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Gordon Ramsay To His 10 Year Old Daughter: "Eat Your Veggies And Grow Big Tits"

Apparently, Gordon Ramsay is just as much of an assface outside of Hell's Kitchen, including in his own... kitchen, that is, when his ten-year-old daughter is present.

The foul-mouthed TV star says his 10-year-old daughter, Megan, was a fussy eater - but she eagerly eats vegetables because she thinks they will enhance her chest.

He says, "I say to Meg, 'You've got to eat your lettuce, otherwise your boobies aren't going to grow.'

"It works - she's eating whole heads of lettuce, saying, 'Dad, look!' " 

The man is a menace to children everywhere, and especially his own. Watch as he tries to pass off his son's mimicking of his constant use of the "fuck" word on some poor, innocent sixteen-year-olds.

When he started asking his father what various x-rated words mean, Ramsey told the British magazine Radio Times, he became concerned.

"I had to sit him down and found out that this was coming from the 16-year-olds on the bus who'd decided to teach Jack Ramsay a different swear word every day," Ramsay said.

 Via the New York Post/IMDB.

Comment ( 1 )

This story is a lot funnier if I decide his daughter is that lamb.

Anonymous commented on Jun 02 08 at 3:55 pm

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