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Sex Advice from Sex Shop Employees - MarkMark, 29

What’s the best reason to date someone who works in a sex store?
You'll be dating someone who’s very open-minded. When people come into the store, it’s important that they know they won’t be judged for their questions, lifestyle and preferences. Granted, not everything is for everyone, but at least your sex-shop partner will be open to the conversation. Of course, having a plethora of sexual knowledge at your disposal doesn’t hurt either.

Is it wrong to date someone who works in a sex store for the discounts?
Any dating situation where one person is dating another, primarily, for superficial or monetary gain, is a tad unhealthy. I wouldn’t date a farmer to get a better deal on steaks; I’d date them for the rolls in the hay.

I masturbate with a vibrator at least twice a day. Can a woman lose all the sensation in her clitoris from excessive masturbation?
The dreaded myth of "desensitization!" I am glad to announce that continual stimulation to your clitoris, from a vibrator, will not desensitize you. What is common is people getting used to a certain level of vibration. If you masturbate with a very strong toy, like a back massager, it’s harder to orgasm with a weaker vibrator. I recommend continually switching things up. Orgasm with your hand one night, and maybe with a weaker toy, the next.

Is two months too early to fall in love with someone?
People have been talking about "love at first sight" since before pen touched paper. As long as you try to stay clear-headed and objective, I don’t see any harm in it.  I personally don’t think two months is enough time to really know someone, but I can’t really talk. I’ve confessed my love for someone twenty minutes after meeting them. They were wearing a Spider-Man t-shirt; I was justified!

My boyfriend loves when I swallow. I hate it! I know there are foods to sweeten it up, but he doesn’t taste bad. It’s a texture thing. Is there a way to make oral sex more pleasurable for me?
One of my rules, when it comes to sex, is that nobody should have to do something they don’t want to do. I appreciate your willingness to forego your enjoyment for your partner, but it’s really not fair to you. We have all been with people who enjoy things we don’t. There’s really nothing you can do to change the texture of semen. No one should have to dread having sex. It’s sex, not a trip to the dentist. Unless your boyfriend is a dentist, in which case, forget what I said.

Sometimes when I orgasm, I black out for a few seconds. Is this normal?
It’s an overload to the "pleasure center" of your brain. Not to compare sex with drug use, but it’s also common when taking certain recreational drugs. Your brain is overwhelmed and temporarily shuts down. You shouldn’t be too concerned about this. But, I feel it’s important to say that I don’t recommend having an orgasm while driving a car or operating heavy machinery.

Is it true that women should pee after sex to prevent UTIs and other similar types of infections? Should men?
I always recommend peeing before and right after sex. This will help push out any bacteria that has wandered inside of you before and after your sexy time. This will also help prevent bacteria from traveling up your urinary tract and setting up residence in your bladder. Nobody wants a bladder infection. They’re a kick in the pants.

In order to come, my boyfriend “needs” to watch porn while we have sex. Am I doing something wrong in the bedroom?
Do you listen to music when you commute in the morning?  I do.  Ever try not listening to music? It’s weird and feels wrong. The human brain likes patterns. It loves making a solid connection between two things. Despite how it may seem, the brain remembers more then you think it does. If every time your boyfriend orgasms, he is watching porn, then it’s going to be really hard for him to orgasm without it. I don’t believe you’re doing anything wrong, it’s just that his brain has made a connection between these two things and he’s unable to disconnect them.

Is it weird that I’m not turned on unless a girl’s vagina is completely bald?
Is it weird that I am only attracted to redheads or people with tattoos? There is nothing wrong with having preferences or being attracted to certain things.

Comments ( 12 )

These people had really good sex advice. I really appreciated the age range also! Good questions this week!
ArborRain commented on Aug 06 10 at 8:25 am
"Overload of the pleasure center"?!?!? Really? Or maybe it's a drop in blood pressure. Talk to a goddamn doctor, not someone who just has, at best, a theory.
Moops commented on Aug 06 10 at 10:11 am
Mark is hot. So are his answers. I agree - 2 months is definitely not enough time to fall in love with someone. I'd say at least 6. Or at least until you two have a huge fight.
MissHayden commented on Aug 06 10 at 11:23 am
This all seems very sound, particularly Mark's.
ML commented on Aug 06 10 at 2:32 pm
Nice Fat Girl Angle Shot, hon.
Dude commented on Aug 07 10 at 10:14 am
Why is Andy in a doctor's office? (Maybe NJMS has gotten really kinky since I left.)
just curious... commented on Aug 08 10 at 10:24 am
Nice anonymous asshole comment, Dude.
Kiki commented on Aug 09 10 at 4:14 pm
Great questions and awesome answers! Coyote's answers were informative while still being fun! What a great combo. Andy and Mark were great too. Good Vibrations for the win!
Dante commented on Aug 09 10 at 4:38 pm
Yeah, it's usually a blood pressure issue. But, certain states of euphoria do cause black outs. I say both answers are legit.
Frank commented on Aug 09 10 at 5:17 pm
These are great! I like that they're good advice, short and to the point, and entertaining too. Also, what hotties!
J commented on Aug 09 10 at 5:23 pm
Oh, and Coyote THANK you for the clarification about "Bald Vaginas"... lol!
J commented on Aug 09 10 at 5:25 pm
Probably the best of this series. These are people who have answered these questions before and it shows. No, they're not doctors, but brief blackout is not that weird in my experience. Hippo like noises are weird, but still a compliment.
Daniel commented on Aug 12 10 at 1:42 pm

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