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"Hey there sex E girl" Text Message Haikus for Sarah Hepola


We told you a while back about former Scanner bad girl and fine-ass lady we'd love to put a baby in Sarah Hepola's article on the artless art of the booty text (or Sext Message, as we call it).

All you skanky cell-phone carrying kids out there know, there's an aesthetic to the sext. A potential love buddy can win or lose your heart (or at least a drunken night in your bed) with a single emoticon. And the Hep is right, like it or not, the rules of grammar, like the rules of propriety, do not apply. Some of the best text messages we've ever gotten involved the words "Grrrrrrrrr!" and "Luvs."

Turns out that wooing (or just whoring) via text message is so entrenched in our love lives that Michael Gluckstadt at Gelflog decided to elevate the art by composing text message verse--sonnets and haikus, more specifically. Our favorite?

Hey there sex E girl
Ur lookin so nice tonight
I h8 not to bone.

h8 2 let them hav all the fun?? Leave your best booty text haikus in the comments.

[via The Morning News] 


Comments ( 4 )

i love a good haiku challenge/

hand is n my pants
thinking about ur fine azz
hot 4 U 2nite

Anonymous commented on Jun 25 08 at 12:44 pm

say baby how bout
you an me get together
when no one's lookin?

scannerbryan commented on Jun 25 08 at 4:53 pm

r u with ur friends?
i can come over 2nite
if u r alone.

Anonymous commented on Jun 25 08 at 5:56 pm

thinking about u.
if u want 2 c me now
u can sext me, k?

Anonymous commented on Jun 25 08 at 5:58 pm

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