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Is This Another Murder-Coverup of a Black Man?

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


Police in Mississippi want you to believe that Billey Joe Johnson, Jr. died of a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head while in park during a routine traffic stop. Police want you to forget that Billey Joe was black, his girlfriend was white, and that the angry white father keeping them apart was a friend of the police officer on the scene. 

They also want you to forget that the official report has one glaring inconsistency in the death of an all-star high school football player weighing several major scholarship opportunities.

But Johnson's family and the NAACP are questioning whether Johnson died from a self-inflicted gunshot. A lawyer for the family has said Johnson's wounds did not appear to be consistent with a shotgun wound.

Willie Gaines, head of the George County chapter of the NAACP, said he, like many others in the community, believes Johnson had too much to live for to take his own life. The morning of his death, he was scheduled to attend an awards banquet. [Denver Post]

A witness heard two shots, not one, at the scene where Billey Joe died, according to an independent investigation launched by the Mississippi NAACP. The pathologist in that investigation has indicated that it would be impossible for a bullet from a self-inflicted shot to enter in the manner that it did. He also said that given the length of Billey Joe's arms and the length of the shotgun, it would have been impossible for him to hold the weapon and fire it at himself. [dead link, via Color of Change e-mail]

Even with this evidence, will the truth ever come out? Did the cop shoot Johnson? Did the father of his girlfriend, who had been ordered not to see the boy? All we know is that on the night in question, Johnson tapped on the girl's window, where her mother was waiting or hiding or happened to be passing by in the inside hallway. The mother called the police and Johnson took off. Color of Change notes: "This fact was not a part of the original story given by the police."

Later, he was stopped for what the police say was a pair of traffic violations: running a red light and blowing a stop sign. The cop claims he was taking Johnson's driver's license back to the car when he heard a shot and the sound of glass shattering. He turned and saw Johnson's last moments...



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aerty said:

If the cop was walking back to his cop car, wouldn't the dash cam picked up the shot?

February 6, 2009 1:54 PM

Walther Sczmit said:

Death to the pig!

February 6, 2009 1:55 PM

jw said:

The officer's patrol vehicle may not be equipped with a dash cam and audio recording.  Don't know the protocol down in Mississippi.

February 6, 2009 2:02 PM

paul in seattle said:

why won't mainstream media pick up on this?

this is another story that will get swept under the rug, and it really is too bad.

February 6, 2009 2:03 PM

willy said:

It's mississippi.  They can't afford dash cams.

February 6, 2009 2:16 PM

c reed said:

this was on espn yesterday...

February 6, 2009 2:21 PM

mike said:

been to the state before and it does'nt surprise me a bit,dig a big hole and bury the entire state into it.

February 6, 2009 2:27 PM

Angry Black Guy. said:

Why won't the mainstream media pick up on this?  Simple.

Because its a small local story with no national importance.  This, at worst, is a sign of personal dislike of a person and NOT a sign of systematic racism.

The officer, acting alone, may have shot the boy because he was black.  Or because he was a bad boyfriend.  Or because of any other reason.  Or the boy shot himself.  Based on this article, their are some serious holes in the story that need to be answered but that answer will not be Systematic Racism.

Systematic Racism is gone.  Obama is President of the US, a Black man is head of the GOP, the Governor of a Southern state is of Indian decent and Hispanics occupy high office across the nation.  We have achieved the dream.

The only people still crying out racist conspiracy are those that need to believe it to excuse their own failings.

February 6, 2009 2:30 PM

PJ said:

Hey if you're black in MS, dont date a white girl!

February 6, 2009 2:35 PM

Soupgoblin said:

Of course it was a murder..

No sane person trusts the police nowadays, they aren't our friends, they aren't here to help us or to serve and protect. Think of the police in America today as the gestapo of Nazi Germany (jack booted, murderous thugs who can't wait to find a new victim).

The police are what the bullies in school grew up to be, they abuse their authority, get away with things that anyone else in this country would be arrested for.

February 6, 2009 2:35 PM

Anon said:

If Kurt Cobain can shoot himself in the head with a shot gun high on heroin, this young man sure can.

February 6, 2009 2:36 PM

Cop CAR CAM said:

Video from the cop cam  NSFW blood


February 6, 2009 2:36 PM

Jesus said:

The Obamasaiah will fix this!

February 6, 2009 2:37 PM

SG said:

good to see the south is still several hundred years behind the times.  @ss backward part of the country.

February 6, 2009 2:37 PM

TJB said:

My Uncle was murdered by Mississippi police in 1999. He was shot in the back multiple times within his own home. The PI we hired was able to come to the conclusion that the police involved were dirty, but not get any hard evidence.

