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Scanner Highs And Lows: Let's Protest Anyone Who Protests Packages & Boobs


We figure, what with all the topless women running around the site this week, we're going to offset it with some ridiculous Speedo action... and the following stories...


Scanner Nicole has figured out how to trap men. Luckily, this post didn't say anything about marriage... 

A nationwide rally reminds us women are allowed to go bare-breasted in public in this country. As one reader put it, who besides Fred Phelps is dumb enough to disallow this behavior?

More naked Olympian dudes, please. And any excuse to show Daniel Radcliffe in the buff is fine by us.

We have no problem saying a repeat pervert harassing women at work deserves some pain-- unless he wants it, of course. 

Michael Phelps, you may be awesome and you may be entitled to any mermaid you want, but stay away from the redhead who's in "The Little Mermaid" Broadway show, okay? We called dibs months ago.

And we celebrated the opening of the Erotic Heritage Museum, where this blog will hopefully end up someday... 


This guy wants women to go topless... in his office. By the way: he's a married father of two and the women who wants to go topless are the teenage interns at his job as a New York State Assemblyman. 

Googlers in Kentucky and Virginia are very interested in sex, but not the pretty kind, we don't think... 

Floridians, meanwhile, are too concerned that a bigoted asshole gets away with his crimes to be Googling "lesbian sex."

We kinda wish these mean ol' debate coaches had overseen the lives of those "Spellbound" kids-- now that would be a movie! 

This could also be a high point in our week-- the story of a couple that got tasered and jailed and their wedding night, then repeated the joyous experience the following evening. 

Comment ( 1 )

You guys know that photo of Radcliffe is doctored, right?

Anonymous commented on Aug 25 08 at 9:03 am

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