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24 Things Guys Do That Keep Them From Getting Laid


#21: see above tan.

Megan, who is guest blogging on Jezebel these days, has been stirring up the comment section's hornet nest over there, starting with her post "Men and Sex: A Guy's Guide to Getting It On." The list is almost totally spot-on... although we always have to wonder where girls find these guys... and why there weren't red flags before the guys made these glaring faux pas...

  1. Don't pre-emptively tell me you have a small penis.
  2. Don't drop the n-bomb during a discussion on the walk back to your place.
  3. Don't ever say to me, "Your breasts don't look like the ones in my magazines."
  4. Don't call it "my junk" or any pet names when asking me to touch it.
  5. In fact, don't ask me to touch it. I know you want me to touch it. I will do so when and if I want to. If we are in a public place, I don't want to.
  6. Don't text me on a Tuesday night after midnight "I could totally eat ur puss now if u r interwssetted." I'm not.
  7. Don't lick my face. I get flashbacks from Silence of the Lambs.
  8. If we are friends on a social networking site, I strongly recommend not joining groups that I can see that identify you as someone looking for anonymous NSA hook-ups. There aren't thick enough condoms in the world for me to dip my toe into that pool.
  9. Don't tell me you and your wife have "an arrangement." Unless you can provide a signed, notarized affidavit to that effect, I don't believe you and if you can, see the previous answer.
  10. Don't ask me if my friend might be interested in a threesome.
  11. I don't care if you and your friend are interested in a threesome.
  12. Telling me how hard you are going to fuck me is only hot when we are a) naked and b) on the verge of fucking. In a well-lit bar in front of 10 of our colleagues at a work event, it's presumptuous and gross.
  13. Don't keep offering to buy me more alcohol to work the odds when I've indicated a desire to leave. The odds are that I will drink your damn alcohol and still not want to have sex with you.
  14. Don't try to guilt me into something. You are not my mother, and you don't have her skills.
  15. Don't offer to Saran Wrap my genitals to eat me out because you are scared of disease. You should be. You probably have one, but we both know it's not from eating a lot of pussy.
  16. Don't ask if it's okay to fuck me up the ass because you don't have condoms and are "scared" of getting me pregnant.
  17. Don't hit on my friend(s) first. Yeah, I saw that.
  18. Don't "neg" me. That works on insecure little 20-somethings that think they have something to prove. Me it just annoys and you are not remotely hot/smart/rich/powerful enough to intimidate me into thinking I want you to have sex with me.
  19. Don't use a stupid euphemism for fucking. If The Bloodhound Gang used it in a song, it should not be called that if you're trying to actually get laid.
  20. Never, ever utter the word or attempt to motorboat.

The post caused an immediate sensation that even woke up the cultural latecomers at the New York Times. Yesterday, Megan posted a followup that defended her choices:

It also inspired a response from The Times' Sathnam Sanghera, who said that "modern man is an impossible position when it comes to seduction." Um, actually, that's sort of the point. Seduction, is after all, by definition the act of convincing a woman to do something she doesn't want to do.

We thought, in a show of solidary with Megan and to add a voice to the communication meltdown that's threatening our very civilization, that we should round it out at a solid two dozen...

21. See above tan. If you look like that, go back to Square One and regroup.

22. Quit while you're ahead. If she's going for you, take it easy, settle in and enjoy the evening. Don't over do it.

23. Don't discuss the bill for more than two seconds. As Megan puts it, some people want to pay, some want to be paid for. With that in mind, feel her out on the check, then accept whatever vibe she's giving off.

24. Avoid creating controversy just to keep things interesting. Bringing up politics for the sake of keeping the conversation going ties back to 22.

Via Jezebel.



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Comments ( 4 )

Oct 01 08 at 2:26 pm

I'd like to add #25. This happens to me all the time and I could not for the life of me tell you why.

25. Do NOT attempt to describe my character to me. The words "you're the kind of person who __" result in my legs clamping shut. You don't know me - let's get to know each other rather than you 'teaching' me something about myself that I either already know or is wrong. Compliments allowed.

It sounds nuts but it's happened so many times.

Oct 01 08 at 3:28 pm

I don't get it: wouldn't it be easier to completely avoid these jackasses, instead of stating such obvious points? Smart guys will only laugh at this shit, because it's nothing but common sense; the jerks who are oblivious to these facts will most likely not notice how stupid they are. Plus, the original article is inaptly titled. It's supposed to be a guide to not getting it on, and yet it's a list of tips that would probably increase your chance of getting laid.

Oct 01 08 at 9:45 pm

Even though you may not be remotely callous enough to do any of the above, she'll still blow you off for a better looking guy and the younger she is, the more likely she'll do just that.

Oct 03 08 at 8:08 am

I am afraid you have it wrong. Seduction isn

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