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Miss Informatin: I’m having an affair. How can I force her to leave her husband?

Dear Miss Information,

My wife and I have been married for nineteen years. After her interest in sex declined, we tried swinging.  We both realized that: (1) no matter how buff and young-looking a forty-eight-year-old white guy might be, he's of virtually no interest in the communities in which we participated; (2) black guys are a hot commodity; (3) any hot woman of any age is a hot commodity; and (4) hot white women of any age prefer black men.

My wife got a lot of action. I got none. Certainly, I feel left out but, you know, shit happens. We tried some three-way action (MFM) but my wife didn't like it. My presence diminished the experience for her. This experiment did nothing for our sex life — it didn't get worse, but it didn't get better, either.  In fact, after a lot of intense discussion (including a loud dialogue at two in the morning), we realized: (1) the "newness" of a relationship is what gets her hot and bothered; and (2) I am not new, young, or black. Hence, it is not possible for her to be turned on by me.

My ego has taken a serious bodyslam both because of the community's  lack of desire for me and my wife's lack of interest. My final resolution was to offer her the choice of continued marriage or not, because I couldn't take it any longer. This has nearly destroyed a twenty-year marriage and my forty-eight-year-old ego. How do I recover from this burst bubble? — Imperfect Harmony

Dear Imperfect Harmony,

I'm sorry your first foray into swinging was so negative. Your wife may be hot, but she's not very realistic or tactful. We all wish we could live our lives within the bubble of wanton sexual fantasy, but that's tough in a twenty-year marriage. To reuse a leftover holiday metaphor, there are only so many ways you can unwrap the same present. Your wife wants both the thrill of the mystery package and the security of the old favorite. Unfortunately, neither Santa nor Monty Hall work that way.

I want to challenge your statement about how all hot, white women prefer black men. First of all, it may be true of the scene you're in, but that doesn't mean it applies everywhere. Second, it may not even be about age or race. How's your breath? How's your grooming? How's your small talk?

Your marriage doesn't have to end over this. You have options. You can work the hell out of your existing scene, approaching it with the schmoozy networking of a seasoned sales vet and the data-gathering mindset of a scientist. Sample tasks might include talking to the men and women in your group about who's getting play and who's not. Buddy up to women you're platonic with and see if you can gain any insight on the kinds of guys they find attractive. Buddy up to white guys who are getting laid and get some sex tips.

Changing communities is another approach. If, as you say, all the women are flocking to non-white guys, maybe it's time to go elsewhere. I'm certainly not suggesting a KKK meeting or a Donnie Osmond show, just somewhere new. There are fifty-and-over swinger communities, communities for younger women who dig older men, doms/subs, etc. Keep in mind that your wife doesn't necessarily have to come along. She can fuck her studs, you can fuck your friends, then you both can share a biscotti. (No, that's not some sick sexual metaphor. I've just been eating a lot of it lately).

If your wife balks, too bad. She can't craft a new sex life and leave you sitting on the sidelines. Yes, you both agreed to take on this new hobby, but just because she's better at jogging doesn't mean she gets to sprint ahead and leave her partner wheezing and coughing a mile back. Marriage is a partnership. Open marriages are partnerships on steroids. Good luck, and let us know what happens.

Kinky readers, has lopsided swinging ever affected your relationship? If so, what did you do about it?

Dear Miss Information,

I've been having an affair with a married woman for nearly nine months now. She's depressed, unhappy, and feels that the marriage has lost its passion. You know the drill. We broke up last week because the guilt finally got to her. I want her back and also want to look out for her. I don't think she'll be happy with him. Ever. I met him in passing and he seemed like her anti-soul mate, if there is such a word. I'm wondering if I should tell her this flat-out. Doesn't it pay sometimes to be a bit of an asshole? I feel like I've been too accepting and too accommodating. I'm not planning on giving away her secret or messing with her life, but I'm wondering if this might shake her into action and make her finally come around. — Do Assholes Finish First?

Dear Do Assholes Finish First,

No. And you're kind of already an asshole for sleeping with a married person.

You can tell her what you think of the guy, but I doubt you're her go-to source for an unbiased opinion. ("What, you mean the guy I'm seeing on the side thinks my husband's a dick? Next thing you know MasterCard's going to tell me that American Express is out to rail me on interest payments!")

Why are you so interested in looking out for someone who's clearly not doing the same? There was no need to draw you into this love-triangle bullshit. She could have found ways to make her married sex life better or bought a robot army's worth of vibrators and masturbated.

You're feeling angry, and I understand that. However, acting like an asshole is just another form of being Mr. Accommodating: it's showing her that you feel hurt and out-of-control and can't take another day without her. As my mom and the guy at that illegal poker parlor out in Flushing would say, "You're giving her the upper hand."

She needs to show you that she's serious about ending her marriage. And for that to happen in any sort of meaningful way, you shouldn't be doing anything to accelerate it. Give her time. Let it rest. In the meantime, look around for someone else to date a lady who's available this time, please and thank you.

Readers, do you believe assholes finish first? Did you ever pull the classic "make a stand" with someone and have the cards fall your way?

Comments ( 18 )

Miss Information, your "information" for the person bordering on divorce is as appropriate as you correcting Roger Penrose's description of entropy near the surface of black hole. You do realize you're addressing someone who has been married for 19 years. "I'm sorry your first foray into swinging was so negative"?

