order to separate the people who will follow them blindly... and then they slowly make them believe that they are the chosen... and then an even bigger nut job gets a hold of people and then convinces them that they need to rid the earth of all of those people who are different... Hmmm... sounds vaguely familiar.... Can't remember where I heard this from.... People need to start thinking for themselves and realizing they are being played.
I used to think the USA was great because we were different. I am beginning to think that is no longer the case.

Earthmomma93 commented on Sep 11 10 at 8:48 am

@ Badland, that's too funny!!
Well, guess he has to "get his cookies" elsewhere since all girlscouts are Lesbians! LOL

datherapist commented on Sep 11 10 at 9:46 am

@ Ray Rahman, I am lesbian, I am spiritual, I have procreated, and I would never have an abortion....but that's just me,....just sayin

datherapist commented on Sep 11 10 at 9:59 am

Never more in my life have I wanted a girl scout cookie

J commented on Sep 11 10 at 1:26 pm

Here's what really scares me. A good bunch of the comments here are not, "There is nothing wrong with being a lesbian/atheist/feminist!" They are, instead, "The Girl Scouts don't support those evil things, silly!" The problem is not in linking GSUSA to these life choices or ideas... it is in calling them wrong! I didn't even realize there were still adults fighting feminism! Really?

Briana commented on Sep 11 10 at 11:29 pm

God forbid that any parent would want their daughter to join an organization that would teach her that everyone has worth, or the right to make choices independently of other people. My daughter wanted to join Girl Scouts and I was hesitant to allow it because I mistakenly assumed they were a homophobic, right-wing organization like the BSA and I didn't want her learning that sort of BS. However, the more I read about Girl Scouts, the happier I am with the idea.

MomofOne commented on Sep 12 10 at 2:57 am

Last I checked, I survived 12 years as a girl in Girl Scouts and 2 years working at GS summer camps... and I'm not a baby-killing lesbian... I guess Scouts just didn't work for me!

Samantha commented on Sep 13 10 at 6:03 pm

Are you crazy or what? Good Grief - what next?

Gloria F. Coen commented on Sep 13 10 at 8:43 pm

Thanks Seaman Hawk! You are an upstanding person. As a lifetime girl scout, girl scout leader, and camp nurse I can safely say that girl scouts had absolutely NO impact on my being straight or pro-choice NOT PRO ABORTION! I do not think anyone is MADE straight or gay I believe they are born that way and yes made by god and I believe loved by god. Also I do not believe anyone is pro abortion; however people do believe in a woman's right to choose. I was in a CATHOLIC Girl Scout troop and I can assure you the topics of our meetings was not bra burning and baby killing!!! We learned to speak our minds, stand up for our rights, be leaders in the community, serve the underserved in the community and to thank those that serve and risk their lives every day so we can continue to do so. That is why every year our council sends hundreds of cookies to our troops overseas!

Colleen commented on Sep 15 10 at 12:19 pm


paige commented on Sep 15 10 at 8:46 pm

Snap, how did I never find the orgies in the Michigan woods during my formative years? I lived within bicycling distance of a Girl Scout Compound. I had to spend countless years and a small fortune training to become a Lesbian and a Feminist. Would I have gotten a cut rate on abortions If I had my GS Card? Imagine...pesky lesbians, spreading aids and begging for abortions....Amused and amazed in Michigan. His theory is his ignorance announced for all the world to ponder. Lord forgive him!

Rene commented on Sep 16 10 at 4:45 pm

Barbara Rene' Rock Snap! How could I have missed the orgies in the woods during my formative years? I lived with in bicycling distance to one of those Girl Scout Compounds. I had to spend years of effort training to be a Lesbian and a Feminist and cost a small fortune to boot! Would I have gotten a cut rate abortion with a GSA membership card? Triksie, pesky lesbians; begging for abortions and spreading Aids.This theory is their Ignorance announced for all the world to see. Perhaps there is a causal relationship between Lesbian Feminism and biophilia? Bless us everyone. Now pass the Thin Mints, please????

Sistahpele commented on Sep 16 10 at 5:24 pm

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