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Who Should Play Wonder Woman? Because the Answer Is Not Christina Milian

When we were little Scanner bloggers, we wore Wonder Woman underoos. It was maybe the coolest thing ever. It was, at the very least, in the top three, along with the EZ Bake Oven and the Snoopy Sno-Cone machine. We would stick in a shiv in your grandmother to get us some Wonder Woman underoos. We could also look online. But you know what? We don't like your grandma.

So all of this is by way of telling you that while you are sipping your morning coffee (needs sugar), there are a bunch of starlets clawing out each other's color contacts in order to play Wonder Woman. We heard Jessica Biel is going to star in the WW movie. We heard this right after Scanner Nicole pissed herself. And now, something named Christina Milian wants the role in the movie version of Justice League of America. Ah, yes. Christina Milian. We recognize her from

Comments ( 7 )

Jennifer Connelly.

Anonymous commented on Oct 17 07 at 2:49 pm

Michelle Ryan

lawstonfound commented on Oct 17 07 at 5:23 pm

Sorry, I found two more reasons for Ms. Ryan

lawstonfound commented on Oct 17 07 at 5:26 pm

Pick me! I can do the spin really well!

Well, no. I admit, I'm lying. But damn, if I wasn't fabulous as a kid wearing my plastic Wonder Woman costume. Lynda Carter was the best, impossible to replace.

Anonymous commented on Oct 18 07 at 3:53 am

Terri Hatcher

Anonymous commented on Oct 18 07 at 2:18 pm

emily deschanel.

sloppy_schtick commented on Oct 18 07 at 2:59 pm

Janeane Garofalo or Lauren Graham

Tom_Rakewell commented on Oct 19 07 at 1:27 pm

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