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Tell Us About Your Date

Indulge our voyeuristic impulses and tell us about an interesting date you've been on lately. Be specific, colorful, and lively. Don't just tell us you had drinks — tell us what the ambiance was like, who paid, and how you managed to get a Scorpion Bowl at an Irish bar. Give us as many details as you can, but if a question doesn't apply, you can skip it. Submissions may be edited.

You and Your Date

You and Your Date



Your Date

Your Date

Date Details

Date Details

(i.e. "Austin," "Peoria, IL," "Detroit")

(i.e. "Chic cocktail bar on 36th," "Dimly lit mid-level Italian restaurant," "Legendary Cobo Hall")

Upload a picture that captures this date for you,
without including anyone's face. Be creative!

Act 1

Act 1

(i.e. "A couple of Fridays ago, I was talking to my friend at this coffeeshop when this guy walked in… ")

("I knew she'd been trained to kill by the Israeli government, but I didn't know…")

(i.e. "He was talking about the seafood tower at Lure, so I suggested…")

(Did you want to take them home immediately? Did you want to run for the hills? "She was tall, with red hair and a lip piercing, and…" "He bore an unfortunate resemblance to Yoko Ono, exacerbated by…")

Act 2

Act 2

("First we went to Lure, and then about halfway through the seafood tower, we decided to...")

("It turned out her parents were circus folk…" "Within four minutes we were having a shouting match about Paul McCartney's soulfulness…")

("We were about an hour in, when the waiter came up and said…")

("I really wanted to ask how she got that scar…" "I wanted to tell him I thought he was really cute, but...")

Act 3

Act 3

("I thought I was just going to kiss him goodnight, but then…")

("Yes - we talked about going snowboarding in…" "No - it's not going to work, because…" "I definitely wouldn't have ordered that round of…")

("I'm sure she thinks that…")

(What are we forgetting to ask?)