While my uncle was never the easiest person to get along with, he would never threaten someone's life unless his was in danger.

I'm sorry to state all of this, but this has brought up no fond memories for me. While the major difference would be that we are white. I still felt the need to post this.

February 6, 2009 2:41 PM

J said:

It's a sh*t hole where most people think it's still the 1800's. We still have some problems like this in Texas but not nearly as much as Mississippi. I'm white and I can't stand people like this. Everyone is everyone's buddy...probably all related too. Oh, and by the way, they haven't figured out how to mount a camera to a horse.

February 6, 2009 2:46 PM

FPM said:

I used to be a homeless rodeo clown but now I am a world class magician !

February 6, 2009 2:54 PM

Be said:

RIP Billey Joe Johnson, Jr., I pray that the truth will be revealed and the murderer(s) will be brought to justice.

February 6, 2009 2:56 PM

Glenn said:

absolutely disgusting that Mississippi is still such a backwards State, and worse, it's not the only one...many parts of the U.S.A. have a long way to go when it comes to racism..

February 6, 2009 3:08 PM

Captain Obvious said:

I bet he had a dash cam, and that it was conveniently not working

February 6, 2009 3:15 PM

FapFap said:

Let's drop that cop in the middle of the hood and see if he can bop his way back to Coney

February 6, 2009 3:20 PM

Dave said:

My only question is what is the  police officer's excuse for not noticing a shotgun inside a car? Lets propose the cop IS a racist backwards bigot. In that situation, he'd be extra cautious, take a real good look around that car visually from the outside with his flashlight, and possibly remove and search the person or vehicle (probable cause isn't hard to invent). So this football player owns a shotgun so long its impossible to shoot himself with it, but its capable of being concealed within reach inside a vehicle? This allegedly racist, bigoted officer wouldn't knowingly leave a shotgun within reach. I don't know what that all means, just an observation.

February 6, 2009 3:34 PM

NoDonut4U said:

The police in this nation have become little more than government sanctioned gangs. They days of the good old neighborhood flat foot are long gone. Cops today have an US against THEM mentality (THEM being anyone not a cop). Most are either the bully's from high school or the ones they picked on seeking revenge.

February 6, 2009 3:36 PM

Jacob from Mississippi said:

The irony is that more whites suffer from racism than blacks, nowadays in Mississippi. In Jackson, the police force is very corrupt, white and black.

If you are black in a white neighborhood, yeah you may get a little police harrassin, but if you are white in a black neaighborhood you will be lucky to leave with your life, let alone your wallet and sneakers.

February 6, 2009 3:40 PM

Jeton said:

if this article's claims are correct, the young man was murdered and his killer MUST be executed by the State. no less a deterrant will do, murderers this foul deserve full Oblivion.

Government failure to *independently and competently* investigate this fairly obvious murder would be a clear signal that Law and Government deserve no respect at all.

In a time of accelerating widespread economic chaos, that is a horrific and horrifically stupid message to send.

February 6, 2009 3:47 PM

David said:

Wow.  And y'all think Mississippi is loaded with bigots.  The hypocrisy is so bad in the comments section I can smell it.  

Obviously, the reported conclusion is questionable.  Obviously, there are a number of things that need explaining.  Has there been a grand jury investigation into the matter?  There simply isn't enough information here for to jump to conclusions and label millions of people.

Conversely,  none of you critics have the right to stereotype Mississippi unless you've lived there long enough to be a Mississippian.  I've lived all over the USA throughout my life, and I settled in Alabama, just a few miles from Mississippi.  And I'll live here 'til I die, because you're not going to find an overall nicer place to live.  

We have our problems, and I personally understand and despise some of the cultures here, but there's trash and stupdity everywhere.  There just seems to be a whole lot less of it here than in California, New York, Florida, Virginia, Indiana, etc.  

February 6, 2009 3:59 PM

waldo said:

It's because the freaking news media only cares when a rich white girl is abducted. Look at all the major stories like that. Rich, suburban white girls, occasionally boys. Yet blacks are killed at a <a href="">MUCH HIGHER</a> proportion, and even more often by officers or other people.

It's just ridiculous the amount of racism in this country still. The south should be torched, again.

February 6, 2009 4:02 PM

Who Cares? said:

Obviously there's more to this story that we will never know. Oh well.

February 6, 2009 4:02 PM

Sully said:

@ David

I am a hispanic young man living in San Diego CA and the only people out here who are still really steadfast about their racism happen to be white.  Go out to lunch and you can often find tables of mixed minorities eating together while one table over you have nothing but bro white guys talking crap.