As for case #2, I'm not sure who is the asshole. The wife or the dude posing the question. Enjoy merry-go-round that is the soon-to-be-divorced woman. Everyone will get fucked. Literally and figuratively.

Bob commented on Jan 11 10 at 5:19 am

It's not letting me post my comment here, so now I'm trying to post a link to my comment.

Bart commented on Jan 11 10 at 8:17 am

I'm not sure what the first writer needed was advice about how to get his swinging in high gear. What he needed was advice about how to get his marriage working again. Perhaps a sex therapist, marriage counseling or a couple's retreat would have been more apropos.

B commented on Jan 11 10 at 8:40 am

Regards Assholes, passion is a very powerful addiction. I was in a similar relationship many years ago. She pushed me to leave and I then I pushed her to leave. I left. She stayed and also had a baby that I had to witness since we worked in the same building. I moved on. She had another affair. She called me for a drink and advice. The other asshole tracked us down and stood there looking desperately the same as I had a couple of years earlier. Sick and sad. She stayed again. Then divorced later, probably for a third asshole. In summary, we all got what we deserved. We were assholes.

Ken commented on Jan 11 10 at 11:49 am

The few times I've tried swinging I ended up disappointed, as my wife got a lot more attention than I did. It was that way for any of the guys who didn't have "fantasy"-type builds. A guy swinger needs to be a stud in all senses of the word, while even an average looking woman will never feel left out for very long. Since so much depends on strangers being attracted to you, we were unable to find any real solution for this. I matured and got over my disappointment, and we don't swing very often anymore. I'd be open to it again, but it'd have to be with a couple we were both attracted to that was attracted to both of us. I won't be holding my breath.

Nate commented on Jan 11 10 at 12:09 pm

is it wrong that what i took away from this was, "mmm...biscotti..."?

Hal commented on Jan 11 10 at 12:13 pm

As a fortysomething white male it is good to know that if my long-time partner wants nothing to do with me sexually and we attempt to fix that problem by having relatively equal amounts of anonymous sex with like-minded strangers, I am really going to have to get in shape and work on my game. Thanks!

Matt commented on Jan 11 10 at 1:20 pm

[[You do realize you’re addressing someone who has been married for 19 years. “I’m sorry your first foray into swinging was so negative”?]]

Isn't it possible that this is the first time the couple has tried swinging? I don't get what's so wrong about that statement.

Flynn commented on Jan 11 10 at 1:46 pm

@Matt: LOL, I enjoyed your wit. It's interesting that when men write in with these sorts of problems, the advice always seems to revolve around self-improvement and "fixing" one's flaws, whereas when women write in it's all about the logistics of escaping bad situations and/or affirmations about finding someone who'll give you the love you deserve. So, gender roles are alive and well in the advice column business: men get credited with more agency, but also get told that they have to improve themselves in order to be loved. And so it goes.

@Matt commented on Jan 11 10 at 4:57 pm

The maybe-swinger might have other problems besides breath, grooming, and small talk. He may be overweight and not too handy.

lee commented on Jan 11 10 at 5:18 pm

Re: being an "asshole" - if you care enough about this person to apply the "tough love" tactic, then sure, take a stand - but then don't be the enabler. If having an affair is the way that she copes with the limitations of her marriage, force her to face her coping strategy. You may not get laid as much (in the short term anyway), but if you care about her, it may help her move forward.

ri commented on Jan 12 10 at 12:18 am

case #1: for fucks sake, get a divorce. this woman has managed to convince you that you are not fuckable because you are white? RUN!

ixv commented on Jan 12 10 at 2:31 am

case #1: If she doesn't want to do you, find someone who does even if you have to pay them.
case #2: If you date married people you suffer the consequences. Grow up.

fiascochips commented on Jan 12 10 at 1:44 pm

Interesting reading case #1, since I find myself in a similar situation - i.e. my wife would like to fuck outside of our relationship because and we had been considering swinging. Having read this, I don't think I'm so interested.

Fortunately for me (for now) we seem to be able to come up with enough variety between ourselves that it hasn't become a marriage-wrecking issue.

judge commented on Jan 12 10 at 4:21 pm

I'm surprised and disappointed to hear that some people have such negative experiences with swinging. In my experience, a guy certainly doesn't have to be a stud (lord knows I'm not)though he does have to have at least some social skills

If you don't like the idea of your partner getting action and you getting none, it helps (especially for beginners) to make it clear that you are a package deal (most couples operate this way) sometimes makes it a bit trickier to find couples you both like, but at least this way all parties end up satisfied. Hunting together for new couples to play with is also an excellent bonding experience.

james commented on Jan 13 10 at 7:59 am

Hey I'll do the buff young looking 48 Year Old with a crushed ego anyday!

Heather commented on Jan 13 10 at 9:03 pm

To Imperfect Harmony: Holy hell, your wife sounds like a tactless royal bitch (& therefore a loser). Get a divorce, I bet you'll find plenty of single women in your age range that are looking for a man.

Jay commented on Jan 14 10 at 4:25 am

Matt & @Matt - dude, she said "If your wife balks, too bad. She can’t craft a new sex life and leave you sitting on the sidelines. Yes, you both agreed to take on this new hobby, but just because she’s better at jogging doesn’t mean she gets to sprint ahead and leave her partner wheezing and coughing a mile back." WTF? how is that blaming the male?

TT commented on Jan 14 10 at 5:55 pm

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