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Watch Gossip Girl On The Can With's iPhone App

In an attempt to be the "cool uncle" that you smoke pot with, has launched an iPhone application. This isn't the first attempt by Hollywood to be hip and cool. The Sci-Fi Channel released a Battlestar Galactica Cylon Detector--we're not skin jobs, we swear!

This move by, however, is a big one because you can actually stream full episodes of old favorites like CSI, MacGyver, Beverly Hills 90210, and Star Trek. The app has a variety of channels, from CNET and Entertainment Tonight. There are even clips from current shows like Gossip Girl and How I Met Your Mother. We can finally face DMV lines without wanting to shoot ourselves.

There is speculation that this app could compete with the iTunes store, which sells episodes for $1.99. Feh! As if we pity Apple's recession-proof pocket book. We want us some MacGyver for free. It's refreshing to see the network recognize that they can't compete with torrents. If you can't beat 'em, eh? As far as the competition goes...

There is currently a similar application available for the iPhone and iPod Touch from competing video site Joost. Hulu, the NBC-Universal/News Corp. joint venture video site, does not have a dedicated application, although its CEO Jason Kilar has hinted that one may be in the works at last year's NAB Show. (


Watching TV Without A TV

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