February 6, 2009 4:30 PM

tribat said:

I am a 40 year old white man who lives in the town where this took place. There's no doubt Mississippi has a bad reputation in race relations left over from decades past, but times really have changed. Mixed race couples are relatively common and don't attract any special attention that I've ever seen. Obviously some old timers are bent out of shape about it, but it's not like the Klan is holding meetings. This particular town apparently escaped all of the real racial strife during the Civil Rights struggles; the schools integrated peacefully and, unlike many other southern counties, no private whites-only schools popped up.

I watched Billey Joe play football from the time he was a freshman, and he was in inspiration. I'm sure he wasn't a saint, but I heard almost exclusively positive remarks about his character and how well liked he was in general.

Yes, there are questions that need answering in this case, but many of the "facts" in the story above are just wild speculation and rumor. The sheriff shut the scene down when this happened and immediately called in the state investigators. I don't believe there is an attempt at a cover-up, and if there is, it seems impossible to imagine that a killing could be carried out just outside of town just before daylight and successfully covered up.

For the sake of the residents of George County and Lucedale, Mississippi I hope and pray that this does not turn out to be a shady deal and that it can be clearly and convincingly proven that it was an accident, tragic as it may be. On the other hand, if it was murder, I believe I would be in accord with the vast majority of the local residents (who are mostly white) in demanding justice.

February 6, 2009 4:42 PM

rick bell said:

Moral of the story: If you dont want to get shot...dont date against the fathers will.

February 6, 2009 4:46 PM

Sean King said:

How many black men murder white people a day? TONS. So shut the fuck up.

February 6, 2009 6:09 PM

Sean King said:

To that other hispanic idiot who says "Only whites are racist in CA..." BULLSHIT! The real reason mixed races eat togather, is they share a common bigotry. WHITE PEOPLE.....I tell you, its ok to make fun of white people, tell jokes....harass them, but if they say something back........RACIST!!!!!!! Get over yourselves AND your hatred. The reason Main stream media hasn't picked up on they are too busy reporting the massive amounts of black on white crime. so once more......Get over it.

February 6, 2009 6:12 PM

Johnston said:

The kid was a football player - I'm sure his arms were long enough to reach a trigger on a shotgun and to suggest they weren't is a lie.

February 6, 2009 6:35 PM

FapFap said:

Hey Sean King, you sound like one of those internet tough guys who are gayer than Richard Simmons.

February 6, 2009 6:38 PM

BE said:

Here is a more thorough report:

I'm flabbergasted that Billey's father has the vehicle and it is not being tested for forensics and trajectories!

February 6, 2009 6:53 PM

mark said:

This story does not provide all parts of the report.

Cop said he was in the car not walking back.

Yahoo new ran an article about this yesterday or Wednesday.

February 6, 2009 7:07 PM

Mark said:

February 6, 2009 7:10 PM

JoeOvercoat said:

Yes, it is possible to shoot yourself with a shotgun - the assertion is that the wounds were not consistent with that act.  And come on, people do kill themselves when stopped by the cops, but with the backgound to this story, certainly one has to wonder...and no one should be surprised if the dash cam video never comes out - if it showed the shotgun blast then it should have been out by now, or very soon, yes?

February 6, 2009 9:18 PM

Lee451 said:

Of course the south is backward this way! If a black gets shot anywhere else in the US you can be damned sure another black did it!

February 6, 2009 9:18 PM

Maxwell Morgan said:


February 6, 2009 11:57 PM

Michael said:

I'm tired of Mississippi getting a bad rap!   This happened in my county.  This was a sheriff's car.  They don't have enough money let alone citizens to support car cams.   I'm white and this sheriffs deputy has stopped me at least 4 times in 6 years(tag expired, headlight out, taillight out, one time for no apparent reason - he didn't give me one).   They really don't have that much to do!   My wife's aunt who happens to be white has been followed by the same sheriff department for a couple of miles at 3:30 in the morning going to work and was stopped.   Yes, people in Mississippi go to work at 3:30 in the morning.  It's called shipyard work!  By the way, this high school standout was as dumb as a box of rocks.  The local gossip is she broke it off with him and he could handle it.  Case closed!  MOVE ON!  I have a brother-in-law who is black with a PH.D and a sister-in-law that is a doctor.  

February 7, 2009 1:29 AM

kenny said:

i read this story and i see a sad sad tale about people covering up corruption and racism in this country... really 2 shots with a shot-gun.. wow if your gonna put a bullet inyour brain I'd think you would get ir right the 1st time ...sad sad time america

February 7, 2009 8:23 AM

Frantz said:

Hey Sean King, you are a moron. You gotta love people who summon statistics they cannot back up. Oh yes, I remember reading about the TONS of crime now, on Rush Limbaugh's website of scientific truth.

As for you Angry Black Guy, news of no national importance get reported nationally every day. The fishiness of this should be reason enough to hear about it. Remember the Holloway girl? How nationally relevant was that? Or was that part of the dream?

February 7, 2009 10:06 AM

American Veteran said:

I'm an older white guy who lives in north central Wisconsin.

It's mostly a white place.

I hunt.

I like my guns.

I'm originally from Chicago.

I've done a hell of a lot of "been there/done that".

I'd like to see anytime that someone shoots theirselves with a 12ga and, the shotgun is lying on their body.

If you're not a gunny, it wll KNOCK YOU ON YOUR ASS!!

I say this young man was murdered by that cop and the girl's father was probably in on it or at least PAID for it to go down.

As I said, I'm a white guy.

I'm 70, own a business, a house and even golf and/or fish with a couple of cops.

I am the kind of person they like to label as a cop hater as they ALWAYS do with anyone who objects to their behavior.

Honest people, do NOT let this issue die.

Billey Joe was MURDERED!!

"Protect and serve" indeed!!

February 7, 2009 11:34 AM

Rick said:

I live in Mobile, AL.  This has been big news around this region.  This article leaves out a lot that has been reported.  The cop car was not equipped with a dash camera.  Those of you who are mocking a poor hard working county for not being able to afford one are pathetic and need to check your liberal credentials.  The idea that any state in the South-where the majority of blacks live- doesn't have plenty of blacks in positions of power in the state entities that investigate these types of crimes is simply ignorant.  Most of you have developed your impressions of the South watching movies like "Mississippi Burning" and the like.  While the South certainly has much to be ashamed of for it's part in slavery and its treatment of it's black citizens, I've lived around the country and the worst racist talk and actions I've ever witnessed were in Seattle, Pittsburgh and Columbus, Ohio.  You need to take a long hard look at yourselves and ask "Why do I harbor this deep hate for the South?"  Is it to make me feel better about my pathetic self?  BTW its Feb 7 and the temp outside reached 70 today-so who's the idiot for choosing to live in 3 feet of snow?

February 8, 2009 3:14 AM

Rick said:

I live in Mobile, AL.  This has been big news around this region.  This article leaves out a lot that has been reported.  The cop car was not equipped with a dash camera.  Those of you who are mocking a poor hard working county for not being able to afford one are pathetic and need to check your liberal credentials.  The idea that any state in the South-where the majority of blacks live- doesn't have plenty of blacks in positions of power in the state entities that investigate these types of crimes is simply ignorant.  Most of you have developed your impressions of the South watching movies like "Mississippi Burning" and the like.  While the South certainly has much to be ashamed of for it's part in slavery and its treatment of it's black citizens, I've lived around the country and the worst racist talk and actions I've ever witnessed were in Seattle, Pittsburgh and Columbus, Ohio.  You need to take a long hard look at yourselves and ask "Why do I harbor this deep hate for the South?"  Is it to make me feel better about my pathetic self?  BTW its Feb 7 and the temp outside reached 70 today-so who's the idiot for choosing to live in 3 feet of snow?

February 8, 2009 3:14 AM

Debi said:

This is the biggest crock of bull I've seen on this story so far!  You have COMPLETELY misrepresented and downright lied about what happened!!!

There are so many untruths in your story, I can't even take the time this morning to detail them all.

Grand Jury is on February 12th.  Maybe THEN all of you who are screaming, "MURDER", "COVERUP", "HATE CRIME", and all the other hateful things you've slung at our town will get the "truth" that you say you want.  I have my doubts, though, that when it does get presented, you probably won't believe that, either!

February 8, 2009 7:08 AM

baloneybuster said:

Too bad this guy wasn't an attractive white girl, then everyone would know about it.  Greta would do an expose on it for 30 weeks in a row, harping every angle.

February 11, 2009 11:22 AM

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About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.


about the blogger

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.

Brian Fairbanks is a filmmaker living in the wilds of Brooklyn. He previously wrote for the Hartford Courant and Gawker. He won the Williamsburg Spelling Bee once. He loves cats, women with guns, and burning books.

Colleen Kane has been an editor at BUST and Playgirl magazines and has written for the endangered species of dead-tree magazines like SPIN and Plenty, as well as Radar Online and other websites. She lives in exile in Baton Rouge with her fiance, two dogs, and her former cat. Read her personal blogs at

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